Two of Three Evening Newscasts Downplay Obama’s Global Warming Speec

June 26th, 2013 5:34 PM
On a big day for news, two of the three major networks downplayed President Obama’s global warming speech on yesterday’s evening newscasts. ABC and CBS reduced the story to a brief anchor-read blurb, while NBC included a sound bite and a full in-studio report from a correspondent. The speech, delivered at Georgetown University, was notable for Obama’s threat to bypass Congress by directing…

NBC's Brian Williams: Supreme Court 'Drove a Stake Through the Heart

June 26th, 2013 2:56 PM
NBC and ABC journalists on Tuesday lamented a Supreme Court decision to strike down a key section of the 1965 Voting Rights Act as unconstitutional. But it was Nightly News anchor Brian Williams who offered the most hyperbolic summery. He opened the show by fretting, "As one reporter put it today, the U.S. Supreme Court has driven a stake through the heart of the most important civil rights law…

Occupy Olympics: NBC Decries 'Economic Injustice' of Brazil Spending B

June 21st, 2013 5:33 PM
On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams heralded protests in Brazil "driven by economic injustice," followed by correspondent Mark Potter in Rio de Janeiro detailing the motivation: "Many in the crowds complained about rampant corruption, crime, low wages, and a lack of social services....As Brazil spends billions to build stadiums for next year's World Cup and the 2016 Olympics…

Too Taxing? Big Three Networks Abandon IRS Scandal

June 13th, 2013 10:00 AM
When news broke that IRS agents were abusively targeting conservative groups particularly the Tea Party, it looked at as if this was an Obama administration scandal that would stick. Even reporters like NBC’s Andrea Mitchell counted it as among the “most outrageous excesses I’ve seen.” Obama sycophant Chris Matthews predicted it could be worth “five or 10 points” for Republicans in the next…

How Odd: Media Bistro Says ABC Evening News Had Year-Over-Year Gains

June 9th, 2013 10:14 PM
For the week of May 27, the Big Three networks' evening news broadcasts declined, both compared to the previous week and the same week last year, and garnered an average combined daily audience of just under 20 million. Somehow, Chris Ariens at Media Bistro apparently wasn't looking at the same numbers his readers were when he did his post, and wrote the following while linking back to the…

NBC Plays Up Turkish P.M. 'Trying to Impose More Conservative Values

June 4th, 2013 3:04 PM
On Monday's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams failed to mention Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan's traditional Islamic orientation as he reported on the "anti-government protests" in the Mediterranean country. Williams merely described the demonstrations as a "display of frustration with the prime minister...who has been trying to impose more conservative values on that mostly secular…

NBC’s Brian Williams Trumpets Bob Dole’s Criticism of GOP as Too C

May 28th, 2013 8:51 PM
Once again demonstrating the NBC Nightly News is the broadcast arm of MSNBC, anchor Brian Williams – matching what has animated MSNBC hosts – devoted a segment to former Senator Bob Dole railing against the modern Republican Party; ie: conservatives. With “Fighting Words” on screen, Williams on Tuesday night highlighted comments neither the ABC nor CBS evening newscasts found newsworthy, how…

Network Evening Shows Don’t Name Islam in London Terror Attack

May 23rd, 2013 10:08 AM
What does a murderous jihadist terrorist have to do to get some recognition for his cause? You hack a British soldier to death in broad daylight on a London street while shouting “Allahu akbar” and then “swear by the almighty Allah” that you’ll never stop fighting, and the U.S. broadcast networks still can’t bring themselves to utter a word about Islam. True, the ABC CBS and NBC evening…

NBC's Williams Ready to Move On: 'It's Tough to Know the Staying Power

May 17th, 2013 5:05 PM
On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, after proclaiming President Obama to be "on the offensive" amid growing scandals, anchor Brian Williams hinted at those controversies being only temporary setbacks for Obama: "And some folks are already calling the President's problems the curse of the second term. And yet it's tough to know the staying power of any given scandal in the making, along with the…

MSNBC’s Alex Witt Suggests Hillary’s ‘What Difference Does It Ma

May 14th, 2013 5:50 PM
It seems the liberal media are desperately determined to shield Hillary Clinton from any attacks on her handling of the Benghazi fiasco. On Sunday’s Weekends with Alex Witt, the host attempted to blunt the criticism by suggesting that Mrs. Clinton’s opponents have taken her memorable "What difference, at this point, does it make?" quote from her testimony in January out of context. Witt was…

NBC Touts 'Defiant' Obama Dismissing Benghazi as 'Political Circus' Wh

May 14th, 2013 11:45 AM
While Monday's NBC Nightly News was content to accept President Obama labeling the Benghazi scandal as a "political circus" worthy of ridicule, on Fox News Channel's Special Report, chief Washington correspondent James Rosen was actually being a journalist and fact-checking the commander-in-chief's deceptive assertions on the controversy.   Introducing the Nightly News report on Obama…

NBC Cancels 'Rock Center

May 10th, 2013 6:17 PM
In a serious blow to NBC News and Brian Williams, it was announced Friday that NBC is canceling Rock Center. TVNewser moments ago published a note from NBC News Group chief Pat Fili-Krushel sent to staff Friday afternoon:

NBC Hypes 'Jaw-Dropping Images' of 'Melting Glaciers, Vanishing Rain F

May 10th, 2013 11:58 AM
Teasing an upcoming story on Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams fretted over "The dramatic changes we've watched happen to our planet" as shown in "jaw-dropping images from above." In the report that followed, correspondent Rehema Ellis lamented: "From melting glaciers to vanishing rain forests to non-stop urban sprawl. All visible through millions of satellite images collected…

Benghazi Hearing Only Gets Second Place Billing on Network Evening New

May 9th, 2013 4:11 PM
The evening news broadcasts on NBC, ABC, and CBS on Wednesday all offered full reports on the compelling congressional testimony regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack, but only after all three programs led with coverage of the Cleveland abduction case. NBC Nightly News and CBS Evening News both at least informed viewers of the hearing during top-of-the-show teases, but ABC World News…