NBC's Mitchell and WaPo's Cillizza Express 'Disappointment' in Obama's

August 9th, 2013 4:37 PM
On Friday's MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports, while previewing President Obama's upcoming press conference, host Andrea Mitchell turned to The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza and lamented the lack of liberal policy successes in the President's second term: "There's a disappointment factor because he doesn't have immigration reform, he doesn't have any notches on his belt, if you will, on domestic…

Minutes After Rick Perry's TX Announcement, WashPost Lectures: Don't R

July 8th, 2013 4:38 PM
On Monday, Governor Rick Perry (R-Texas) announced he would not seek a fourth term as chief executive of the Lone Star State, saying the time had come “to pass on the mantle of leadership.” It took the liberal media roughly 30 minutes to begin what will no doubt be an onslaught against the former presidential candidate, with the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza offering all the reasons why…

WaPo Pity Party: Graphic Teases 'Obama's Disastrous Week,' 'Carney's T

May 15th, 2013 10:57 AM
It's just so unfortunate that such nice guys are going through such trying circumstances. That's the impression one gets from graphic teases seen at about 9:30 this morning at the Washington Post, where the captions underneath the three left thumbnails read as follows: "President Obama’s disastrous political week"; "Jay Carney’s tough day"; and "Jay Carney’s day — in 7 faces." If you don't…

Even MSNBC Libs Stunned by 'Outrageous Dumbness' of IRS

May 10th, 2013 2:56 PM
The admission by the IRS that its workers targeted conservative Tea Party groups was so scandalous even some of the liberals at MSNBC felt compelled to condemn the tax agency. On Friday's edition of Andrea Mitchell Reports substitute host Chris Cillizza exclaimed he was "stunned" by the "dumbness" of the IRS. Cillizza's Washington Post colleague, Ruth Marcus called the revelations "outrageous…

Mark Sanford Wins, Washington Post 'He's Toast' Bias Loses

May 8th, 2013 8:53 AM
The Washington Post reported Mark Sanford’s “easy victory” in a special-election vote for Congress to replace now-Sen. Tim Scott. This had to be disappointing for columnist Dana Milbank, who predicted just last Thursday that “South Carolinians, asked to cross the line with Sanford on Tuesday, are likely to tell him to take a hike.” The Post tried to paint Sanford as a goner. The only time…

Washington Post Earnings Drop 85 Percent

May 3rd, 2013 5:40 PM
Politico reported today that net income at The Washington Post Co. dropped an astonishing 85 percent from the first quarter of last year to the first quarter of this year. The newspaper division posted an operating loss of $34.5 million over that period. It looks as if the Post, like many other newspapers around the country, may have entered an age of decline. Newspapers just aren’t as…

WaPo Omits Bad Pew Study Numbers On Global Warming

April 3rd, 2013 6:45 PM
Yesterday, Juliet Eilperin wrote for the Washington Post that “the public interest in climate change is waning.”  Posted to Chris Cillizza’s Fix blog, it’s odd that Eilperin didn’t use any hard numbers in this piece.  Citing Pew, she did say that support has dropped six points since last October, but what, pray tell, was the support at that time?  Ten percent? Twenty-five? Maybe she omitted…

Washington Post's Chris Cillizza Calls Mark Sanford 'Turd In Political

April 3rd, 2013 1:25 PM
I find that the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza usually plays things pretty much down the middle, and subscribe to his Fix email blast. So it came as an unpleasant surprise to find in my inbox a little while ago a Cillizza email, linking to his current Fix column, tthat referred to Mark Sanford as "the turd in the political punch bowl."  Cillizza repeated the line in the column itself. View…

WashPost On Gay Marriage Debate: Shut Up! There Is No Debate

March 25th, 2013 2:47 PM
The Supreme Court will hear two sides of a debate on gay marriage this week. But if the liberal media had their way, the debate would be over, and the social conservatives would have to sit down and shut up. Take this headline from The Washington Post today: "Political debate on same-sex marriage is over." Chris Cillizza, who is usually careful to avoid taking a side on issues, made a…

Washington Post's Cillizza Confesses: 'I Can't Get Enough of Hillary C

February 11th, 2013 10:21 AM
Filling in for host Chuck Todd on Friday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza gushed over the popularity of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: "Hillary Clinton is just day's removed from public office, but a new poll finds her public image soaring. Time to put another log on the 2016 speculation fire....Look, I can't get enough of Hillary Clinton, I'll just admit…

NBCers Giddy Over Obama Being 'Big Sheriff in Town' Ahead of State of

February 8th, 2013 4:45 PM
During a panel discussion on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Friday, Meet the Press moderator David Gregory touted President Obama's swagger leading up to Tuesday's State of the Union address: "He's coming at this with a very ambitious agenda at a time when he's feeling pretty confident...You come into the start of your second term, you say, 'Okay, I'm going to walk with a bit more strength…

Chris Cillizza Finds Decline In Americans' Trust In Government 'Depres

February 7th, 2013 9:33 AM
Conservatives might take heart from a recent poll showing a decline in Americans' trust in government.  But Chris Cillizza sees it as a "depressing reality." So wrote Cillizza in his "Fix" column in today's Washington Post.  Indeed, Cillizza's headline, "Are we in the end times of trust in government?", suggests that he finds the development nothing short of potentially apocalyptic. Let's…

While Many Liberal Outlets Note Hagel's Horrible Performance, WashPost

February 1st, 2013 12:10 PM
Former senator Chuck Hagel's shoddy performance at his confirmation hearing yesterday has not merely been panned by conservative outlets but also liberal ones. For example, in "What Happened to Hagel?", Daily Beast's Ali Gharib concluded that "a proud statesman" appeared "confused and unsure as he took body shots" from skeptical senators, all the while being unable to explain "some version—any…

Only 28% of Americans Consider Gun Control a Top Priority, Despite MSN

January 15th, 2013 8:12 PM
As news outlets, notably MSNBC, CBS, and CNN, all tout gun control, it’s hard not to accuse these news outlets of exploiting tragedy to promote a left-wing political agenda when a new Washington Post/ ABC News poll shows that gun control isn’t a top political priority with the American people.  Examining the results of a new Washington Post poll, the Post's Chris Cilizza in his The Fix blog…