CNN's Costello Mourns Gay Rights Advocate Being Cut From NFL Team

May 6th, 2013 5:37 PM
CNN's Carol Costello didn't hide her feelings Monday after NFL punter and gay rights advocate Chris Kluwe was cut from the Minnesota Vikings. Costello tweeted "Chris Kluwe cut from Vikings. Sad!" on Monday afternoon, and followed up with a link to the story. "I am so sad," she lamented. Kluwe received media attention last year for his outspoken advocacy on behalf of gay NFL players, and last…

CNN's Costello Can't Believe That GOP Plans to Filibuster Gun Control

April 9th, 2013 5:01 PM
CNN's Carol Costello praised Sen. Rand Paul's "champ" filibuster effort to get information on drone use from the White House. Now that Republicans are promising to filibuster a gun control bill if it comes to the Senate floor, however, Costello was in disbelief on Tuesday. "Paul filibustered like a champ and got what he wanted, information on drones. This time, it's a little different.…

CNN Asks If Traditional Marriage Defenders Are 'On the Wrong Side of H

March 25th, 2013 4:11 PM
Hyping "growing support" for same-sex marriage, CNN's Carol Costello asked a supporter of California's Proposition 8 on Monday if he was "on the wrong side of history" for legally defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Her tone fits right with Friday's CNN panel where a traditional marriage supporter was disgustingly marginalized as a segregationist and compared to a slave owner…

CNN Spends Over Half Hour of Coverage on Gun Control Presser, Touts 'R

March 21st, 2013 5:06 PM
CNN devoted over a half hour of coverage on Thursday to touting Mayor Bloomberg's "Demand Action to End Gun Violence" conference, where Bloomberg, Vice President Biden, and families of gun violence victims pushed for stricter gun control. Over 22 minutes was given to live coverage of the conference. CNN hyped the "raw emotion" of the speakers pressing Congress to take action on gun control.…

Cable ‘News’ Network: CNN Devotes Multiple Segments to Mockery, Cr

March 21st, 2013 1:17 PM
Is this Jeff Zucker's new vision for CNN? Instead of reporting hard-hitting news, Thursday's 9 a.m. ET hour of Newsroom featured conservatives getting whacked by a gauntlet of talking heads, celebrities, and centrist and liberal guests. And anchor Carol Costello added a liberal lament of "Will Gitmo ever close?" Here were some "stories" that CNN devoted whole segments to: Tina Fey mocking…

CNN Asks If Democrats Are 'Weenies' for Not Passing Assault Weapons Ba

March 20th, 2013 4:16 PM
CNN is hitting Democrats from the left for not passing an assault weapons ban. Host Piers Morgan had a liberal pout session with filmmaker Michael Moore on Tuesday night's Piers Morgan Live, and then anchor Carol Costello asked on Wednesday morning if Democrats were "weenies." After quoting the ultra-liberal Moore calling Democrats "weenies," Costello called out Democrats from the left: "…

CNN's Costello Pesters CPAC Chair About Inclusion of Gay Republicans

March 15th, 2013 11:30 AM
CNN's Carol Costello spent her entire interview with the CPAC chairman badgering him about the inclusion of gay Republicans in the conference. A few minutes before, Costello had led off the 9 a.m. hour of Newsroom touting GOP Senator Rob Portman (Ohio) and his newfound support for gay marriage. "Will CPAC ever change its position and allow gay Republicans to sit at the table?" she pressed…

Bozell Column: Spare the Hype of 'Budget Armageddon

March 6th, 2013 10:12 PM
Barack Obama’s strategy going into the scheduled sequestration was to hit the panic button, over and over again, putting the very Obama-friendly media into a heavy rotation of disaster metaphors. “Hours, now, until massive government cuts go into effect that could impact every American. Jobs vaporizing, flights delayed, even criminals walking free,” warned ABC morning anchor Josh Elliott. On…

On CNN, Cause of Chicago Violence Is – You Guessed It – The GOP

February 22nd, 2013 7:12 PM
Chicago hasn’t had a Republican mayor in over 80 years.  Democrats have controlled the Illinois governor’s mansion and both houses of the legislature for more than a decade, with Democrats ruling the Illinois House for 28 of the last 30 years.  No matter, Chicago violence is the fault of Republicans.  We learned that this morning on CNN Newsroom when anchor Carol Costello asked her “Talk Back”…

CNN Freaks Out Over 'Draconian' Sequester Cuts, Like the 'Asteroid

February 19th, 2013 1:13 PM
Even though the upcoming sequester cuts amount to only $85 billion, compared to $16 trillion of U.S. debt, CNN hyped the deleterious effects of the cuts to the economy by comparing them to the recent asteroid that just missed earth. "Watch out. Like the asteroid headed to earth, they're coming. $86 billion in automatic budget cuts," anchor Carol Costello warned. And "draconian" was in the…

CNN Incredulous Over GOP 'Fixation' on Benghazi, Opposition to Hagel

February 15th, 2013 12:32 PM
The same network that wondered if Sen. Rubio's sip of water was a "big deal" is now asking just why Republicans are "so fixated on Benghazi" when they asked Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel about the Libya fiasco. "This, despite testimony on Benghazi from General Petraeus, Hillary Clinton, Admiral Mike Mullen, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, General Martin Dempsey, among others. But it'…

CNN Hypes 'Very Activist Atheist Movement', 'Massive' Rally, Celebrity

February 7th, 2013 5:30 PM
Only about five percent of Americans identify as atheists, but CNN played up the "very activist atheist movement" and touted celebrity atheists like Julianne Moore and Mark Zuckerberg, on Thursday. "Various surveys put the number of atheists in America around five percent. And according to the Pew study in 2012, one in five people claim they have no religious affiliation at all," anchor…

CNN Implies Boy Scout Ban 'Discriminatory,' Supporters 'On the Wrong S

February 6th, 2013 12:13 PM
CNN anchors dropped journalistic integrity and went into full attack mode against supporters of the ban on gay Boy Scouts on Wednesday morning. When the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins questioned why the Scouts should change their long-standing policy, anchor Soledad O'Brien blurted out "Because it's discriminatory," before adding "Because they think it's discriminatory." She then…

CNN Pushes Boy Scouts to Get With the Times, Allow Gay Scout Leaders

February 5th, 2013 12:53 PM
CNN's message to the Boy Scouts is this: "the world" is becoming more accepting of same-sex marriage, and the Scouts should get with the times by accepting openly gay leaders. Anchor Carol Costello made that clear on Tuesday morning's Newsroom. "And like it or not, children are exposed to gay people. Ever watch 'Modern Family' or 'Ellen' or hear NFL players speak out for same-sex marriage?…