
Matthews: Trump’s ‘Cheap Shot’ Letter Made Dems ‘Look Like Fools’

January 18th, 2019 9:30 AM
Though not as hyperbolic or inconsolable as CNN and MSNBC were earlier in the day, Thursday’s Hardball still featured host Chris Matthews revolting over the President’s last-minute decision to cancel Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s overseas trip, dubbing it a “cheap shot” letter that “doesn’t look good for the country.” Beyond that, Matthews speculated without evidence about what would happen “if…

Cray, Cray: Maher, Matthews Go Off, Wonder If Trump Will Leave WH

January 15th, 2019 11:50 PM
The crazy train flew off the tracks just five minutes into Tuesday’s Hardball, thanks to host Chris Matthews inviting on HBO’s Real Time host Bill Maher for roughly 10 minutes of banter about the President, the Russia investigation, and how neither believe the President will leave on his own terms and perhaps not even then. Matthews began by lamenting that Maher has been off for some time (since…

Chris Matthews Pretends Trump Still Can't Deny Being A Russian Agent

January 14th, 2019 9:03 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Monday insisted multiple times that President Trump was unable to deny that he was a Russian agent – even minutes after playing a clip of the President doing just that.

Matthews Gloats Over ‘Primetime Loser’ Trump Losing in Ratings to Dems

January 10th, 2019 6:33 PM
Leading off Wednesday’s Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews gloated about the supposed failure of President Trump’s Tuesday night address on illegal immigration and the shutdown, dubbing him a “primetime loser” who’s “a spoiled child” and lost out in the ratings to the much-maligned and parodied Democratic response by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

MSNBC Panel Questions If Pence Has a ‘Soul’ ‘Kissing Rush’

January 9th, 2019 11:59 PM
The liberal media obsession with Rush Limbaugh dragged on into Wednesday’s Hardball in which the panelists questioned whether Vice President Mike Pence even has a “soul” for “kissing up” to Limbaugh earlier in the day and whether Trump and Limbaugh are the monkey and organ grinder or vice versa. Host Chris Matthews brought up Limbaugh in light of the government shutdown and the President standing…

Obsessed Matthews Repeatedly Blames Limbaugh for Shutdown Battle

January 8th, 2019 8:52 PM

Previewing Donald Trump’s address to the nation on the government shutdown, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Tuesday night repeatedly and obsessively blamed the border battle on Rush Limbaugh, who the Hardball host derided as gutless. Matthews or his guests mentioned Limbaugh by name ten times in just one hour. 


NB Year in Review: The Most Idiotic Analysis of 2018

December 27th, 2018 8:00 AM

This week, NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of 2018. Today, we're reviewing the most idiotic quotes of the year. Journalists making the cut this year include Chris Matthews wanting “thought and prayers” to be “outlawed,” The New York Times telling readers that communist theorist Karl Marx was “right,” and CNN’s Jim Sciutto scaring his audience about climate change, as…


Behold the 10 Nuttiest Chris Matthews Utterances from an Unhinged 2018

December 25th, 2018 11:15 AM

It’s that time of the year as seemingly every news organization offers reflections on the top stories of 2018. But no year-in-review compilation would be sufficient for a site like this one without a post dedicated to the buffoonery offered to the masses by MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews. Following previous wrap-ups at the end of 2016 and 2017, 2018 offered dozens of possible nominees…

Rush Gloats Over Liberal Media’s Obsessing with Him as D.C. ‘Villain’

December 21st, 2018 6:45 PM

Seeing as how he had been the bane of the liberal media’s existence for the last 24 hours plus as he’s supposedly the real president, conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh was in an ebullient mood for his Friday show. He said that he was supposedly “the new villain in Washington D.C.” ahead of a possible government shutdown that was portrayed as if the world was “end[ing] even before…


‘Hardball’ Trashes Limbaugh as an ‘Unelected’ ‘Wizard of Oz’ Character

December 21st, 2018 11:46 AM
Ignoring the fact that conservative talk radio listeners and Fox News viewers make up most of the Republican base, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews and guests of both parties lashed out at both and particularly “unelected” conservative icon Rush Limbaugh for being “the man behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz” running the country instead of — spoiler alert — them.

Fox Calls Out Media for 'Fueling that Fire' for Trump Impeachment

December 19th, 2018 9:08 PM
As NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham recalled Wednesday morning, December 19 marked 20 years since President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives. The date largely went unnoticed by the liberal media but it was noted by Fox News Channel’s Special Report. Immediately following that notation, anchor Bret Baier called out the media for wishing “to see President Trump go…

Ugh: Matthews Lets Gabbard Rip Saudis, Skips Her Coziness with Assad

December 13th, 2018 4:51 PM
MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews may have a show entitled Hardball and screech “let’s play hardball” at the top of each show, but it rarely squares with reality. Wednesday was no different as Hawaii Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard appeared for a friendly chat bashing the Saudis but was not pressed on her coziness with the murderous Assad regime in Syria.

MSNBC Contributor Suggests Trump Might Not Be ‘Democratically Elected’

December 13th, 2018 12:11 AM

On Wednesday’s Hardball, two separate MSNBC panelists suggested that not only did then-candidate Donald Trump’s hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal “[rob] the American people of their right to vote,” but that he was not a “democratically elected” President because of them and possible collusion with the Russians.


Matthews Cheers Dems for ‘Fighting,’ Compares Trump to a French Mime

December 11th, 2018 9:36 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews was in a gleeful mood on Tuesday as a result of the intense political theater that broke out hours earlier in the Oval Office between the House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the President, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, hailing Democrats for “fighting now” against Trump “after two years of holding back.” Also within Tuesday’s show, he blasted Trump…