
Brennan, Matthews: Trump Is ‘Joining the Other Side’ to Betray America

March 8th, 2019 3:26 PM

Amidst a commercial-free Thursday night edition of Hardball in light of the Paul Manafort sentencing, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews brought on Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan to rage over the Manafort sentence by Judge T.S. Ellis and accuse President Trump of having “jumped the tracks” to betray America to side with North Korea, Russia, and Saudi Arabia.


MSNBC RAGES Over Manafort Ruling; A ‘Shocking’ ‘Injustice’ by Judge

March 7th, 2019 10:29 PM

On Thursday night, the liberal media had to grapple with the surprising prison sentence of 47 months for Paul Manafort by Judge T.S. Ellis. And for MSNBC’s Hardball, the “shocking” and racist decision was characterized as an “breach of justice” by Ellis that’s placed trust in American government “in jeopardy” in favor of allowing his “puppet strings” to be pulled by Moscow.


Matthews, Reiner Fret About How Nets Don't Control the News Anymore

March 5th, 2019 10:18 PM
After being away for two weeks that included a vacation to New Zealand, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews was in rare form on day two of his return, questioning the dress habits of Republican men on the House Oversight Committee for not being as formally dressed as he’d like and wearing scowls. And then later in the show, Matthews and liberal celebrity loon Rob Reiner complained about the lack…

Hope Restored? ‘Hardball’ Rules Manafort Case as Proof of ‘Collusion’

February 14th, 2019 4:33 PM

Following Tuesday’s devastating scoop for the liberal media that the Senate Intelligence Committee had not found evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, Wednesday’s Hardball celebrated a federal judge’s ruling that Paul Manafort had lied about his contacts with pro-Putin individuals as a sign that there was indeed “collusion” and, therefore, the President’s in trouble.


Matthews Defends Green New Deal Over Common Sense, Maduro Over Bolton

February 13th, 2019 10:01 PM
In a wild Hardball on Wednesday, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews spent the latter portion of the program defending the Green New Deal, expressing dismay at Republicans for “mak[ing] fun of” the proposal seeking to address the dangers “we're facing as a species” because of climate change, and defending murderous Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro because National Security Adviser John Bolton isn’t a…

CNN, MSNBC Cheer Pelosi’s Clap, ‘Machiavellian Genius’ in the House

February 7th, 2019 12:05 AM
On Wednesday night, CNN and MSNBC still had plenty of energy left to not only blast the President’s State of the Union address from the night before, but also go gaga for every movement and every word espoused by liberals. In the latter case, CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront and MSNBC’s Hardball cheered House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “Machiavellian genius” controlling the House and offering a snarky…

Buckle Up! Here’s Five Kooky Takes from MSNBC's Late-Night ‘Hardball’

February 6th, 2019 3:00 AM
At midnight Eastern Wednesday, MSNBC followed usual form for big news nights such as debates, election nights, and presidential speeches in somehow allowing Chris Matthews to host a late-night edition of Hardball to recap President Trump's State of the Union. Inside the blog, there are slides containing some of the silliest series of hot takes from that hour, presented in chronological order.

Brian Williams Taken Aback By Trump’s ‘Graphic Language on Abortion’

February 5th, 2019 11:48 PM
Disgraced former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams was startled by Donald Trump’s State of the Union call for a culture of life and end to late term abortion. Seemingly out of the blue, Williams on Tuesday night interjected, “Graphic language on abortion, a first for a national speech in my time.” Chris Matthews described it as “[sticking] it to the governor of Virginia, tied it into his…

Fake News So Bad Chris Matthews Is the Fact Checker? Host Debunks Reid

February 5th, 2019 8:30 PM
You know it’s bad when Chris Matthews is your fact checker. The MSNBC host inadvertently took on this role when his colleague Joy Reid claimed Donald Trump has been talking about the “brown scare at the border.” He hasn’t. Reid was awkwardly forced to admit she made up the quote, saying, “That’s not his exact text.” 

Matthews Upset Trump WH Is Standing Up to Maduro, Leveling Sanctions

January 31st, 2019 4:57 PM
On two consecutive editions of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews offered concerns Tuesday and Wednesday night about the Trump administration’s decision to recognize Venezuela opposition leader Juan Guaido as the interim president and level sanctions against the murderous Nicolas Maduro regime, applying further pressure to the failed socialist utopia.

Matthews Asks Bill Nye If Climate Change Is Behind Illegal Immigration

January 30th, 2019 6:44 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews brought on liberal Bill Nye the Science Guy during Tuesday’s show to lambast the President for tweeting about the liberal rush to promote climate change despite what’s been thought of as a once-in-a-lifetime polar vortex bringing record cold to large swaths of the country. But the craziest part of the three teases plus seven-minute interview was a question…

Poor Chris: Mueller Has ‘Mandate’ to Find Collusion Since It’s His Job

January 29th, 2019 9:22 PM
Deep breaths, Chris. On Tuesday’s Hardball, MSNBC host/pundit Chris Matthews asserted that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s entire job (aka “mandate”) is to, instead of letting the chips fall where they may, “unearth any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia” because that’s “what he was set to find.”

Matthews, Guest: There Will Be a Terror Attack If Shutdown Doesn’t End

January 24th, 2019 5:27 PM
Furthering a growing media narrative regarding the government shutdown, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews and former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu (D) openly suggested on Wednesday (whereas other media types have insinuated it) that it could take a terror attack on America for Congress and President Trump to reopen the federal government.

Matthews Wonders If ‘Trump Cares About’ Stopping ‘Drugs’ at the Border

January 22nd, 2019 10:31 PM
Well, that’s a new one. During Tuesday’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews wondered to newly-minted MSNBC political analyst and former Missouri Democrat Claire McCaskill if President Trump truly “cares about” stopping the flow of illegal drugs from the U.S.-Mexico border, surmising that he doesn’t care about putting a halt to drugs that are killing thousands of Americans.