
Megyn Kelly Thinks Ford ‘Is Running Out of Options’; ‘It’s Do or Die’

September 19th, 2018 9:54 PM
In a sight that seemed unpredictable a few years ago, NBC host Megyn Kelly appeared on the Wednesday’s Hardball to inform MSNBC host Chris Matthews that, concerning the sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh, accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford “is running out of options” and “needs to show up” for Monday’s scheduled hearing.

Matthews: Trump Can’t ‘Face Reality’ That Kavanaugh ‘Is Cooked'

September 17th, 2018 9:04 PM
Chris Matthews was baffled Monday night that President Trump had not yet decided to abandon Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh based on the recent sexual assault allegation against him. During a segment on Hardball, the MSNBC host insisted that Kavanaugh must be guilty and that the nomination was “cooked,” concluding that the President’s refusal to rescind that nomination suggested he was “…

‘Hardball’: WH Gossip Books Are Like the Gospels, Trump Lacks Empathy

September 12th, 2018 5:28 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball was in rare form on Tuesday, featuring host Chris Matthews and his various guests perpetually stepping in it. It started with Matthews comparing anti-Trump books to the synoptic Gospels and it snowballed from there, ranging from Matthews touting John Kerry’s new book as being so monumental, panelists the President lacking empathy for hurricane 9/11 victims, and ending with…

Thursdays with Chris: Three Dumb Takeaways from ‘Hardball’

September 7th, 2018 11:44 AM
Often times when watching MSNBC’s Hardball, it’s one moment that stands out in the sea of liberal bias and tomfoolery from longtime host Chris Matthews. But in other instances, it’s a potpourri of lunacy with Matthews and guests trying to one-up each other as walking Notable Quotables. Thursday’s show was a combination of the two with Matthews doing some heavy lifting with some help from New York…

Matthews Compares Fighting Communism to Trump; Schmidt Goes Ballistic

September 6th, 2018 3:42 PM
Reacting on Wednesday’s Hardball to the anonymous Trump official’s self-serving New York Times op-ed, MSNBC host Chris Matthews compared it to the same clarion call offered by George Kennan in 1946 on containing communism while panelists Steve Schmidt seemingly read from a thesaurus to attack the Trump administration and Zerlina Maxwell urged the need for impeachment proceedings.

Media Loved McCain EXCEPT When He Got in Their Way

August 27th, 2018 12:50 PM
While there have been many respectful tributes to John McCain in the media in the past few days, there was a time when the liberal press weren’t always supportive of the war hero and independent-minded Senator from Arizona —  particularly when he was getting in the way of their progressive agenda. A look back at McCain’s relationship with the press, over the decades, shows it was complicated at…

‘Hardball’ Panelist Claims Framers Would Support Trump Impeachment

August 24th, 2018 2:38 PM
With this past week featuring action-packed news cycles, there’s plenty of fodder for cable news and looniness emanating from liberal media talk shows. Thursday’s Hardball didn’t disappoint as MSNBC host Chris Matthews touted the latest snarky Time cover, compared President Trump to a man alone on an island late at night, and a panelist claimed that the Founding Fathers would support Trump’s…

CNN, MSNBC Say ‘Impeachment’ 222 Times in One Day

August 23rd, 2018 10:48 AM
Liberal cable news outlets evidently had their own fairy tale ending in mind when former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations: impeachment. On Wednesday, CNN and MSNBC reporters, anchors, and paid contributors used the word an absurd 222 times in 18 hours. 

Milbank Compares Hunter Campaign Finance Charges to Foley Sex Scandal

August 22nd, 2018 10:57 PM
During Tuesday’s Hardball, the indictment of California Congressman Duncan Hunter for campaign finance violations came up as host Chris Matthews made sure to point out that Hunter was not only a Republican but the second member of Congress to endorse President Trump. Matthews gleefully pointed out that the first Member in New York Congressman Chris Collins has been indicted for insider trading…

Womp, Womp: Omarosa's New Video Is a Big Flop

August 21st, 2018 9:49 PM
On Tuesday evening and following a whirlwind of a news day, Omarosa dropped a massive nothingburger while appearing on MSNBC’s Hardball. Host Chris Matthews peppered her with questions, in an attempt to have her get to the bottom of whether or not Trump is guilty in the eyes of the liberal media. Spoiler alert: he is.

MSNBC Commentator: Cohen Should Deal the Dirt on Trump's Kids

August 20th, 2018 9:07 PM
On Monday’s edition of Hardball with Chris Matthew, former federal prosecutor Cynthia Alksne joined a discussion on the legal cases surrounding President Trump. Among the cases discussed were those concerning former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. Alksne had specific advice for Cohen, saying that “he can give the prosecutor something on Trump’s kids.”

Matthews Invokes ‘Common Sense’ in Same Segment as Anti-Trump Papers

August 17th, 2018 3:29 PM
Yes, that headline is real. In covering the effort by over 350 newspapers to collude against President Trump, Wednesday’s Hardball featured MSNBC host Chris Matthews alluding to Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the segment promoting the anti-Trump collusion campaign started by The Boston Globe.

Pathetic: Matthews Compares Omarosa-Trump Feud to Burr-Hamilton

August 16th, 2018 12:09 AM
Well, that’s a new one that’ll have our Founders rolling in their graves. At the top of Wednesday’s Hardball, longtime MSNBC liberal Chris Matthews asserted that the feud of President Trump vs. Omarosa Manigault Newman marks “a new era in American politics, an old-fashioned duel that hearkens back to the days of Hamilton and Burr, but with a made-for-reality-TV update.”

Matthews Barely Contains His Excitement About Omarosa’s New Book

August 14th, 2018 4:09 PM
MSNBC host Chris Matthews could barely contain his excitement as he interviewed Omarosa Manigault Newman, former Trump White House staffer, during Monday night’s edition of Hardball. Newman, the author of a new book called Unhinged, received the red carpet treatment as Matthews effectively gave a ten-minute long advertisement for her book; which paints a dystopian picture of the Trump…