Frum: Republicans 'Fleeced, Exploited And Lied To' By 'Conservative En

November 9th, 2012 10:18 AM
David Frum blames the media for Mitt Romney's loss. Not the liberal media, of course--we are talking David Frum, after all. No, Frum blames the conservative media, or as he calls it, "the conservative entertainment complex." Frum touted his upside-down take on the media during a Morning Joe appearance today while promoting his instant e-book, "Why Romney Lost." Joe Scarborough liked the line…

Brooke Baldwin Dismisses Effectiveness of Media Bias Accusations

October 1st, 2012 4:39 PM
Ignoring other conservative condemnations of liberal media bias, CNN's Brooke Baldwin pulled tape of former President George H. W. Bush all the way from 1992 ranting about the press – and then snidely pointed out how it "did not help" him. "[C]omplaining about the media did not help Bush One. He lost his bid for re-election," noted Baldwin on Monday afternoon's Newsroom, who compared Paul…

WashPost Joins Time, CNN In Suspending Fareed Zakaria's Column After P

August 14th, 2012 10:22 PM
The Washington Post really knows how to bury the lede. In a Tuesday story on how suspended CNN-Time journalist Fareed Zakaria is now under fire for stealing quotes without attribution in his book The Post-American World, media reporter Paul Farhi waited until the 13th and final paragraph to acknowledge that that the Post has joined CNN and Time in punishing Zakaria for his plagiarism. “…

CNN's Foreman: Obama Not 'Champion of Transparency' He Promised He'd B

July 12th, 2012 11:56 AM
During Tuesday night's edition of CNN's Outfront, substitute host Tom Foreman departed from the network's usual liberal spin to accuse President Obama of failing to keep his promise of presiding over the most transparent presidential administration ever. After running a clip of the president stating that “We have put in place the toughest ethics laws and toughest transparency rules of any…

Back-Scratching Newsweek Honors Its Own Writers as 'Digital Disruptors

June 30th, 2012 10:27 AM
Perhaps only Tina Brown's Newsweek would be shameless enough to offer a cover story (in a double issue, no less) on "100 Most Powerful Digital Disruptors" and then plug their own writers. In the "Opinionists" category, Newsweek gave a "Lifetime" honor to Andrew Sullivan, who's written several glowing Obama cover stories this year, most recently the rainbow-halo tribute.  "His insightful,…

CNN 'Conservative' David Frum Hails Bloomberg's 'Visionary' Soda-Pop R

June 4th, 2012 1:13 PM
It’s amazing that CNN put out a press release last October touting “Democratic strategist Maria Cardona and conservative columnist David Frum have joined the network for the 2012 election season.” (Italics mine.) David Frum is not a conservative. Look no further than his latest CNN opinion piece, “Bloomberg’s Visionary Plan Against Obesity.” “Some object that the mayor's proposal to…

'Conservative' CNN Analyst Frum Calls for Limbaugh to Send Fluke One o

March 4th, 2012 4:25 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Frum was on vulgarian Bill Maher's show less than two months ago. The folks at CNN sure are interested in Rush Limbaugh's sex life. Two days after the host of Piers Morgan Tonight chatted with magician Penn Jillette about watching the talk radio host have sex, David Frum - billed as one of the network's "conservative" analysts - said on Sunday's Reliable Sources, "I…

CNN's O'Brien Tells Romney the DNC Chair Has a Point -- That's Not Wha

January 11th, 2012 4:17 PM
When DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz claimed that Mitt Romney suffered a "setback" in New Hampshire, CNN Soledad O'Brien challenged her outlandish assumption – but then used the talking point to grill Romney in a later interview with the candidate. According to Schultz, Romney failed in New Hampshire by not garnering 40 percent of the vote. O'Brien, who questioned that point by hailing…

CNN Panel Torches Gingrich's 'Self-Immolation' Campaign, 'Murder-Suici

January 10th, 2012 4:46 PM
On Tuesday morning's Starting Point, CNN political analyst Ron Brownstein ripped candidate Newt Gingrich's campaign strategy as "murder-suicide." The harsh rhetoric was reflective of the network's attitude towards the candidate on Tuesday morning. New Hampshire voters have not yet chosen their GOP candidate, but CNN's hand-picked political team apparently wanted to speed up the process of…

David Frum Condemns Gingrich; On a 'Suicide Destructive Mission of Rev

January 9th, 2012 6:24 PM
On the day before the New Hampshire primary, CNN had some choice words for one candidate in particular – Newt Gingrich. The candidate had attacked front runner Mitt Romney for his past in the private sector and his connections to well-funded super PACs that are producing negative attack ads on opponents. CNN contributor and faux-conservative David Frum slammed Gingrich's attacks on Romney as…

David Frum Slams Most of GOP Field, 'They Are Not Presidents

December 29th, 2011 3:09 PM
Faux-conservative David Frum told CNN Thursday morning that only "one person" in the current GOP field was qualified to be president, before adding that fellow phoney-conservative Jon Huntsman might also be able to do the job but his message is not resonating with Republican voters. Frum, a CNN contributor who regularly appears to give the conservative analysis opposite a liberal panel…

David Frum Bashes Fox News Viewers: End Up 'Knowing A Lot Less About I

December 12th, 2011 11:36 AM
Faux-Republican David Frum took a shot at Fox News viewers on Sunday when he told CNN's Howard Kurtz that "people who watch a lot of Fox come away knowing a lot less about important world events." Frum's interview aired during the bottom half of the 11 a.m. hour of Reliable Sources. Even Kurtz, who has worked for the liberal media for three decades, challenged Frum's hard-line criticism of…

David Frum Blasts GOP's 'Dangerous Tactics' on Debt Ceiling Debate

July 18th, 2011 3:30 PM
David Frum is bashing conservative Republicans again – this time for playing hardball with President Obama and using the debt ceiling deadline as blackmail to get what they want. Frum writes in a op-ed that the GOP demand for "total surrender" by the president on the debt ceiling debate gives him "horrible flashbacks" to the party's staunch opposition to the health care bill – which…

David Frum Suggests Republicans Looking Like 'Medicare-Annihilating Ra

June 6th, 2011 7:00 PM
In his newest op-ed titled "Don't Doom GOP's Chance to Win in 2012," David Frum clearly outlines the Republican Party's best chance for victory – if they don't come off as "Medicare-annihilating racist maniacs." He then goes about making the case that Republicans are doing just that. "It is Tea Party conservatism itself that is Obama's last, best hope for a second term," Frum boldly…