Double Standard! CNN Rips Allen West's 'Plantation' Remark, Ignored Le

August 27th, 2013 3:12 PM
[UPDATED BELOW] CNN showed a complete double standard by smacking Republican Allen West for his "plantation" remarks while giving liberal Cornel West a pass for the same offense. On Tuesday morning, anchor Carol Costello played a clip of West decrying the "21st century plantation" for blacks and suggested that such a statement hurt the GOP's minority outreach. However, when liberal Cornel…

Not a Chance! CNN Anchor Cites Polls to Say Public 'Pretty Evenly Spli

August 21st, 2013 12:46 PM
CNN's Carol Costello said public opinion of Obamacare is "pretty evenly split" when recent polls are showing a double-digit gap between support and opposition of the law, with more people opposing the law than supporting it.   "Well most of the polls I've seen, it's pretty evenly split, right?" Costello interrupted her guest Will Cain, who had argued "Almost every poll now, over 50 percent…

Shock: CNN Anchors Tire of 'Silly,' 'Stupid' Rodeo Clown Controversy

August 16th, 2013 3:55 PM
What's going on at CNN? On Thursday afternoon CNN's Athena Jones called the Missouri rodeo clown controversy a "firestorm," but CNN's tone changed within a matter of hours. On Thursday night's Piers Morgan Live, Morgan admitted "it's all a bit silly" and agreed with Newt Gingrich that the outrage over the stunt "is all a bit ridiculous." Then on Friday morning, anchor Carol Costello huffed…

CNN Anchor Laughs at House GOP for Threatening Shutdown Over Obamacare

August 2nd, 2013 11:32 AM
CNN's Carol Costello blamed Congress for Friday's jobs report and laughed at House Republicans who will shut down the government if necessary to defund Obamacare. In a Facebook post, Costello wrote, "Many economists think the economy could be a lot better if Congress did its job, but the House is, again, threatening to shut down the government. We've been down this road before...but, with an…

CNN Anchor Tries (and Fails) to Spin for Obamacare

July 18th, 2013 6:20 PM
On Friday, CNN's Carol Costello had this snarky tweet for Republicans: "House votes to delay Obamacare. Just as it has unsuccessfully done 35 times." Then she linked to a CNN Money article claiming that Obamacare will cut health care costs for New Yorkers in half. President Obama used this exact same talking point on Friday to bolster his law. Costello claimed it was "buried in all the…

CNN: Zimmerman Prosecutor Excused Potential Black Juror for Being a Fo

July 16th, 2013 12:59 PM
George Zimmerman haters throughout the media have carped and whined about the fact that there weren’t any African-Americans on the jury despite the law requiring the accused NOT the victim be judged by his peers. On CNN Newsroom Tuesday, it was revealed that a potential black juror had been struck by the prosecution for committing the crime of being a Fox News watcher (video follows with…

CNN Misleads on IRS Controversy, Takes 17 Hours to Report GOP Side

June 25th, 2013 1:27 PM
17 hours after CNN first reported that the IRS targeted liberal groups as well as conservative groups, it finally offered the Republican side of the story, that Tea Party groups received even more scrutiny than "progressive" and "Occupy" groups. Correspondent Dana Bash first broke the story during Monday's 5 p.m. ET hour of The Situation Room that according to a document dump, the IRS…

CNN's Costello Touts Criticism of GOP: 'Racist,' 'Closed-Minded

June 3rd, 2013 3:52 PM
Politico's headline didn't even proclaim that Republicans are "racist" and "old-fashioned," but CNN's Carol Costello had no problem touting the invective of some GOP critics while putting it all under Politico's name. Costello tweeted on Monday, "Politico: GOP closed-minded, racist, rigid, old-fashioned." The Politico article was titled "Report: How GOP lost young voters" and described the…

CNN Takes Jab at Retiring Bachmann; 'Butt of a Thousand Jokes

May 29th, 2013 12:08 PM
CNN couldn't hold back a parting shot at Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) when the Congresswoman announced on Wednesday that she would be retiring after 2014. On Wednesday morning's Newsroom, anchor Carol Costello said Bachmann became "the butt of a thousand jokes" and CNN dug up a 2012 Saturday Night Live mockery of her, as well as Newsweek's unflattering 2011 cover of the Congresswoman as…

The Long Hike: Media’s 13 Years of Bullying Boy Scouts Over Gays

May 24th, 2013 10:30 AM
So the Boy Scouts of America have caved, voting on May 23 to allow openly gay Scouts. It was probably inevitable – just as the organization will inevitably be forced to drop its ban on openly gay adult Scout leaders. Cue the sound of popping champagne corks in newsrooms and TV studios up and down the coasts. When news first broke back in February that the Boy Scouts of America might allow…

CNN Anchor Hits Tom Coburn for Wanting Offsetting Cuts to Emergency Ai

May 21st, 2013 10:29 AM
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) wants any federal disaster relief sent to his tornado-ravaged state to be offset by other spending cuts, but CNN's Carol Costello thinks his stand to be either "extreme" or very untimely. "This is either extreme fiscal responsibility or a raging case of 'this is not the time,'" Costello mocked on Facebook and Twitter. The Senator is sticking to his fiscal principles…

Monday's Amnesia: CNN Covers Powerball Jackpot Winner as Much as IRS

May 20th, 2013 4:54 PM
CNN's scrutiny of the Obama administration's scandals has fallen sharply from last week. From 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. ET on Monday, CNN spent about as much time on Obama's "triple trouble" of controversy as it did on Saturday's Powerball-winning ticket. CNN spent 12 full minutes reporting that one single ticket won the $590 million Powerball jackpot over the weekend, and had yet to be claimed.…

New Jersey Dems Caught on Hot Mic Wanting to 'Confiscate, Confiscate

May 11th, 2013 8:12 AM
How many times have we heard establishment press members, particularly broadcasters, insist that no one on the left side of the gun control discussion wants to take away anyone's guns? Just a few examples include CNN's Piers Morgan, CNN's Carol Costello, and MSNBC's Alex Wagner, even after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was quoted in the New York Times before Christmas saying that "confiscation…

Leno on CNN Reporter Robbed in Atlanta: ‘It Was on CNN So There Were

May 8th, 2013 11:11 AM
Jay Leno took a humorous swipe at the so-called most trusted name in news Tuesday. Commenting about CNN anchor Carol Costello recently getting robbed of her iPhone while walking down the street in Atlanta, the Tonight Show host quipped, “Unfortunately, it was on CNN so there weren't any witnesses" (video follows with commentary):