
We’ve Survived 2021! Here’s the Most-Read NewsBusters Blogs From 2021

December 30th, 2021 5:07 PM

Continuing what’s become a staple of our year-end packages, NewsBusters used our Google Analytics to compile our ten most-read stories from 2021, which saw four writers from our News Analysis Division seeing stories crack the top ten along with one from MRC Culture and two from MRC’s Free Speech America.


WORST OF 2021: The Damn Those Conservatives Award

December 22nd, 2021 10:58 AM

Today we present the WORST OF 2021: The Damn Those Conservatives Award. 


UNREAL! Journos Blame Biden’s Problems On Trump

December 18th, 2021 10:15 AM

These journalists REALLY need to get out of their New York-DC bubbles. In just the past couple of weeks they’ve asserted that Joe Biden is getting “worse” press coverage than Donald Trump, that Biden’s low approval ratings are somehow Trump’s fault and a GOP takeover of Congress would “imperil democracy.” The following are the most zany media observations and outbursts from the month of…

Lyin’ Brian Williams Does It Again: Fabricates Story About Newsmax

December 11th, 2021 3:25 PM

Amazing. MSNBC’s Brian Williams departed his show, The 11th Hour, Thursday night for the last time, as noted here by NewsBusters own Curtis Houck. But earlier in the week, he was at the business of smearing the solidly conservative Newsmax Magazine with a blatant untruth.

NewsBusters Podcast: The Brian Williams-Smollett Fake-News Farewell

December 10th, 2021 8:19 PM

Thursday marked a harmonic convergence as we wave farewell to the careers of Brian Williams and Jussie Smollett, two fabulists who counted on the Left to promote their misinformation.

Column: Just Go Away, Brian Williams

December 10th, 2021 6:28 AM

Brian Williams, dismissed as NBC Nightly News anchor in 2015 for serial embellishment and lying, signed off from his MSNBC show The 11th Hour. CNN’s Brian Stelter previewed the last show: "There's no word on what the Thursday finale will entail, but here's hoping for a sendoff befitting his position." Williams should be sent off with a lump of coal.


Brian Williams Signs Off MSNBC With NASTY Goodbye, ABSURD Tributes

December 10th, 2021 3:08 AM

Brian Williams signed off late Thursday night for the final time after 28 years between MSNBC and NBC, claiming on The 11th Hour that he’s “not a liberal or a conservative,” but “an institutionalist” fearful of “the darkness...has spread” across America while equating Trump supporters to arsonists and murderers that frighten him as “an aging volunteer fireman.”


11th Hour at Midnight: Here’s the Worst of Lyin' Brian at MSNBC

December 9th, 2021 9:18 PM

On Thursday night, it was curtains for Brian Williams’s 28-year career at NBC and sister network MSNBC. Incredibly, the serial liar remained employed for six years at MSNBC following the revelation that he had embellished and fabricated stories during his time at the Peacock network. With that, NewsBusters decided to take a look back with Williams's 20 worst moments at MSNBC after his scandal…


Williams Mocks Manchin: Not a Regular Guy (Brian Is Worth $50 Million)

December 8th, 2021 2:35 PM

Brian Williams’s time at MSNBC is finally coming to an end. In a few days, the disgraced former Nightly News anchor is leaving the cable network that propped him up after losing his previous job over telling multiple lies. But Williams isn’t going out quietly. The anchor on Wednesday night ranted about the most pressing problem for liberals: Joe Manchin. 


Brian Williams: Dems Lack 'Guts' to 'Pack or Alter' SCOTUS

December 4th, 2021 6:42 PM

Despite all the talk on MSNBC about norms and institutions, Brian Williams used Friday's edition of The 11th Hour to criticize Democrats for talking tough, but not having the "guts" to "pack or alter" the Supreme Court in light on the Court hearing oral arguments on Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization earlier in the week.


Brian Williams Accuses GOP of 'Disgusting Smear' of Max Cleland

November 11th, 2021 12:07 PM

On Tuesday's The 11th Hour show, MSNBC Brian Williams began his last few weeks hosting the show by spreading more misinformation as he accused Republicans of running a "disgusting smear campaign" against veteran and then-Democratic Senator Max Cleland when he ran for reelection in 2002.


Bye-Bye Lying Brian! The Worst of the Outgoing MSNBC Anchor’s Career

November 10th, 2021 2:00 PM

The following is look back through the Worst of Brian Williams via the MRC’s archives. On Tuesday, MSNBC The 11th Hour anchor announced he was not renewing his contract with the network at the end of the year as he stated: “This is the end of a chapter and the beginning of another.” What Williams didn’t say was how this latest chapter began.


Lyin’ Brian Williams Announces Retirement, NBC Hails Him as ‘Legend’

November 10th, 2021 12:03 PM

On MSNBC’s The 11th Hour Tuesday night, left-wing host Brian Williams announced that he would not be renewing his contract with the network and would be leaving in December.  On Wednesday morning, the Today show hailed the disgraced former Nightly News anchor as a “legend” and skipped any mention of him being fired from his previous job due to dishonesty.


You Mean There Were More? Behold, the Worst Overnight MSNBC Hissy Fits

November 3rd, 2021 6:46 PM

Just when you think we had covered all of the MSNBC meltdowns from Tuesday night over the results of the Virginia gubernatorial election and down ballot races, there were plenty more to cover from both late Tuesday and early Wednesday that, as we saw in the previous coverage, ranged from despondence to hysteria to denial of basic reality. Co-hosts Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Brian Williams…