
Matthews: 'Media Is Not Representative' of U.S., Especially on Guns

May 23rd, 2016 10:51 AM
In what he should have recognized as damning self-criticism, Chris Matthews admitted to MSNBC's infamous self-promoting fabulist Brian Williams Friday afternoon that the establishment news media is "not representative of the country," especially in regards to how the U.S. is "uniquely pro-gun as a country." But those who observe the Hardball host's choice of words, his demeanor, and his tone of…

Maddow Blames ‘Impediments to Voting’ on Millennials Not Showing Up

April 26th, 2016 8:11 PM
Similar to the saying about the only certain things are death and taxes, one certainty when covering the liberal media is that MSNBC will complain about voter ID laws and little to no early voting being voter suppression efforts and Tuesday night was no different with the culprits being Rachel Maddow and disgraced former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams. 

MSNBC Marvels at ‘Excited,’ ‘Boisterous’ Crowd for Clinton NY Rally

April 20th, 2016 12:05 AM
On multiple occasions throughout its New York Primary coverage late Tuesday night, MSNBC couldn’t help itself but ooze enthusiasm at the “excited,” “electric,” and “boisterous” crowd at Hillary Clinton’s victory rally in New York City not far from her campaign headquarters.

Liberal Narrative of the Day: Hillary Is 'the Adult in the Room'

March 23rd, 2016 5:42 PM
For most of Wednesday MSNBC anchors and commentators spent their time putting Donald Trump and Ted Cruz through the ringer for their positions on fighting ISIS, and taking on radical Islamic terrorism. They did this while praising Hillary for her in foreign policy experience and repeatedly declaring her “the adult in the room.”

Brian Williams Slams State Dept. Spox for Arguing ISIS Is on the Run

March 22nd, 2016 6:55 PM

During the 5:00 p.m. Eastern hour of MSNBC’s live coverage concerning the terror attacks in Belgium, breaking news anchor and former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams shot back at State Department spokesman John Kirby when Kirby claimed that the attacks in Brussels illustrate why Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS are on the run.


Williams: Eugene Robinson Is a ‘Pulitzer Prize-Winning Communist'

March 21st, 2016 3:42 PM
Brian Williams’s mouth is getting him in trouble again. The disgraced ex-Nightly News anchor on Monday closed out a segment on Castro by declaring liberal Washington Post writer Eugene Robinson a “Pulitzer Prize-winning communist.” 

Williams: There's No 'Media Cabal' to Give Trump Inordinate Coverage

March 15th, 2016 10:08 PM
Shortly after Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) wrapped up his victory speech, MSNBC's Brian Williams snarked that there was no "media cabal" that's dead set against giving non-Trump primary candidates virtually no air time. 

Diaz-Balart, Maddow Giddy at Rubio Poor Showing: 'Donde Esta Marco?'

March 8th, 2016 10:29 PM
"Donde esta Marco?" Telemundo anchor and MSNBC contributor Jose Diaz-Balart crowed as he exulted over the Florida Republicans poor showing in primaries in Mississippi and Michigan. The journalist's little bit of Spanish lingo as Rush Limbaugh might call it elicited laughter from left-wing MSNBCer Rachel Maddow.

Mitchell Touts Claim Reagan Dems Back Trump Due to Wallace Resemblance

February 28th, 2016 12:25 AM
In an otherwise dull and abbreviated evening of live coverage on Saturday night dedicated to the South Carolina Democratic Primary, MSNBC host/NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell touted the argument an anonymous former Democratic governor that Reagan Democrats were actually ardent backers of segregationist George Wallace: "The Reagan Democrats, many of them were George Wallace Democrats, and…

Williams: Originalist Scalia Failed to ‘Anticipate Abortion,' iPhones

February 14th, 2016 3:04 AM
Opining during MSNBC’s breaking news coverage early Saturday evening on the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Rachel Maddow took a swing at the Senate Republicans for wanting “a functionless Supreme Court for an entire year” and Brian Williams complained originalists like Scalia failed to “anticipate” things like abortion, airplanes and iPhones.

Disgraced Brian Williams: Rubio’s Remarks to Go ‘Under a Microscope'

February 10th, 2016 3:56 PM
Does this man even listen to himself speak? Disgraced former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams on Wednesday insisted that, given Marco Rubio’s habit of repeating talking points, all of the Senator’s comments will now be “under the microscope” and must be investigated. This coming from the journalist who lost his job after being exposed for serial falsehoods.     

Notable Quotables: NBC Winces When Hillary's Honesty Questioned

February 8th, 2016 9:00 AM
This week, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt tells Hillary Clinton how he “winced” when a young voter told the candidate that “people don't trust you,” even as Holt's scandal-scarred predecessor Brian Williams showed a stunning lack of self-awareness when he told MSNBC viewers on caucus night: “We will be the purveyors of truth and justice.” Plus, when Hollywood is accused of racism over the…

Seriously? Williams Proclaims to Be ‘Purveyor of Truth and Justice'

February 2nd, 2016 5:10 PM
A totally clueless Brian Williams on Monday night warned MSNBC viewers to not fall for false information as Iowa caucus results rolled in. The man who became known for spinning vast numbers of falsehoods while anchor at NBC News ominously began, “There's going to be some data floating around, especially the internet tonight.”

F-Bomb Dropped on Live MSNBC Election Coverage

February 1st, 2016 10:19 PM
During live coverage of the Iowa caucus, Monday, MSNBC featured the F-word as voters debated who would be best for the military. A young woman talking to a Bernie Sanders fan complained, “I am a vet. My mom's a vet. How is he going to fix it?...The fact I haven't gotten benefits in three months because the VA is so fucked up really makes me concerned.”