
MSNBC Panel Jumps to Hillary's Defense After Release of Emails

May 21st, 2015 5:33 PM
Thursday, with the release of many emails to and form Hillary Clinton regarding the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports largely came to the defense of the former Secretary of State. Guest anchor Luke Russert argued that the emails Clinton received from Sidney Blumenthal could give her an “out if in fact she took this information and pushed it forward. If anything…

MSNBC: 'Holes' in 'Clinton Cash'; 'Hard to Prove' Without E-Mail Trail

April 24th, 2015 4:16 PM
On her Friday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell dismissed the upcoming Clinton Cash book as having "a lot of holes" in its corruption allegations against Bill and Hillary Clinton: "There is the question of, how do you connect the policy that she was pursuing as a Secretary of State with the allegation that money was being contributed to the charity or speeches were being booked for Bill Clinton…

WashPost Reporter Claims: 'The Media Isn't Biased in Favor of Hillary'

April 19th, 2015 7:48 AM
Washington Post political reporter Chris Cillizza recently lectured Rand Paul not to play media critic. Now he’s decided conservative media critics as a whole have no argument in an article provocatively headlined “No, the media isn’t biased in favor of Hillary Clinton.” There is no evidence for that charge, he wrote, even as he acknowledged the embarrassing video of journalists chasing after the…

WashPost: McConnell Pledges to Avoid 'Scary' Excesses of 'Far Right'

January 5th, 2015 8:39 AM
The Washington Post is positioning the Senate conservatives as “scary” in Monday’s editions. Online, the headline was “New Senate majority leader’s main goal for GOP: Don’t be scary.” Liberal congressional reporter Paul Kane relayed that Democrats think that appeasing “far-right conservatives” will lead to Republican defeats in 2016:

Bozell & Graham Column: Enabling the Delusional Democrats

November 18th, 2014 10:49 PM
After the 2012 campaign, liberal journalists swarmed around Republican Party chair Reince Priebus offering what was called an “autopsy” on every way Republicans failed, with a special emphasis on more outreach to minority voters. Democrats and their media enablers painted a picture of demographic doom for an aging white Republican base. Two years later, Republicans made dramatic gains among…

NBC Banishes Story to Sunday on Obama's Unpopularity Ahead of Midterms

October 13th, 2014 11:49 PM
On Sunday, NBC Nightly News took the unusual step of running a story that not only discussed the upcoming midterm elections but also President Obama’s unpopularity on the campaign trail as Democrats struggle to keep control of the Senate.  The problem with the story, however, was that it aired on Sunday night, when millions of Americans are watching football, spending time with family or at…

'28 Words That Democrats Really Wish President Obama Didn’t Say'

October 3rd, 2014 8:51 AM
There was a good reason for Democrat-friendly networks to skip Obama’s economic speech yesterday, as Curtis Houck reported. Washington Post political reporter Chris Cillizza was shocked the president seemed to hand Republicans a ready-made TV ad in the speech. His headline was “28 words that Democrats really wish President Obama didn’t say today.”

MSNBC: Joe Biden's Offensive Gaffes Make Him 'Real' and 'Authentic'

September 18th, 2014 4:53 PM
During a segment on Thursday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, fill-in host Kristen Welker noted Joe Biden making a string of gaffes – which included using an anti-Semitic slur – during a trip to Iowa, but then she and her guests proceeded to excuse his offensive remarks as merely being part of his charm. [Listen to the audio] The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza observed: "Joe Biden is…

MSNBC Hypes Scott Walker's 'Scramble' For Reelection

August 13th, 2014 4:05 PM
MSNBC did its best to hype the “really tight race” facing Republican incumbent and possible 2016 candidate Governor Scott Walker on the August 13 edition of The Daily Rundown.  Guest host Chris Cillizza teased a segment on the Wisconsin Republican’s re-election twice in the first half hour of his 9 a.m. show, boasting “a look at Scott Walker's biggest fight yet” and the “tough road to re-…

Here We Go: WaPo's Chris Cillizza Says 'It's Virtually Impossible' For

July 22nd, 2014 10:50 AM
It never fails. When the regime of center-right political leader with executive authority begins to implode, the focus is on how and why that person is failing — as it should be. When it becomes clear that a leftist mayor, governor, or president is entering the failure zone, it's because the job is impossible, or the city, state, or nation has become "ungovernable." We're entering the excuses…

MSNBC's Chuck Todd: Tea Party Conservatives 'Love to Complain,' 'Don't

June 13th, 2014 12:30 PM
Reacting to news that Texas conservatives Pete Sessions (R) and Jeb Hensarling (R) would not challenge Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for House Majority Leader, MSNBC’s Chuck Todd felt compelled to rip the Tea Party for their supposed lack of leadership. According to The Daily Rundown host, Tea Party conservatives “will blind quote ‘leadership’ to death. They love to complain, moan, gripe, you know…

CNN Attacks Rove for Daring to Suggest Hillary's Health a Valid Campai

May 13th, 2014 5:02 PM
First, let’s get this straight: By very definition, Hillary Clinton actually did suffer a "traumatic brain injury" in 2012. She fell; she hit her head; she suffered a concussion; and she developed a blood clot which hospitalized her. A concussion is precisely a “traumatic brain injury,” according to official medical definition. Thus, when Karl Rove indelicately -- and perhaps not wisely for…

WashPost's Cillizza Dutifully Spins Robert Gates's Damning Revelation

January 8th, 2014 3:15 PM
Former Bush and Obama Secretary of Defense Robert Gates generally speaks warmly of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in his forthcoming memoir. But there is one passage in which he expresses his dismay at Clinton admitting that the reason she opposed President Bush's troop surge in Iraq was strictly political rather than based on a genuine disagreement with the policy. But fear not,…

MSNBC: Obama Having to 'Swat' GOP 'Gnats' That Are 'Swarming Around Hi

August 21st, 2013 5:39 PM
On Wednesday's MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports, fill-in co-host Kathleen Matthews, wife of Hardball host Chris Matthews, lamented Republicans distracting President Obama from pushing his liberal agenda: "...the President's got the gnats of August swarming around him, with Ted Cruz out there fighting against ObamaCare. So, hard to kind of keep that message and that kind of – that solid message…