Despite Dems, Media Banging the 'Secret Money' Drum, Poll Shows Voter

November 2nd, 2010 3:20 PM
Liberal Democrats in the past few weeks have been pounding the message that massive infusions of "secret" money into independently-run political advertising have a detrimental effect on Democrats democracy. The media have done their level best to amplify that complaint. But is knowing the identity of political advertising donors really a huge issue to swing voters? By and large, no,…

WaPo Tries to Bury Their Own Depressing Poll Numbers for Dems Off the

September 7th, 2010 8:34 AM
The Washington Post doesn't avoid the bad news for Democrats on Tuesday's front page, but it noticeably tried to hide the worst of it. The headline on the new ABC/Post poll was "Republicans making gains ahead of midterm elections; parties nearly even on trust; Obama's overall rating is at new low, poll finds." There is no graphic illustration of any poll result -- unlike their misleading GOP-…

WaPo: 'Florida Senate Race Begins Without a Clear Favorite'; But Paper

August 26th, 2010 3:38 PM
In today's Washington Post, Dan Balz argues that the "Florida Senate race starts without a clear favorite." While that may be true in some sense, recent polling data has some favorable signs for conservative Republican candidate Marco Rubio.Yet nowhere in his 20-paragraph story did Balz delve into those poll numbers. Instead, Balz presented the Florida race as complete wild card that is…

'Face the Nation': Supreme Court Upholding Same-sex Marriage 'Enormous

August 8th, 2010 7:06 PM
Analysts that spend their time critiquing the media normally don't have very good things to say about what they observe these days, but the final segment of Sunday's "Face the Nation" on CBS was a marvelous exception.Substitute host John Dickerson invited on the network's chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford and the Washington Post's Dan Balz for a refreshingly open and honest discussion of two…

WaPo Insists GOP Lacks Confidence of 72 Percent; But 43 Percent Said T

July 13th, 2010 1:12 PM
The Washington Post announced bad news for its largely liberal readers in its poll Tuesday morning. The headline said "6 in 10 Americans lack faith in Obama: Congress still held in lower esteem, but poll shows gap narrowing." Those who read the story would wait until the end of paragraph six (just before the jump) to get this liberal-haunting number: "Those most likely to vote in the midterms…

WaPo Buries Sour Polls with Weird Headline on Obama's 'Pragmatism

January 17th, 2010 5:16 PM

WaPo Buries Its Own Poll Showing 'Public Cooling to Health-Care Reform

December 16th, 2009 8:26 AM

WaPo Warns GOP's 'Ideological Fissures Loom,' Sees No Similar Trouble

November 4th, 2009 4:35 PM
This afternoon, the Washington Post's Web site offers readers two looks at how the Democrats and the GOP will proceed following the 2009 elections, but, surprise, surprise, the paper only forsees internecine squabbles for the GOP."Republicans revel in wins but ideological fissures loom," the headline to Washington Post staffer Philip Rucker and Perry Bacon's news piece filed at 2:30 p.m. EST…

Is the WaPo Stuffing Its Own Ballot Box for the 'Public Option

October 21st, 2009 7:51 AM
The Washington Post touted a new poll on Tuesday that popular support is increasing for a government-run "public option" health care system – just as liberal Democrats try to push that into the Senate Finance Committee bill. The headline was "Public option gains support: Clear majority now backs plan." So it’s not surprising, as Ed Morrissey found at Hot Air, that the Post is stuffing its poll…

NPR's Terry Gross Suggests Rush Limbaugh Damages GOP By Saying 'Extrem

July 10th, 2009 5:37 PM

'Many Republicans Wince' at Cheney -- And They're All Anonymous

May 14th, 2009 9:14 AM

CBS’s Schieffer Parrot’s WaPo Analysis of Colin Powell Endorsement

October 20th, 2008 3:35 PM
On Sunday’s Face the Nation on CBS, host Bob Schieffer talked to Washington Post reporter Dan Balz about Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama and Balz argued: "Well I think it's obviously significant. I don't think endorsements ultimately mean that much, but there are two, I think, important things that happened with his endorsement of Senator Obama...the criticism of McCain for picking…

Schieffer: Can Biden Be Obama's Spear Chucker

August 24th, 2008 10:02 PM
Employing the usual liberal assumption that Republicans are always nastier at attack politics, CBS Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer suggested on Sunday morning that Barack Obama has yet to "go negative" in this campaign and "some" say he needs to "climb off the mountaintop and get down here and mix it up." Did he miss all Obama's talk of Bush-induced "economic disaster" on Saturday? But then…

AP Headline: 'Biden Pick Shows Lack of Confidence

August 23rd, 2008 3:53 PM
Here's something you don't see every day: an Associated Press writer actually publishing something negative about a Democrat...let alone one named Obama.But, there it was Saturday, with a headline even more curious: "Analysis: Biden Pick Shows Lack of Confidence." The Obamessiah lacks confidence? Such wrote Ron Fournier (emphasis added, photo courtesy AP):