CNN 'Can't Help' But Play Conan Video Mocking Ron Paul As Intro to

May 13th, 2011 6:00 PM
Ron Paul may be considered a "fringe" conservative for his beliefs, but as a U.S. congressman running for a major party presidential ticket he received some bizarre coverage on CNN Friday. Anchor Carol Costello chuckled as the network played a clip of comedian Conan O'Brien mocking Paul's presidential bid, before asking her panel about the 2012 presidential field. "We couldn't help but play…

CNN Deflects Scrutiny Away From Rapper's Violent Lyrics, Dismisses Con

May 12th, 2011 5:00 PM
On Thursday morning, CNN largely dismissed the controversy over the White House invite of rapper Common, using talking points from the White House and Comedy Central's Daily Show to marginalize conservative critics. Anchor Carol Costello deflected attention away from the rapper's violent lyrics by quoting a rap of his that has a pro-life message. She quoted none of his violent lyrics,…

CNN Frames GOP as Being On Wrong Side of Tax Hike Debate

May 10th, 2011 4:36 PM
According to a USA Today analysis, Americans are paying a lower percentage of income tax rates now than in the 1970s-1990s – and CNN's Jack Cafferty used this fact Monday to ask if raising taxes should be the first priority in Congress's deficit reduction plan. He hinted that the Treasury could use the extra revenue from higher taxes. Then on Tuesday, CNN Anchor Carol Costello continued the…

Cancel the Election Already? CNN Anchor Asks If Obama Is 'Unbeatable

May 9th, 2011 5:55 PM
If CNN's Roland Martin gives the same answer as a tea party conservative, you know you've asked him a pretty bizarre question. On Monday's 10 a.m. EDT news hour, CNN anchor Carol Costello asked the panel if Obama is now "unbeatable" due to the killing of Osama bin Laden, falling gas prices, and a positive May jobs report. Of course, the election is over one year away, not all of the possible…

CNN's John Avlon Spins 'Birther' Issue Into 'Very Concerning' Problem

April 21st, 2011 3:47 PM
CNN contributor John Avlon, labeled an "independent," was all but sounding the death knell for 2012 Republican presidential hopes on CNN Thursday. Avlon took Republican criticism of notable figures such as Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, and Michele Bachmann and spun it to tout that the GOP is in trouble. "This is the sound of Republicans getting nervous," Avlon ominously sounded. "It really…

CNN Anchor 'Shocked' Congress Working to Open Up Offshore Drilling Wit

April 20th, 2011 5:50 PM
They may not be officially celebrating "Green Week," but CNN was fully in the spirit of the week Wednesday morning. Anchor Carol Costello expressed her dismay that Congress has not acted in the last year to prevent another disaster like the BP oil spill, and seemed to want more safety regulations and laws for oil companies to follow in a disaster. "Congress doesn't seem to be in charge,"…

CNN Frets Over 'Crime' of Gov't Shutdown's Impact on Washington Museum

April 7th, 2011 4:40 PM
Along with other institutions and people who will be impacted by a government shutdown, CNN spotlighted, throughout the day Thursday, the "grave" plight of museums and parks that may be forced to a "screeching halt" in the "height of tourism season." CNN devoted its entire 2 p.m. EDT news hour to the possible government shutdown and what its consequences would be. Anchor Randi Kaye began…

CNN Touts Psychiatrist Who Labels PFC Manning Confinement 'Torture

March 16th, 2011 7:33 PM
On Wednesday's Newsroom, CNN hyped the concerns of psychiatrist Terry Kupers over the imprisonment of Wikileaks suspect Bradley Manning. Kupers labeled Manning's months-long solitary confinement "cruel or inhumane treatment, and by international standards, they constitute torture." The guest also claimed that "nobody has been accused of crimes like Bradley Manning's." Anchor Carol Costello…

CNN's Costello: 'Crazy to Me That We're Hoping the Outcome Is Like Thr

March 15th, 2011 2:06 PM
On CNN Newsroom this morning, anchor Carol Costello spoke with national correspondent Jason Carroll about the potential for a nuclear disaster in Japan.  Carroll noted that "some scientists say the best-case scenario at this point is that the situation in Japan ends up like Three Mile Island. . ."  This possibility  frightened the anchor: COSTELLO: It's kind of crazy to me that we're hoping…

CNN Reruns Flawed 2009 Report on Fairness Doctrine, Promoting More Rad

March 3rd, 2011 5:09 PM
CNN's Carol Costello re-aired a biased report she did in 2009 about liberal efforts to push localism to limit the influence of conservative talk radio. During the report, Costello omitted the left-of-center source of a statistic she used, that 91% of talk radio is apparently conservative. She also tilted towards localism by playing three sound bites in favor of the proposal, versus two against…

CNN's Carol Costello Warns 'Corporate America is About to Win' in Wisc

February 22nd, 2011 12:31 PM
On the February 22 edition of "American Morning," CNN's Carol Costello framed the ongoing budget debate in Wisconsin as a struggle between embattled middle class workers and corporatist Republicans with ulterior motives, parroting SEIU President Mary Kay Henry to warn viewers that "corporate America is about to win big time." "Henry says corporate America save themselves money in wages by…

CNN: Vatican Conducting 'Inquisition' Against Dissenting Nuns

September 17th, 2010 6:01 PM
On Friday's American Morning, CNN's Carol Costello followed up on her biased report from the previous day, which promoted Catholic women posing as priests, with a second report on dissenting Catholics, focusing on heterodox nuns inside the U.S. Costello promoted the claim of the nuns, who accuse the Vatican of conducting an "inquisition," or wanting to "silence nuns when they disagree with the…

CNN Marks Pope's UK Visit By Highlighting Women 'Priests

September 16th, 2010 2:58 PM
Predictably, Thursday's American Morning on CNN marked the Pope Benedict XVI's first day in the UK with a report on dissenting Catholic women who claimed they are ordained priests, contrary to the teachings of the Church. Correspondent Carol Costello took a misinterpretation of a recent Church document on ordination as fact, and ran only one sound bite from a Vatican official.Substitute anchor…

CNN's Acosta and Costello Parrot Obama Talking Points on Offshore Dril

June 25th, 2010 4:45 PM
CNN's Carol Costello and Jim Acosta revealed their disdain for a federal judge's decision to overturn the Obama administration's 6-month moratorium on offshore drilling when the expert they interviewed on the June 25 "American Morning" made a convincing case against the moratorium.Tom Bower, an author who has written extensively on the oil industry, tried to explain the devastating economic…