
TV's Convention News: Condemning Republicans, Cheering Democrats

July 29th, 2016 12:45 PM
With both the Republican and Democratic conventions now concluded, it’s time to judge the news media on how fairly they covered the two parties. Media Research Center analysts looked at various aspects of coverage, all of which demonstrate that journalists obviously favored the Democratic gathering.

Five Wacky Late-Night MSNBC Moments on the Final Night of the DNC

July 29th, 2016 3:45 AM
After having had a great time piecing together a list for readers of some crazy, surprising, and downright weird moments/statements from MSNBC’s late Monday night/early Tuesday morning coverage of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), I thought it would be an appropriate time to do another one for the DNC’s closing night. 

Matthews, Williams on ‘Wonderful’ Obama: ‘Will Not See His Kind Again'

July 28th, 2016 2:36 AM
The crew at MSNBC late Wednesday were locked and loaded to respond to President Barack Obam’s speech to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and didn’t disappoint as breaking news anchor Brian Williams informed everyone that “we will not see his kind again” before Rachel Maddow ruled that “[t]here’s nothing else like him” while Hardball host Chris Matthews admitted that “it’s pretty well…

MSNBC Hails ‘Important,’ ‘Significant’ Sarah Silverman Speech

July 25th, 2016 11:08 PM
Sarah Silverman may be a comic known for using the words “fag,” “retarded” and calling Jesus fictional, but the journalists at MSNBC were absolutely entranced over her speech on Monday to the Democratic Convention. At one point, Silverman admonished the Bernie Sanders crowd for being reluctant to support Hillary Clinton: “Can I just say to the Bernie or bust people, you're being ridiculous.” 

Tavis Smiley Serially Excuses 'Disaffected Black Men' Like Gavin Long

July 22nd, 2016 11:01 PM
Early this week, in an MSNBC interview, Tavis Smiley said that there's far too much attention being paid to "cop killers" and not enough to "killer cops." Then, in a Tuesday USA Today column, he cast his sympathetic lot with Gavin Long, who killed three Baton Rouge police offices on Sunday before a police sharpshooter killed him. Smiley told readers that we should "Listen to the Baton Rouge…

MSNBC Bemoans ‘Intolerant’ ‘Right-Wing’ in Wake of Germany Attack

July 22nd, 2016 3:53 PM
In the midst of MSNBC’s rolling coverage Friday afternoon of what appeared to be an act of terrorism in Germany, breaking news anchor Brian Williams and NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel used the occasion to lament the rise of “a rightward tilt” in Europe of “intolerant” ideologies and parties against Muslims and Middle Eastern refugees. 

Rachel Maddow Slams RNC Speaker, Woman Golfer for Modest LPGA Ranking

July 21st, 2016 5:23 PM
Judging from MSNBC weeknight anchor Rachel Maddox's actions while covering Wednesday night's events at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, she has never heard the motto “If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.” In an obvious attempt to diminish the importance of GOP speaker Natalie Gulbis before she had a chance to utter a single word, the liberal host stated…

Quote of the Day: Smerconish Claims Christie Crucified Hillary Christ?

July 21st, 2016 10:32 AM
One of the liberal media’s greatest hypocrisies is its opposition to  rhetorical excess. Journalists claim to favor a civil discourse where everyone acknowledges the decency and humanity of their opponents. But in reality, they think conservatives are the forces of inhumanity, and liberal heroes are “iconic,” even comparable to divinity. CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish became the poster boy…

MSNBC: ‘Hatred,’ ‘Vitriol’ of Clintons Is Why They’re Not Transparent

July 20th, 2016 10:13 PM
Somehow, MSNBC felt on Wednesday night that it needed even more of a reason to show their undying commitment and love to the Clintons that they brought on biographer David Maraniss of The Washington Post during the Republican National Convention (RNC) to blame the “hatred” and “vitriol” from Republicans for why the Clintons aren’t transparent with the American people and decry the “25 years” of “…

Networks, MSNBC Spend Almost Six Minutes Promoting ‘Scrappy’ Code Pink

July 20th, 2016 12:36 AM
When a lone protester from the anti-American, far-left group Code Pink tried to make noise in the crowd at the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Tuesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC tag-teamed with MSNBC to spent nearly six minutes showing and discussing the “scrappy” protester.

Awkward: Pained Brian Williams Uncomfortably Notes Ethical Lapse

July 19th, 2016 1:26 AM
An awkward and pained Brian Williams on Monday night was forced to discuss the ethical lapse of someone other than himself. MSNBC journalists and panelists eagerly pounced on the fact that lines from Melania Trump’s Republican convention speech appear to be lifted from Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic National Convention address. However, Williams, who came under fire for grossly exaggerating…

Four Strange, Wacky Side Comments From the Media on the Eve of the RNC

July 17th, 2016 10:43 PM
On the eve of the Republican National Convention (RNC), the liberal media had wall-to-wall coverage of both the RNC preparations in addition to the horrible and deadly ambush of Baton Rouge, Louisiana police officers but amidst all the seriousness of the situations, there were a handful of utterly baffling comments from anchors and commentators across the liberal media that left viewers either…

Matthews Goes Off With Rant About Likelihood of Violence at RNC

July 16th, 2016 12:20 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews was up early dithering away on Saturday morning minutes before Donald Trump unveiled Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate when he went off script and shocked breaking news anchor Brian Williams by insinuating that there will be violence at the Republican National Convention (RNC) like the 1968 Democratic National Convention (DNC).

MSNBC Guest on France Attack: ISIS Is ‘Punks and Thugs,’ Not Islam

July 15th, 2016 4:25 PM
Like their fellow cable news outlets, MSNBC offered rolling coverage throughout the night Thursday into Friday due to the Nice, France terrorist attack and one such guest told breaking news anchor Brian Williams that ISIS should be known as “punks and thugs and mercenaries” instead of being associated with Islam.