God and Guns: CNN's Costello Pits Jesus Against Gun Ownership

July 17th, 2009 2:46 PM
Owning an semiautomatic AK-47, much less giving them away free with the purchase of a pickup truck, seems just "a tad irresponsible" to Carol Costello. The CNN anchor, who said she grew up with guns in her house as a teenager, tacked to the left on gun rights in her interview with Kansas City auto dealer Mark Muller, who is giving away vouchers for the Russian-made rifles with the purchase of a…

CNN's Carol Costello Equates Neda Murder with Kent State

June 23rd, 2009 7:09 PM
On Tuesday’s Newsroom program, CNN correspondent Carol Costello harkened back to the 1970 incident at Kent State University, where National Guardsmen shot rock-throwing protesters and bystanders, and made it a possible equivalent to the recent murder of Iranian student Neda. Costello pondered the effect of the Neda murder video on the Iranian protests, and flashed a famous photo from the 1970…

CNN Highlights Prediction of a 'Huge Backlash' Against Pro-Lifers Afte

June 2nd, 2009 5:26 PM
CNN correspondent Carol Costello underscored the left-wing campaign of blame targeting pro-lifers in the wake of the murder of abortionist George Tiller during a segment on Tuesday’s “American Morning.” She stated on the one hand that “criminologists we talked  [to] would say it’s unlikely words alone could drive someone to kill, and until we know more about the accused killer, it’s best not to…

CNN Uses Two Liberals to Bash Conservatives' 'Judicial Activist' Label

May 29th, 2009 1:27 PM
During a segment on Friday’s “American Morning,” CNN correspondent Carol Costello used two liberal talking heads to cast doubt on the “judicial activist” label used by conservatives. Costello used three sound bites from Jonathan Turley of George Washington University Law School, who branded the use of the term as “perfectly juvenile,” and one from NPR’s Nina Totenberg to cast aspersions on…

CNN Bemoans Americans' Hostility to Islam, Obama Needs to 'Educate

April 7th, 2009 6:13 PM
CNN latched onto two separate poll results on Monday that indicated that about half of Americans view the Islamic world negatively or don’t trust Muslim allies as much as other allies, and indicated that President Obama and others in authority need to be “educators” for the public about Islam. The network brought up the polls’ results on seven different occasions during their programming that day…

More Obama Adulation on CNN, This Time Over Michelle

April 2nd, 2009 6:21 PM
Two journalists appearing as guests on CNN on Wednesday and Thursday praised “mighty Michelle” Obama for being “stylish,” “successful,” and for showing “an interest in wanting to reach out to people who may feel they’ve been disenfranchised or held at a distance from the power structure.” Self-described “political provocateur” Lola Adesioye, who writes for the Huffington Post and the left-wing…

CNN’s John Roberts Dubs Inaugural Crowds 'Barack-stock

January 21st, 2009 1:17 PM
During a short segment on Wednesday’s American Morning, CNN anchor John Roberts responded to the excited demeanor of the crowds attending President Barack Obama’s inauguration by labeling the festivity “Barack-stock.” Earlier in the segment, correspondent Carol Costello dubbed it “a gigantic love fest” after she stated how there were no serious incidents or arrests involving the approximately 1.5…

CNN's Tale of Two Screen Graphics: Beefcake Barack vs. Winky Palin

December 24th, 2008 7:36 AM

CNN’s Carol Costello Remains ‘Hopeful’ Over California Gay Marri

November 5th, 2008 1:28 PM
During a special post-election edition of American Morning on early Wednesday morning, CNN correspondent Carol Costello seemed to be confused as to what California’s proposed Proposition 8 would do and hinted that she was opposed to the effort. The initiative would amend the state’s constitution to ban same-sex "marriage." Costello first stumbled as she tried to explain the proposition: "These…

CNN’s Carol Costello: ACORN ‘Committed to Registering Minority Vo

October 31st, 2008 9:13 PM
On Friday’s American Morning program, CNN correspondent Carol Costello referred to the liberal organization ACORN as merely "a group committed to registering minority voters," and highlighted how it’s "trying to quiet what it calls ‘hysteria,’ coming from conservative circles" who "charge it’s... guilty of voter fraud." The on-screen graphic accompanying her report, which was the last full…

CNN’s Carol Costello Airs Democratic Fears About GOP Voter Suppressi

October 20th, 2008 3:31 PM
CNN correspondent Carol Costello’s report on Monday’s American Morning program unquestioningly repeated a claim by Democrats in Michigan that Republicans in the state would disqualify voters affected by home foreclosures. She began her report by phrasing the accusation this way: "Lost your house to foreclosure? Democrats in Macomb County, Michigan, say beware -- Republicans, they say, want to…

CNN Again Omits Part of the Story Concerning Obama’s Abortion Votes

August 19th, 2008 12:43 PM
CNN correspondent Mary Snow’s report on Monday’s The Situation Room about Barack Obama’s charge that pro-life "folks are lying" about his abortion record actually just presented both sides of the controversy without getting to the reality of the matter. The report, which was promoted as "checking the facts" by host Wolf Blitzer, also omitted how Obama’s campaign conceded on Sunday that the pro-…

CNN’s Costello Omits Part of the Story About Obama’s Radical Abort

July 1st, 2008 2:58 PM
In a report on Monday’s "The Situation Room" purporting to clarify how Barack Obama "really voted on abortion" (as the graphic on-screen at right stated), CNN correspondent Carol Costello misconstrued the Democrat’s stance on legislation during his time in the Illinois state senate that would have protected infants that survived abortions. Besides the two votes specifically mentioned by Costello…

CNN’s Costello: ‘Tell-All’ Books on Bush Point to ‘Suppressed

May 29th, 2008 12:15 PM
CNN correspondent Carol Costello, covering the reaction to McClellan’s new "tell-all" book about the Bush administration on Thursday’s "American Morning," added some liberal-leaning psychoanalysis to the obligatory quotes from current and former administration officials and a clip from Rush Limbaugh. "Unflattering kiss and tells about the Bush administration are a dime a dozen. Spilling the beans…