CNN's Carol Costello Hypes Up Greenpeace, Sierra Club, and Liberal Env

June 24th, 2010 3:28 PM
On the June 24 "American Morning," CNN's Carol Costello trumpeted a "revitalized" environmental movement that is hoping the Gulf oil spill will "change the way we feel about oil" and is aggressively lobbying Congress to pass radical climate change legislation.Previewing the "Gut Check" segment, Costello gleefully teased, "Coming up next, environmentalists are revitalized and it's over the Gulf…

Carol Costello Uses Subtle Attacks on Bush, Republicans for Economic P

February 22nd, 2010 2:23 PM
CNN's Carol Costello clearly misses the good old days when unions dominated and the "American Dream" was alive and well. "The American dream, 1950s-style. Middle-class America seemed to have it all then. A nice home, a car, economic security. Sixty years later the Bindners and much of the middle-class think thanks to Uncle Sam all of that is disappearing," Costello said introducing her "broken…

CNN: Tebow Ad is the Result of Pro-Lifers Becoming More 'Feminist

February 5th, 2010 1:17 PM
CNN’s Carol Costello bizarrely claimed on Friday’s American Morning that the upcoming Super Bowl ad featuring Tim Tebow and his mother is the “culmination of a brilliant marketing strategy by the anti-abortion movement... [which] has quietly found a way to rebrand itself as hip...and feminist.” Costello also misrepresented pro-lifers as people who regularly call women who abort “baby-killers.”The…

CNN Boosts Repeal of 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' 11 to

February 3rd, 2010 11:08 AM
There are at least two sides to every argument, unless the issue is homosexuality. Then, according to CNN, there's only one side and it's the homosexual activists who get to tell it. CNN advocated a repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy in 12 different reports between Jan. 28, the day after President Barack Obama reiterated his pledge to end the current military policy of banning…

Carol Costello: Republicans Fomented 'Fear and Confusion Among Voters

January 20th, 2010 4:28 PM
CNN’s Carol Costello reminisced enthusiastically about President Obama’s inauguration a year ago on Tuesday’s American Morning, highlighting how, at the time, “the hearts of millions of Americans were ready to burst- with a Woodstock kind of love.” Costello also took a shot at Republicans, stating that they “used the President’s strategy [on health care] to create fear and confusion among voters…

CNN's Costello: 'Might the Republicans Blame in Part Themselves' for S

December 23rd, 2009 12:15 PM
On CNN's American Morning today, anchor Carol Costello advanced a theory on who's responsible for the Let's Make a Deal environment permeating the Senate as it stumbles to completion of a health care bill.  Here is part of her exchange with CNN political analyst and GOP strategist Ed Rollins:COSTELLO: Might (the) Republicans blame in part themselves for this, because none of them were going to…

CNN Zeroes-In on 'Right-Wing' Backlash Against Muslims From Pajamas Me

November 9th, 2009 2:48 PM
On Monday’s American Morning, CNN’s Carol Costello highlighted a column on the “right-wing” Pajamas Media website during a report on a possible backlash against Muslim soldiers, but omitted how the author of the column is a noted feminist, and that her only “right-wing” credential is her focus on Islamic misogyny.Anchor John Roberts introduced Costello’s report, noting that  apparently “many…

CNN Again Cites Liberal Study on Talk Radio, Pushes Localism

October 21st, 2009 11:25 AM
CNN’s Carol Costello again omitted the liberal source of a statistic she touted during a report on Wednesday’s American Morning, that 91% of talk radio is apparently conservative. Costello also pushed the left-wing aim of localism in radio programming, playing three soundbites in favor of the proposal, versus two against it.Near the end of her report, which aired at the bottom of the 7 am Eastern…

CNN Psychoanalyzes Talk Radio Listeners, Cites Liberal Study on Format

October 19th, 2009 1:38 PM
CNN’s Carol Costello began a new series on political talk radio on Monday’s American Morning, suggesting it was unfairly dominated by conservatives, and brought on a liberal psychiatrist who theorized that Rush Limbaugh has an audience because he’s “operating like the bully, and if you’re on the want to be...under the bully’s wing and go along with him and get...some power by…

CNN's Polling Before and After Obama Speech Skewed Democratic

September 10th, 2009 12:58 PM
Update (NB Staff): MRC/NB's Brent Bozell reacts to CNN poll (posted below page break).CNN/Opinion Research Corporation’s poll on President Obama’s health care speech to Congress on Wednesday significantly oversampled Democrats. The pollsters interviewed 427 Americans before and after their speech- only 18% were Republicans, while 45% were Democrats. Due to this skewing, CNN didn’t really play up…

Just Abstain from CNN? Costello Favors Left-Wing Voices on Sex Educati

September 3rd, 2009 3:04 PM
CNN’s Carol Costello report on Thursday’s American Morning about the end of abstinence-only sex education in North Carolina leaned to the left in the featured sound bites. Three clips came from those who endorsed “comprehensive” sex education, including one who worked for an organization that promotes abortion overseas, as opposed to only one clip from a conservative who favored the old program.…

CNN Highlights Dangers of Obama’s Deficit: ‘Taxes That Would Make

August 28th, 2009 1:05 PM
Amid all of the tributes to Ted Kennedy’s lengthy career of expanding the scope of government and its cost to taxpayers, CNN’s American Morning on Friday dug up a six-week old op-ed from the Tax Policy Center’s Len Burman warning that massive trillion-dollar deficits are a catastrophe that could lead to the end of the U.S. as a great power “or even a mediocre one.”With the on-screen graphic…

CNN's Kurtz: Should Glenn Beck be Fired for Calling Obama Racist

August 2nd, 2009 2:11 PM
On CNN Sunday, Howard Kurtz asked his "Reliable Sources" guests if Fox News's Glenn Beck should be fired for calling President Obama a racist.As he pressed the issue, Kurtz must have forgotten how much attention his own network gave to Kanye West's claim in the wake of Hurricane Katrina that "George Bush does not care about black people."In fact, in the weeks following the destruction of New…

CNN's Costello: States' Rights is Like 'Asking the Children to be the

July 31st, 2009 7:20 PM
CNN correspondent Carol Costello aired a fair report on Friday’s American Morning about the several states which passed resolutions that asserted their rights under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and asked for viewer responses on the issue, but later stated that her “favorite [viewer] comment so far...‘asking for states’ rights is asking, you know, the children to be the parents…