Obama Guts Welfare Reform, But CNN Wields Liberal Talking Points to Sa

August 8th, 2012 7:04 PM
CNN relied on liberal analysis and Democratic talking points to dismantle a new Romney campaign claim about Obama gutting welfare reform. On Wednesday morning the network twice cited PolitiFact calling Romney's new ad "Pants on Fire" and quoted former President Clinton calling it false. As NewsBusters reported, the July HHS directive does away with work requirements for welfare recipients,…

CNN Uses Sikh Shooting to Tackle Islamophobia -- Despite No Evidence L

August 7th, 2012 5:32 PM
Despite admitting no direct evidence of Islamophobia behind the recent Wisconsin Sikh shooting, CNN's Carol Costello still tried to connect Islamophobia to the shooting and hype it as a national problem that needs to be discussed. "No one knows why Wade Page allegedly chose the Oak Creek Sikh Temple," she began before adding "maybe" the shooter mistook the Sikhs for Muslims. Then she took…

CNN Continues Its Gay Agenda By Bringing on Former Eagle Scout To Tras

August 7th, 2012 5:03 PM
CNN is known for being an activist network on the subject of gay rights, so it comes as no surprise that their newest target is the Boy Scouts of America.  As Newsbusters’ Matthew Philbin recently pointed out, CNN has close ties to GLAAD (Gays and Lesbians Allied Against Defamation) which might explain its decision to attack any organization that does not support its gay agenda. The Boy…

CNN Panel Whacks 'Out of Touch' Romney for Horse In Olympics

August 2nd, 2012 12:04 PM
In a move out of the liberal playbook, CNN hammered Mitt Romney on Thursday for appearing out of touch because his horse is competing in the "elitist" Olympic event of dressage. "He's back here in the United States, preparing to pick a vice president, and possibly trying to avoid charges that a sport involving horse ballet might not make him the most relatable candidate for the average voter…

Hypocritical CNN Downplays Gay Agenda -- When Obama Is Under Fire for

August 1st, 2012 4:05 PM
CNN, the network that encourages gay activists and promotes the gay agenda, is now trying to sweep the issue aside – when President Obama is under fire for his support of gay marriage, that is. On Thursday morning, CNN's Carol Costello suggested Rev. William Owens, a critic of Obama's support for same-sex marriage, focus on something else. "I think nearly every poll out there shows that same…

CNN’s Costello Lets Liberal Guest Smear Romney Without Proof of Wron

July 9th, 2012 5:46 PM
On Monday morning's edition of “CNN Newsroom,” host Carol Costello interviewed liberal writer Nicholas Shaxson, who accused Gov. Mitt Romney of breaking tax laws but provided no evidence to back up his charge. Shaxson was the author of a hit piece in Vanity Fair magazine that accused the presumptive Republican presidential candidate of having a “buried treasure” in undisclosed overseas…

CNN Asks La Raza If New Voter ID Laws Are 'War on Minority Voters

July 9th, 2012 5:25 PM
CNN's Carol Costello teed up a La Raza chairman on Monday by asking him if some new voter ID laws are tantamount to a "war on minority voters." A CNN headline later blared "Voting Rights on Trial," as if the laws were going after people's rights. After playing a clip of Attorney General Eric Holder promising legal action against any discriminatory voter laws, Costello asked her guest Jorge…

CNN Anchor Tells Bill Nye He's Losing to Conservatives 'Politicizing

July 2nd, 2012 6:40 PM
CNN's Carol Costello told guest Bill Nye "The Science Guy" on Monday that climate change skeptics are "politicizing this issue" and "winning." Of course, the two did not admit to the possibility of man-made climate change believers doing the exact same thing. "But the people who are politicizing this issue, they seem to be winning because not much is being done on the issue of climate change…

Desperate CNN Anchor Begs Obama and Romney to Defend Their Health Care

June 29th, 2012 3:25 PM
In a pathetic act of desperation, CNN's Carol Costello whined that President Obama is not defending his own health care bill well enough and that Mitt Romney is not standing behind his own health care bill from Massachusetts. Costello's lament aired on Thursday morning's Newsroom. "I mean, secretly, don't you wish Mitt Romney would help us understand his signature accomplishment as…

'You Go, Girls' -- CNN's Carol Costello Cheers On Liberal 'Nuns on the

June 20th, 2012 2:14 PM
On CNN Newsroom this morning, anchor Carol Costello reported on "Nuns on the Bus:" "Normally, you see nuns working in their closely knit communities and religious orders. But a group of nuns in the United States, they are hitting the road," she reported. "They are taking a bus on nine-state tour.  They are protesting the Ryan budget cuts they say will hurt the poor the most. The nuns are in…

Breaking News? CNN Listens to Sandra Fluke Explain Why She's Voting fo

June 14th, 2012 4:25 PM
Breaking news! Liberal activist Sandra Fluke will be voting for President Obama! CNN thought this announcement not only worthy of a CNN.com op-ed, but hosted Fluke in person for an interview during the 9 a.m. hour of Newsroom on Thursday. Fluke was welcomed on cable news after she was publicly defamed by Rush Limbaugh -- and was published on CNN.com -- and on Thursday CNN's Carol Costello…

CNN Legal Analyst Pooh-Poohs GOP Accusations Against Holder

June 13th, 2012 6:18 PM
Dismissing Republican accusations against Eric Holder as "politics," CNN legal analyst Jeff Toobin claimed that allegations of corruption against the Attorney General have "not been proven at all, at least as far as I can tell." Exasperated anchor Carol Costello teed him up by wondering why Republicans in Congress won't believe the Attorney General's admitted ignorance of tactics used in the…

CNN Again Promotes Dissident Catholic Nun's Book, Takes Shot at Vatica

June 7th, 2012 5:34 PM
CNN took some shots at the Vatican on Thursday when touting a dissident nun's book that made the Amazon.com best sellers list. "The nun who wrote a book about sex should be thanking the Vatican for condemning it," anchor Carol Costello quipped. Exactly why CNN thinks this is news is uncertain, unless it wants to advance a liberal religious agenda. Just the other day, a regular contributor to…

CNN’s Alina Cho Finds ‘Good Argument’ for Bloomberg’s Drink Ba

May 31st, 2012 3:39 PM
Nanny state Mayor Michael Bloomberg is at it again, trying to pass a ban on large sugary drinks, all with the media’s help of course. CNN’s Alina Cho favored the proposal in her May 31 report during the 10 a.m. hour of “Newsroom.” “Newsroom” anchor Carol Costello called the Bloomberg proposal to ban sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces at roughly 20,000 establishments “controversial,” but Cho…