
Williams Tells Viewers in Nice Coverage He's ‘Plowed Over’ 'Hardball'

July 15th, 2016 12:18 AM
MSNBC’s breaking news anchor Brian Williams has had quite the few weeks with deplorable and head-scratching moments, but he again couldn’t help himself on Thursday night while covering the terrorist truck attack in Nice, France by apologizing to Hardball host Chris Matthews for having “just plowed over the normal hour of airtime” for him.

MSNBC: Obama Did 'His Best to Speak to Our Angels' in Dallas Speech

July 12th, 2016 5:22 PM
In the initial moments following the Dallas, Texas interfaith service on Tuesday afternoon to memorialize the slain Dallas police officers, MSNBC hailed President Barack Obama’s very politicized speech as “part sermon, part speech” and one that “[spoke] to our angels” reminiscent of his Charleston, South Carolina address on June 26, 2015. 

MSNBC Spins: Black Lives Matter Has Never Been ‘Anti-Police’

July 8th, 2016 3:45 PM
MSNBC anchor Brian Williams has been hosting the live reaction to the horrible shooting in Dallas. On Friday, the journalist brought on a guest to claim that Black Lives Matter protesters have never been “anti-police.” Sherrilyn Ifill of the NAACP and Williams also hinted that more gun control was needed in the wake of the killing. 

Pompous Brian Williams Makes Dallas Shooting All About JFK’s Murder

July 8th, 2016 12:52 PM
Anchoring MSNBC's live coverage of the murder of five police officers in Dallas, Brian Williams on Thursday night repeatedly connected the tragic killings to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Referencing JFK’s murder from 53 years ago, Williams lectured, “[Dallas] has struggled mightily since 1963 to be associated with something other than gun violence, something other than the murder of our…

Wallace: Comey Was ‘The Only Hero’ at Hearing During ‘Sad Situation'

July 7th, 2016 3:42 PM
MSNBC quickly dispatched with Thursday’s four-hour-plus House Oversight Committee hearing featuring FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal in favor of covering the police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota, but not before political analyst and former Bush official Nicolle Wallace could decry the hearing as a “sad situation and state of affairs.” Dubbing Comey “the only…

CNN, MSNBC Gush: 'Ebullient' Obama's Unlike 'Anyone We've Ever Seen'

July 5th, 2016 5:44 PM
CNN and MSNBC could barely contain their excitement in the moments following Tuesday’s Hillary Clinton rally featuring President Obama on the heels of the FBI deciding not to recommend charges in her e-mail scandal as MSNBC’s Brian Williams and CNN’s Jim Sciutto seemed to be acting as though Obama was still the candidate (and not Clinton).

MRC's Notable Quotables: Court Delivers 'Gut Punch' to Immigrants

June 27th, 2016 8:49 AM
The June 27 edition of Notable Quotables: ABC showcases a pro-amnesty protest slogan (“Don't Deport My Mom”) to frame their coverage of the Supreme Court's blocking of Obama's executive orders, while reporters exploit the ISIS massacre in Orlando to demand more federal gun control. “What will it take to move the needle when it comes to gun control?” CBS's Gayle King pleaded. Plus: The New York…

Williams: ‘Frustrated’ ‘African American President’ Laments Court Loss

June 23rd, 2016 4:41 PM
Disgraced journalist Brian Williams on Thursday anchored Barack Obama’s response to a Supreme Court defeat, lamenting the “sad and frustrated” Democrat. During NBC’s live coverage, Williams also reminded viewers, in case they forgot, that Obama is the “first African American president” in this country’s history. 

MSNBC Loves Obama’s ‘Extraordinary,’ ‘Passionate Cry From the Heart'

June 14th, 2016 1:48 PM
Make no mistake, the journalists at MSNBC and CNN loved Barack Obama’s defense of not using the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism.” Regarding the Tuesday speech, which also denounced Donald Trump, Andrea Mitchell was beside herself: “This was a passionate cry from the heart about his vision of America by this President. He has never before taken on Donald Trump and he just eviscerated Donald…

Amidst Orlando, Williams Jokes About Hunting GOP 'With a Flashlight'

June 12th, 2016 10:25 PM
While he apologized roughly six minutes later, MSNBC breaking news anchor and disgraced ex-NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams jokingly asked former Republican Senator Mel Martinez of Florida during an interview about the Orlando terror attack if he could find his party in the 2016 election “with a flashlight.”

Williams Arrives for Endorsement, Compares Birtherism to Original Sin

June 9th, 2016 3:48 PM
The cable networks ran a full-court press in covering President Obama’s endorsement on Thursday afternoon of Hillary Clinton with MSNBC giving Brian Williams the keys to the network for a few hours and, in the first 10 minutes, he seemed to blame talk radio for not reminding voters of Donald Trump’s birtherim enough that was, in his words, an “original sin.”

Mitchell Reminisces Over History with Hillary as Her 'Moment' Has Come

June 8th, 2016 3:29 AM
NBC News Clinton campaign correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell was naturally among the first handful of individuals to comment late Tuesday night on Hillary Clinton’s primary victory speech and Mitchell did so by reminiscing about how intertwined both of the careers have been that’s led to “a moment that has been many years in the making.”

Williams Hails Hillary’s Anti-Trump Speech, NYDN for ‘Superb' Covers

June 7th, 2016 10:23 PM
A primary election night on MSNBC wouldn’t be complete without a helping of notable quotes from breaking news anchor Brian Williams and Tuesday was no exception as he hailed Hillary Clinton’s June 2 foreign policy speech and praised the vicious New York Daily News for doing a “superb job” with their covers smearing conservatives and Republicans.

Williams: U.S. Is ‘The Only Nation to Have Used’ Nukes 'In Anger'

May 27th, 2016 2:39 PM
MSNBC breaking news host and ex-NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams was allowed out on MSNBC’s airwaves early Friday afternoon to discuss President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima and in the course of that, Williams threw some shade in the direction of the U.S. military and then-President Harry Truman by complaining that “we’re the only nation to have used them in anger” against the horrifying Axis…