The Week in Media Bias History: Using a Bombing to Smear Conservatives

April 28th, 2018 12:15 PM
What is it about mass death that causes liberal journalists to smear conservatives? On April 25, 1995, then-Today co-host Bryant Gumbel blamed the Oklahoma City Bombing on talk radio hosts. On April 21, 2013, The New York Times decided that the solution to the Boston Marathon bombing was... a carbon tax? 

Media Love Stormy Daniels – But How Did They Treat Clinton's Accusers?

March 23rd, 2018 6:20 PM
Donald Trump is not the first President to have been accused of sexual improprieties. When President Bill Clinton faced allegations of sexual harassment from Paula Jones and even a rape charge from Juanita Broaddrick, the media looked for reasons not to cover those charges.

The Media’s Most Outrageous Olympic Outbursts

February 9th, 2018 9:00 AM
Sports fans checking in on coverage of Team USA at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang South Korea might want to brace themselves for unexpected outbursts of liberal preaching from reporters covering the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Over the years the MRC has documented lefty reporters and writers using the games to celebrate socialist policies of the host countries, bash…

Gumbel Thanks Trump’s ‘Racist’ Comments for ‘Energizing’ Athletes

September 27th, 2017 12:18 AM
With President Trump’s feud with the NFL still swirling around the liberal media, sportscaster Bryant Gumbel signed off of his HBO show, REAL Sports, on Tuesday by thanking Trump for waking up American athletes. But being Bryant Gumbel, he had to go as low as he possibly could. With claims that the President was being racist, he lamented that America hasn’t come that far.

FLASHBACK: Lib Journalists Used L.A. Riots to Bash Conservatives

May 2nd, 2017 5:15 PM
Twenty-five years ago this week, South Central Los Angeles saw six days of rioting that left 58 citizens dead, more than 2,000 injured, and more than $1 billion in property damage. The May and June 1992 editions of the Media Research Center’s MediaWatch newsletter chronicled how liberal journalists wasted little time in using the riots as an excuse to bash conservatives as racist and promote even…

65 Years of NBC’s Today: The Morning Show’s Worst Liberal Bias

January 12th, 2017 3:54 PM
On January 14, NBC’s Today show will mark its 65th anniversary on the air. Over the decades, hosts and correspondents on the morning program have routinely spouted liberal talking points on a wide range of issues, boosted Democrats, and lambasted Republicans. Despite the cavalcade of co-hosts – from Bryant Gumbel to Matt Lauer, Katie Couric to Meredith Vieira, Ann Curry to Savannah Guthrie – the…

NBC Hails Muhammad Ali’s Left-Wing Activism, Skips Reagan Endorsement

June 6th, 2016 3:47 PM
On Monday, rather than simply remember Muhammad Ali’s boxing career and humanitarian work around the world, NBC’s Today chose to politicize the athlete’s death and praise the liberal activism of his youth. Co-host Savannah Guthrie wanted to avoid a “gauzy portrait” of Ali and instead focus on “How radical, how controversial, and how expensive it was to him personally to do what he did in the '60s…

First Couric, Now Gumbel Accused of Deceptive Edits in Anti-Gun Piece

May 31st, 2016 2:02 PM
They once shared co-hosting duties on NBC’s Today show and now it looks like Bryant Gumbel has joined Katie Couric in being accused of using deceptive editing techniques to attack gun rights. The inventor of the AR-15 rifle, Jim Sullivan, has attacked HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel for misrepresenting “much of what I had said” in his interview for their anti-gun segment aired on the May 24…

Not Real or Sports: HBO’s ‘Real Sports’ Goes Gun Grabbing

May 27th, 2016 1:22 AM
Just in case you missed it, or have been living in some kind of cave where the powers of media are incapable of penetrating, HBO’s Real Sports is neither really real, nor is it even really about sports. On Tuesday night’s episode of Real Sports, the investigative arm of HBO’s leftist sports department took exception with the AR-15 rifle.

HBO's Gumbel to NBA, NFL: Punish North Carolina for Its 'Bigotry'

April 26th, 2016 11:36 AM
On the April 19, 2016 edition of Real Sports, HBO's Bryant Gumbel urged the top executives of the NBA, NFL, and the NCAA to penalize North Carolina over H.B. 2, which he underlined has been "labeled the most extreme anti-LGBT measure in the country." Gumbel claimed that the new law "uses the guise of bathroom concerns to deny certain rights to gay and transgender people, and effectively green…

NBC’s Look Back at Nancy Reagan Shows Her Combating Media Bias

March 7th, 2016 4:54 PM
On Monday’s NBC Today, a look back at Nancy Reagan’s various appearances on the morning show over the years showed her repeatedly combating liberal media bias demonstrated by the hosts with whom she sat down.

MRC's Graham Highlights NQ's Worst of the Worst 2015 on Newsmax TV

December 25th, 2015 10:32 AM
The MRC’s Tim Graham joined Newsmax TV on Tuesday night with host Steve Malzberg to elaborate on the MRC’s Notable Quotables Worst of the Worst 2015 winners, including overall winner Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC declaring on October 25 that the term “hard worker” has racist connotations.

Year-End Awards: The Damn Those Conservatives Award

December 22nd, 2015 9:23 AM
We began detailing the Media Research Center’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2015” yesterday with the awards for the gooiest Obamagasms of the year. Today, we have the perennial “Damn Those Conservatives Award,” our annual look at the nasty rhetoric that liberal journalists fling at conservatives. (Thanks to our 39 judges who patiently reviewed dozens of quotes to select the very worst of the worst…

HBO’s Gumbel Makes Report on Kids’ Sports Achievement into Shot at USA

August 3rd, 2015 10:01 AM
Wait, we’re not all winners? Imagine: liberal HBO airing a program that says we should stop treating our special little snowflakes like special little snowflakes! That fluffing Jr.’s short-term self-esteem with those soccer participation trophies may be a long-term mistake. HBO really did it – but Real Sports host and veteran lefty scold Bryant Gumbel couldn’t let the opportunity pass to turn an…