CNN: Obama's Win Wasn't a Mandate...Except It Was

November 14th, 2012 5:07 PM
Despite CNN correspondent Dana Bash's claim that "neither side has a really clear mandate" from the election, CNN anchors went ahead on Tuesday and Wednesday and pushed Republicans to admit that President Obama has a mandate to raise taxes by virtue of his party's election gains. On Tuesday night, Piers Morgan called Paul Ryan's denial of a mandate "ridiculous, given President Obama was re-…

CNN Newsroom Hypes Tina Fey's Rant: Flatters Her in the Process

October 26th, 2012 3:21 PM
Not content to restrict the ongoing firestorm surrounding Senate candidate Richard Mourdock to the media, CNN's Newsroom turned to liberal comedienne Tina Fey to bash the Indiana Republican some more this morning. "Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock better watch out," CNN Newsroom anchor Carol Costello warned, teasing the story at the top of the program. "Tina Fey is coming after them. Why the…

CNN's Costello Spends More Time on GOP Senate Candidate Than Libya E-M

October 24th, 2012 3:59 PM
On Wednesday, CNN's Carol Costello spent more time on a GOP Senate candidate's remarks on abortion than she did on a new bombshell report on the Libya attacks. Costello devoted just over 12 minutes to Libya, versus 13 and a half minutes to Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's comments, and his endorsement by Mitt Romney. Costello anchors the 9 and 10 a.m. hours of CNN Newsroom.…

New Gallup Poll Shreds CNN's Speculation on Women, Abortion, and the G

October 23rd, 2012 6:23 PM
After a USA Today/Gallup poll showed women in swing states thought abortion the top election issue, CNN hyped the news and cast a wary eye toward "controversial" Republican positions as the possible catalysts. Five days later, however, Gallup reported that, nationally, abortion is near the bottom of importance among voters. CNN hosts Erin Burnett and Anderson Cooper led their October 18…

CNN's Jessica Yellin: 'Not Anything Significantly New' In Obama's Just

October 23rd, 2012 11:40 AM
Appearing at a campaign event in Delray, Florida, Tuesday, President Obama revealed a 20-page booklet called “The New Economic Patriotism: A Plan For Jobs & Middle-Class Security.” CNN's Jessica Yellin reporting from the scene amazingly said, "There’s not anything significantly new in here" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Bizarre: CNN's Costello Says She's 'Proud' to Be 'Card-Carrying Member

October 22nd, 2012 6:55 PM
CNN's Carol Costello agreed with a guest whom she cut off last week in mid-interview after he addressed health risks of homosexual behavior. He claimed her tactic was the "gay Gestapo" "in action." "Well, Mr. Fischer if that's the definition of the 'gay Gestapo,' then I'm a proud card-carrying member," Costello professed on Monday morning. She had defended "Mix It Up at Lunch Day" against…

CNN Blames GOP Reps for Women Saying Abortion Most Important Issue

October 19th, 2012 3:45 PM
After a Gallup poll showed abortion as the top issue among likely women voters, CNN's Carol Costello suggested Republicans are responsible – and not in a good way. "Why now? Maybe it's because there's been so much controversial language surrounding the issue lately, like Congressman Todd Akin's 'legitimate rape' comments," said Costello, bringing in the Democratic talking points. [Video below…

Piers Morgan Scoffs at 'Binders' Frenzy, But Other CNN Reporters Jumpe

October 18th, 2012 5:51 PM
Liberal CNN host Piers Morgan canned the Democratic "binders full of women" attack on Romney as "facile and silly," but CNN reporters hammered on it Wednesday night and well into Thursday. Surprisingly, Morgan threw his criticism in David Axelrod's face by telling him "I find it rather facile and silly, to be honest with you, that the Democrats are trying to make it fun of Mitt Romney for…

CNN Anchor Questions If Libya Should Even Be a Campaign Issue

October 15th, 2012 4:11 PM
When a news anchor's Obama-friendly question is slapped down by even a liberal columnist, it's whacky. CNN's Carol Costello wondered if Libya should even be a campaign issue, but both her guests -- liberal and conservative -- answered in a resounding affirmation on Monday. Citing the father of dead Ambassador Chris Stevens, who deplored the tragedy becoming a campaign issue, Costello asked "…

GOP Congressman Lays Into CNN for 'Doing a Disservice' to Struggling A

October 4th, 2012 5:07 PM
When CNN laughably focused on Mitt Romney cutting funding for "Big Bird" as a key debate moment, Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) took CNN to task on Thursday for hyping such a frivolous detail. "I think focusing on a light moment, which was clearly what it was, is doing a disservice to the people of America who are struggling," Diaz-Balart ripped into CNN. He also mocked anchor Carol…

PBS Strikes Back: 'Romney Does Not Understand the Value the American P

October 4th, 2012 4:54 PM
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney during Wednesday's debate with Barack Obama said he would end the federal subsidy to PBS. On Thursday, PBS struck back with the following statement:

Former Romney Spokesperson Rips Media for Overlooking Obama's Policies

September 17th, 2012 5:03 PM
Former Romney spokesperson Richard Grenell called out the media on Monday for not focusing hard enough on President Obama's foreign policy record. "The media needs to start looking at policies, not just lip service from this President," he told CNN's Carol Costello. "You know, there has been criticism that Romney spoke out too early in the Middle East after 15 hours of a developing violence…

CNN Tees Up John Lewis to Liken Voter ID Laws to Jim Crow

September 14th, 2012 12:35 PM
Civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) has said new voter ID laws reflect old Jim Crow laws, and CNN's Carol Costello played right into his outlandish rhetoric on Friday morning. "Are you kind of stunned we're talking about these kinds of things in this day and age, with your history, I mean?" Costello asked the liberal congressman of the debate over voter ID laws. He answered in the…

CNN Warns of Extremism, Exclusion In GOP; Touts 'Humongous' Gender Gap

August 27th, 2012 6:01 PM
Following the liberal media's precedent at GOP conventions, CNN hit the Republican Party for being too extreme and intolerant on Monday morning. As NewsBusters reported Monday, the media have repeatedly lectured Republicans at the conventions for being too conservative and exclusive of women and minorities. "Some Republicans worry that the Republican Party will come off even more…