Salon Writer Warns That ‘The GOP Zombie Cannot Be Killed’

November 3rd, 2016 4:48 PM
David Frum’s book assessing the conservatism of the early-to-middle 1990s was called Dead Right. If Gary Legum wrote a book about today’s conservatives, he might call it Undead Right. “The GOP is a zombie party, shambling across the countryside, spreading terror and devouring any living creature it comes across,” declared Legum last Friday. “But unlike in, say…a George Romero movie, you can’t…

David Frum: ‘Doofus’ Trump to Blame For Melania’s Plagiarism

July 21st, 2016 1:50 PM
According to reform conservative (or former conservative) Frum, Republicans in Cleveland were feeling “embattled, defensive, and pessimistic” before the Melania Trump plagiarism story broke. Now, Frum speculated in a Tuesday piece for The Atlantic, “that mood of pessimism must be even grayer,” and since he lays out “ten reasons why Melania Trump’s speech matters and will continue to matter,” he…

David Frum Counts Ways Right’s to Blame For Trump ‘Catastrophe’

June 2nd, 2016 6:42 PM
Next month, on the forty-seventh anniversary of the first manned lunar landing, the Republican party is virtually certain to make Donald Trump its 2016 presidential nominee, a choice that so-called reform conservative Frum suggests has more in common with Apollo 13 than with Apollo 11. “Whatever happens in November,” wrote Frum in a Tuesday Atlantic essay, “conservatives and Republicans will have…

David Frum: ‘True Conservatives’ a ‘Pitiful Minority’ of the GOP

May 2nd, 2016 9:34 PM
In March of 2013, the Republican National Committee issued what soon became known as the “autopsy report,” which discussed how the party might improve its chances of winning presidential elections. Last Thursday in The Atlantic, reform conservative (or former conservative) Frum provided the GOP with a sort of pre-autopsy document that it might consult after Donald Trump’s “almost certain failure…

Fake Republican Frum Warns GOP Could Lose Everything Without Trump

April 1st, 2016 4:23 PM
Fake Republican and Senior editor for the Atlantic David Frum shared a dire warning for the Republican Party with Andrea Mitchell on Friday. “[Donald Trump] went to the Republican National Committee to deliver a pretty clear threat, If I'm denied this nomination, I will burn this party down,” Frum claimed, trying to fear monger the party into nominating Trump. 

David Frum: GOP 'Repressed' the 'Trauma' of Bush Presidency

February 15th, 2016 5:48 PM
The polarizing former George W. Bush speech writer, David Frum was on MSNBC Live Monday afternoon to share his thoughts about Donald Trump attacking his former boss. Frum argued that the GOP needs to reflect on the Bush years, and described the GOP as a repressed mental patient. “And in Freudian psychology, the theory was, you suffered a trauma, you repressed it, but you could never make it go…

Sneering MSNBCers: Tea Party Wants to Go Back to '1860' and Hates Thos

June 17th, 2014 11:19 AM
In a desperate effort to tout the collapse of the Republican Party, guest host of The Last Word, Ari Melber was joined by Howard Dean and David Frum on Monday evening to discuss the lack of serious ideas coming from the right. According to the MSNBC liberals, the fearful Tea Party wants to go back to a pre-Civil War America. The guests swapped theories on the relationship between the GOP and…

David Frum: GOP Needs a Tony Blair-Like Figure Who’ll Reform Party

June 13th, 2014 7:57 AM
In a brief Thursday post on the Atlantic’s website, "reform conservative" pundit David Frum cited Eric Cantor’s primary loss to Dave Brat as further evidence that “Republican leaders” need to emerge to confront the “the destructive leadership of fanatics (and the cynics who make their living by duping fanatics)." He cited Tony Blair as a model, someone " who revived his party by standing up…

Surprise – NY Times Picks David Frum to Hail NY Times Reporter’s B

October 21st, 2013 2:06 PM
"The Bush administration opened with a second Pearl Harbor, ended with a second Great Crash and contained a second Vietnam in the middle." That sounds like a liberal. Guess what? It is. David Frum was selected by the New York Times to review a new book on Bush by New York Times reporter Peter Baker. This arrangement is so cozy that Frum admits that Baker interviewed him for this masterpiece…

WashPost Columnist and Former Editor David Ignatius Wants to Hunt the

October 20th, 2013 9:39 AM
Several Washington Post journalist/operatives are also teaching in the Karen Tumulty School of Unselfishly Un-electing The Tea Party. In Sunday’s paper, columnist David Ignatius (formerly a Post foreign editor and assistant managing editor for business news) penned a piece titled “Disarming the RINO Hunters.” “Many Republicans have been muttering over the past few weeks of political…

Bad Math: CNN's David Frum Encourages Republicans to Mimic Losing Brit

October 3rd, 2013 9:44 AM
According to CNN contributor David Frum on Tuesday, the best way for Republicans to win is to mimic the actions of the British Conservative Party. Frum's Daily Beast article is bizarrely titled, "Where the Right Is Winning." Except, the right isn't winning in the United Kingdom. As the Wall Street Journal reported on September 30, "The Conservative Party has lagged behind the center-left Labour…

Daily Beast Promotes Faux Conservative Frum's Desire for Fresh 'Talk A

September 16th, 2013 6:26 PM
Faux conservative David Frum proved his usefulness to the liberal media yet again this afternoon with his calls for more gun control in the wake of the deadly Washington Navy Yard shooting this morning. The former George W. Bush speechwriter -- he coined the "axis of evil" -- couldn't wait to post his item headlined "Let's Not Wait to Talk About Gun Control." It was published to the Daily…

Columnist David Frum Leaves Daily Beast With Typical ‘Move Leftward

June 7th, 2013 10:57 AM
It's always heartwarming to see non-conservatives who are so concerned about the current state of the Republican Party that they generously provide advice on how the GOP can be more popular and win more elections. Unfortunately, if those recommendations were actually followed, conservatives would have no political party to call home, and all elected officials would be “progressives.” One…

Moderate Mitt Loses, Media Blame Conservatives

November 14th, 2012 10:30 AM
Over the past week, the media have been obsessively attributing the GOP’s election loss to the party’s embrace of conservatism. It began with a predictable assault on the standard bearer of conservative thought over the airwaves, Rush Limbaugh. On election night, NBC’s Brian Williams opined that Rush was a liability for the GOP. And it didn’t stop with Williams. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe David…