
Brian Williams Touts Liberal Trashing of Sinema, 'D***head' Manchin

October 27th, 2021 5:16 PM

On Tuesday night, MSNBC host and former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams again demonstrated that he is so far to the left, that he even hits Democrats from the left if they are not liberal enough, using his 11th Hour "news" show to gratuitously hit Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema over her recent choice of clothing. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin received similar…


Brian Williams Admits Press Are in a Liberal Bubble, Out of Touch

October 24th, 2021 6:16 PM

On Friday's The 11th Hour, for about 30 seconds, Brian Williams did something that is rare for him and other journalists to do as he admitted that the national news media live in a liberal bubble, mostly interact with others who are in the same bubble, and are therefore out of touch with a mostly red country.


MSNBC Decries Republicans as 'Killers' and Fascists

October 24th, 2021 12:33 PM

Friday's edition of The 11th Hour on MSNBC devolved into hyperbolic name-calling when host Brian Williams compared Republicans to "killers" and the Lincoln Project's Steve Schmidt comparing them to fascists all while Democrats do nothing to stop them.


Williams Worries 'The Texas Brand' Will Spread Like Jim Crow

October 16th, 2021 5:07 PM

Republicans in Texas are doing what might be expected of red state Republicans and that has The 11th Hour's Brian Williams very concerned. On his Friday show on MSNBC, Williams worried that "the Texas brand" will spread to other states, just like Jim Crow did.

NewsBusters Podcast: Media Stars Blame The Media for Biden's Bad Polls

October 11th, 2021 6:34 PM

It used to be terrible and undemocratic to blame the media for anything. CNN and MSNBC are now lamenting the media's role in Biden's polling decline. Brian Williams claimed "really crappy reporting" is to blame. Brian Stelter claimed it was irresponsible to push the message "Democrats in disarray" when they can't pass their agenda. 


Brian Williams Blames Biden Poll Plunge on 'Really Crappy Reporting'

October 10th, 2021 7:13 PM

Brian Williams blames not enough reporting bias in favor of Joe Biden for his recent poll plunge.


Disgraced Brian Williams and Disgraced Lincoln Project Trash GOP

October 8th, 2021 4:43 PM

On Wednesday night, disgraced former NBC News host Brian Williams was again using his late night perch on MSNBC to display his partisan views as he promoted the anti-Republican Lincoln Project -- itself also a disgraced group which Williams has been covering for on his show.


MSNBC, CNN Plug Matthew Dowd as Democrat Candidate in Texas

October 3rd, 2021 7:35 AM

After former ABC News political analyst and disgruntled ex-Republican Matthew Dowd announced this past week that he would run for Texas lieutenant governor as a Democrat, CNN and MSNBC both promoted their frequent guest, treating him to interviews that bolstered his vitriol against Republicans.


Williams Says GOP Sens 'Put the Sick in Sycophant'

September 25th, 2021 4:56 PM

The 11th Hour host Brian Williams welcomed Bob Woodward and Robert Costa on to his Wednesday show on MSNBC to discuss the duo's book Peril and all fallout from it. During the interview, Woodward would allege that war with China was more likely than anyone would like and Williams declared that GOP Senators Mike Lee and Lindsey Graham "put the sick in sycophant," although…


Brian Williams Airs Free Lincoln Project Ads Attacking GOP, Fox News

September 20th, 2021 9:45 AM

In the past week, MSNBC host Brian Williams continued being a fanboy of the disgraced anti-Republican Lincoln Project as he gave free airtime to two of the group's latest ads attacking conservatives.


On Eve of Terror Attack, MSNBC Urged More Positive Press for Biden

August 27th, 2021 1:19 PM

On MSNBC’s 11th Hour Wednesday night, just hours before Thursday’s horrific ISIS terrorist attack in Kabul that killed 13 U.S. service members and over 100 Afghans, host Brian Williams and professional Democratic Party hack James Carville whined about rightfully critical media coverage of President Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Williams even called for “more friends” of…


Williams Slapped with Unwelcome Afghanistan Truth Bomb By Army Vet

August 17th, 2021 8:09 AM

Brian Williams, after praising Joe Biden's speech about Afghanistan on Monday, turned to his guest for comment and experienced a brutal reality check that countered the expected narrative.


Deranged MSNBC: ‘95%’ of Americans Agree With Biden (They Don’t)

August 16th, 2021 5:46 PM

Following President Biden’s address to the nation in which he doubled down on his horrific failure in Afghanistan, MSNBC’s left-wing propagandist Nicolle Wallace was equally detached from reality as she falsely claimed the vast majority of Americans agreed with the disastrous policy – despite the opposite being true. She even attacked the media for not being supportive enough of Biden.


WW II Vet Indignant When Williams Asked About A-Bomb 'Remorse'

August 7th, 2021 12:15 PM

It’s important to remember that, though Brian Williams was forced to resign in disgrace for telling multiple lies, the ex-NBC Nightly News anchor made plenty of obnoxious, stupid comments before he lost his job. It was 16 years ago this week, on August 5, 2005, that Williams prodded an Enola Gay pilot about his “remorse” for dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.