WashPost Buries GOP Slam of Obama Regarding al Qaeda Resurgence; Runs

January 10th, 2014 6:59 PM
"Republican lawmakers Thursday blamed the Obama administration for the stunning resurgence of Iraq’s al-Qaeda franchise and called on the White House to take assertive steps to help Baghdad beat back militant uprisings in the country’s west." That's how Ernesto Londono opened his January 10 story "Republicans blame Obama administration for al-Qaeda resurgence in Iraq," a front-page-worthy story…

Journalists Tingle as Bill de Blasio's Inaugurated in New York City Wi

January 2nd, 2014 8:49 AM
The inauguration of unreconstructed liberal Bill de Blasio as New York’s newest mayor excited liberals hoping for a return to pre-Clinton times...and yet there were the Clintons, seeming to endorse the whole thing. In Thursday’s Washington Post, columnist Melinda Henneberger wrote on page A-2 that the event was “not just a progressive jamboree but a 90-minute pummeling of outgoing mayor…

WaPo Poll Report Headline: 'Obama Suffers Most From Year of Turmoil

December 19th, 2013 8:32 PM
Poor guy. Barack Obama gets to jet around on Air Force One, golfs every once in a while (/sarc), and has all the trappings and perks of the highest office in the land. But according to a headline in Monday's Washington Post, he is the one person in the whole USA above everyone else — not those who have lost health insurance plans with which they were happy, not those who are paying…

Wash Post Headline Trumpets New Poll: 'Major Damage to GOP,' Ignores S

October 22nd, 2013 4:45 PM
 On the front page of Tuesday's paper, the Washington Post trumpeted new poll results showing "major damage to the GOP" in the wake of the government shutdown. However, writers Dan Balz and Scott Clement waited until page A10 to reveal that "congressional Democrats also sustained damage to their image." Nowhere in the article did Balz and Clement reveal that the Post found only 46 percent…

WashPost's Dan Balz Wonders If Syria Will Dog Hillary in '16 -- But T

September 5th, 2013 9:06 AM
Washington Post political reporter penned a column for Thursday’s paper with the headline “Could Clinton’s position on Syria today resurface in 2016?” Balz spent a whole column recounting how Senator Hillary’s vote authorizing the Iraq war doomed her in the 2008 race. Unsurprisingly, Hillary put out a statement supporting Obama’s plans for military action. What was surprising is that Balz…

Raines Rants About 2012: Bill Clinton Convention Speech Was 'Spellbind

August 5th, 2013 10:39 PM
Former New York Times executive editor Howell Raines (sacked in the 2003 Jayson Blair debacle) provided a positive review Sunday of Washington Post political reporter Dan Balz’s 2012-campaign book “Collision.” Raines claimed Balz was “a fair-minded reporter” in the mold of the late David Broder. You can’t say the same for Raines, who insists Mitt Romney is “excruciatingly delusional” in…

WashPost Poll Finds Obama Approval Unaffected, President 'More Focused

May 21st, 2013 10:13 PM
The Washington Post reported on Tuesday's front page that their ABC-Post poll showed Obama’s approval rating remained steady, with 51 percent approving and 44 percent disapproving. Then came the Post polling comparison to uncaring Republicans. Dan Balz and Jon Cohen reported: “A bare majority of Americans say they believe that Obama is focused on issues that are important to them personally;…

The Obama Scandal the Big Three Networks Aren't Telling You About

May 20th, 2013 4:28 PM
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is under fire for soliciting donations from health care companies to underwrite ObamaCare PR efforts to increase enrollment but you wouldn't know that if you only got your news from ABC and NBC or skipped Sunday's edition of CBS's Face the Nation. The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks have effectively buried the scandal that was first…

WashPost's Balz Downplays President's Ability to 'Unite the Country

January 21st, 2013 7:10 PM
Detecting media bias is often an exercise in contrasting two analogous events to see how the media worked to write the narrative in the public's imagination. We at NewsBusters have already looked at how the media love the party atmosphere of the Obama inaugurals but groused at the expense of Bush's second inaugural, for example.  So it's instructive to see how Washington Post veteran…

CBS's O'Donnell: Court Striking Down ObamaCare 'Might Be Better For Th

June 25th, 2012 1:16 PM
On Sunday's Face The Nation, Norah O'Donnell desperately tried to find a silver lining for President Obama if the Supreme Court ends up striking down his health care law. While her fellow panelists agreed that such a decision would be a blow to Obama, O'Donnell claimed that "politically, it might be better for the President, because then he can put the onus back on the Republicans." [audio clip…

WashPost Buries Most of the Numbers Off Page One on Bad Obama Poll

March 12th, 2012 7:07 AM
Monday's Washington Post announces their new poll with ABC News with the headline "As gasoline prices rise, president's ratings fall." Reporters Dan Balz and Jon Cohen announce the bad news upfront that "a record number of Americans now give the president 'strongly' negative reviews" on the economy. But you'd have to turn inside for the real numbers, as the reporters clear their throats about…

WashPost Notes Voter Discontent with Washington, Fails to Focus on

August 11th, 2011 4:52 PM
A new Washington Post poll finds, among other things, that a full 70 percent of Americans either believe Barack Obama has "tried but failed" to solve "the major problems facing the country" or has actually "made problems worse." That compares, by the way, with 71 percent of Americans in a December 2008 Pew Center poll who thought the same of outgoing President Bush. Yet in analyzing the…

Burying the Bad News: Obama Still Unliked by 'Non-College Whites

February 22nd, 2011 8:08 AM
A new survey by The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School for Public Health found dire news for Democrats: “When asked which party better understands the economic problems that people in the country are having, non-college whites side with the Republicans by a 14-point margin.” That news is so uncomfortable for media liberals that the Post put that sentence in…

WaPo Hypes Poll Showing 'Many Still Skeptical of GOP'; Still Neglects

December 15th, 2010 11:00 AM
Yesterday my colleague Tim Graham noted how the Washington Post failed to report its most recent ABCNews-Washington Post opinion poll on President Obama's signature health care overhaul legislation. This was despite the fact that the poll showed ObamaCare had fallen to "the lowest level of popularity ever" as ABC reporter Jake Tapper observed. Today the Post continued to keep its poll…