The Power of Media Bias: Most Americans Wrongly Believe Gun Violence H

May 8th, 2013 12:31 PM
The extent of the media's influence to shape public opinion was on full display in a new Pew Research Center poll that shows, even though gun crime has dropped by half since its peak in the mid '90s, most Americans (56 percent) wrongly think gun violence has increased. In an L.A. Times article that highlighted the poll, Emily Alpert posited "It's unclear whether media coverage is driving the…

NBC Cheers Gun Control Advocates 'Pushing Back' at Town Halls, But Dis

May 2nd, 2013 12:27 PM
Leading off Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams eagerly touted gun control supporters going after Republican New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte at a recent town hall meeting: "Pushing back. A tense moment as a U.S. senator gets an earful about her no vote on gun control." Williams hopefully added: "And with lawmakers home from Washington on a break, is this about to start…

NBC Airs First Report on Gosnell Murder Case; ABC, CBS Evening Newscas

May 2nd, 2013 10:54 AM
On Wednesday, NBC Nightly News covered the Dr. Kermit Gosnell case for the very first time, a whopping 44 days after the opening of the trial, and only after the jury had finished its first full day of deliberations. Stephanie Gosk wasted little time before emphasizing that Gosnell's clinic was "one of the only places in this low-income neighborhood in Philadelphia where pregnant woman could…

NBC Ignores Todd Grilling President Over ObamaCare 'Train Wreck' to Hi

May 1st, 2013 2:43 PM
While NBC's chief White House correspondent and political director Chuck Todd pressed President Obama during a Tuesday news conference on the possibility of ObamaCare being a "train wreck," the network coverage of the presser completely avoided any mention of the question, instead seizing on Obama being pressured from the left to close the Guantanamo Bay prison. Anchor Brian Williams lead…

NBC's Williams: 'Newtown Families Went Home Still Grieving' After Gun

April 23rd, 2013 4:29 PM
On Monday's NBC Nightly News, during a round-up of news stories that were eclipsed by coverage of the Boston bombing, anchor Brian Williams highlighted the failure of gun control legislation, noting that it "broke through last week but otherwise would have dominated our coverage..." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] In the brief item, Williams recalled how President…

NBC's Williams Hypes Airport 'Traffic Jams,' Hopes Americans 'Take Fur

April 23rd, 2013 1:07 PM
At the top of Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams eagerly parroted Obama administration talking points when it came to blaming the sequester for sporadic flight delays: "The traffic jam starting to build up at our airports. Flight delays just beginning to emerge today as those budget cuts in Washington begin to hit home." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]…

Networks: All Quiet on the Gosnell Front

April 23rd, 2013 8:58 AM
Well that didn’t last long. In fact, it barely happened at all. After a month of ignoring the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist accused of murdering one woman and seven infants, it looked like the media had been shamed into covering the story.  Barely. Even after the most gruesome detail in a trial full of them came out – a baby who survived an abortion “swimming” in a…

Correction: NBC Nightly News Didn't Ignore Boston Bombers Ties To Isla

April 20th, 2013 10:52 AM
Please see correction at end of post. After the media spent the week praying the Boston Marathon bombers wouldn't have ties to radical Islam, it's now going to be interesting to see how they report the religious beliefs of the Tsarnaev brothers. Failing miserably Friday was NBC's Nightly News which despite airing a 90 minute special broadcast on the ensuing manhunt in Watertown,…

NBC's Williams Hypes: 'Sequester in Washington is Going to Affect All

April 19th, 2013 11:41 AM
Weeks after White House hype over the budget sequester fizzled as the policy went into effect, on Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams signaled a new media push to scare viewers about the modest reductions in government spending: "On the subject of air travel, sooner or later the so-called sequester in Washington is going to affect all Americans." [Listen to the audio or watch the…

NBC Touts 'Cries of Shame' and 'Obama's Outrage' Over Gun Control Defe

April 18th, 2013 4:31 PM
Following gun background check legislation being voted down in the Senate on Wednesday, anchor Brian Williams led off NBC Nightly News that evening by proclaiming: "There are cries of 'shame' from victims of gun violence watching from the Senate gallery and the President reacts with anger." Williams later touted how Obama "called it 'a pretty shameful day for Washington'" when ranting about the…

As Britain Says Goodbye, Networks Tout Ugly Attacks on 'Polarizing

April 17th, 2013 12:24 PM
In the days leading up to Margaret Thatcher's funeral on Wednesday, the three networks repeatedly hyped hateful, ugly attacks on the former Prime Minister of Britain, describing her as a "polarizing," "divisive" figure. On Rock Center, his low-rated Friday night show, Brian Williams explained that it was "sad, but necessary to report" that, while Americans may like Thatcher, "It's been a harsh…

Pity the Fool: Celebrate April 1st with 8 Anti-Capitalist Journalists

April 1st, 2013 10:14 AM
Sometimes liberal bias goes so far it actually becomes absurd, like Roseanne Barr saying that she would bring back the guillotine in order to behead any rich people who wanted to keep more than $100 million of their own money. She set the bar (or the guillotine) higher than her $80 million net worth. But it wasn’t just extreme left-wing celebs like Roseanne and Michael Moore, news anchors and…

Letterman Asks NBC's Brian Williams: 'Are There Gay Justices on the Su

March 27th, 2013 1:44 AM
CBS Late Show host David Letterman asked NBC Night News anchor Brian Williams what some might consider a bizarre question Tuesday evening. "Are there gay justices on the Supreme Court?" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

NBC's Williams Fawns: Emanuel Brothers 'May Be America's Jewish Kenned

March 26th, 2013 11:09 AM
In an interview with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his two brothers, Hollywood agent Ari and bioethicist Zeke, on Friday's NBC Rock Center, anchor Brian Williams sounded like an adoring fan as he described the prominent family: "Theirs is, after all, a unique American story....It was an unusual family, intellectually rigorous, boisterous, physical, hyper-successful, they may be America's…