David Frum, Time's 'Must Read' Expert, Trashes CPAC, Misquotes Limbaug

February 8th, 2010 8:00 AM
It wasn't enough (as Brent Baker noted) for Time magazine to run down Sarah Palin's "anti-intellectual drivel" and twitterpate for the umpteenth time over Obama's "gloriously American mongrel ethnicity." They had to run down the tea-party movement by highlighting the media's favorite Republican strategist -- David Frum. Placed at the top of their "Must Reads" section at Time.com, Frum rounded out…

Salon's Joan Walsh Says Chris Matthews Roots For Obama

January 31st, 2010 6:19 PM
Salon editor Joan Walsh said Sunday that MSNBC's Chris Matthews roots for Barack Obama.Appearing on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Walsh was asked by host Howard Kurtz to comment on Matthews' remark that he had forgotten the President was black during Wednesday's State of the Union address. "There's no such thing as post-racial, and so I disagree with Chris about that," said Walsh."But on the other…

Howard Kurtz Scolds Rush Limbaugh's Critics

October 11th, 2009 11:46 AM
This isn't something you see every day: a member of the media scolding colleagues for criticizing conservative talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin.Yet, that's exactly what Howard Kurtz did on CNN's "Reliable Sources" Sunday as he took on all the recent carping and whining about the message being relayed over the airwaves by the Right's strongest voices…

David Sirota: Glenn Beck Is A 'Right-Wing Political Terrorist'; Van Jo

September 7th, 2009 4:33 PM
"The White House is listening to the right-wing's political terrorists, people like Glenn Beck." So said syndicated columnist and Huffington Post contributor David Sirota Monday on CNN's "American Morning."He also called Van Jones "a national hero" who was "originally targeted because he's an African-American man" (video embedded below the fold courtesy Breitbart with full transcript):

Howard Kurtz Accuses Fox News of Flip-flopping on Protesters

August 23rd, 2009 7:26 PM
As Americans flood to town hall meetings and Tea Parties to express their opposition to ObamaCare, media members find it somewhat hypocritical that these same people might have looked upon anti-Bush protests with contempt.This seeming contradiction was addressed on CNN's "Reliable Sources" Sunday when host Howard Kurtz asked his guests, "[H]asn't Fox, in fact, flipped -- some Fox hosts, I should…

CBS: David Frum Bashes Palin For Her ‘Divisiveness

July 27th, 2009 1:15 PM
Appearing on Monday’s CBS Early Show, former Bush speech writer David Frum remarked on Sarah Palin’s political future following her resignation as governor of Alaska: "She's a divisive force within the Republican Party...And many fear, as I do...that she represents a future that leads the party both to political defeat and then to ineffectiveness in government." Co-host Harry Smith moderated a…

Coulter, Frum and Bay Buchanan Debate Sarah Palin's Future

July 25th, 2009 9:29 PM
For your entertainment pleasure, Bay Buchanan, Ann Coulter, and David Frum debated Sarah Palin's future on the CBS "Early Show" Saturday (h/t Hot Air):

Huffington Calls Suspension of Mark-to-Market Accounting 'Absolutely T

April 6th, 2009 11:32 AM
She's been popping up in a lot of places lately to chime in on the economy.  This time Huffington Post editor-in-chief Arianna Huffington appeared on ABC's April 5 "This Week," where she voiced her disapproval of the March 30 decision by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) relaxing mark-to-market accounting rules. "This week, we saw so many concessions to the banks," Huffington…

Matthews Squish of the Week, Frum, Agrees Rush Has ‘Race Problems

March 9th, 2009 9:43 PM
Perhaps David Frum is jealous of all the media adoration Kathleen Parker now receives. Knowing he would be challenged on other media outlets, as he was previously on Mark Levin’s radio show, Frum appeared with MSNBC's Chris Matthews tonight.  He talked about his recent column in Newsweek titled on the magazine's cover as "A Conservative's Case Against Rush Limbaugh." Appearing on Hardball to…

Newsweek Cover Story: Conservative Frum's 'Why Rush is Wrong

March 8th, 2009 1:33 AM
The media attack on Rush Limbaugh will take an interesting turn Monday when the March 16 issue of Newsweek hits newstands around the country for the cover story is an astoundingly negative article about the conservative talk radio host written by former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum.With "Why Rush is Wrong" getting published at Newsweek's website Saturday evening, it is also sure to be…

David Frum Defends Sarah Palin on CBS ‘Early Show

November 10th, 2008 1:14 PM
On Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen asked former Bush speech writer David Frum about recent attacks on Sarah Palin by McCain campaign staffers: "What do you make of Sarah Palin's response to those anonymous attacks?" Frum strongly defened her: "I think she's entirely within her rights on this one. You know, I was a critic of her nomination, but everybody is entitled to some basic…

Frum: Liberal Dems Share Angry Intolerance of MSNBC and Netroots

October 25th, 2008 7:31 PM
The Democrat Party's decisive move to the left in recent years has created a "fierce new anger among many liberal[s]" similar to what is present in "the left-wing blogosphere and MSNBC's evening line-up."Sadly, this angry, militant, intolerant style, depending upon what happens on November 4, could be "the culture of important political institutions in Washington."  So wrote former Bush…

Frum Accuses Maddow of Increasing the Ugly Tone of Politics

October 14th, 2008 4:17 PM
National Review's David Frum on Monday accused MSNBC's Rachel Maddow of intensifying the ugly tone that exists in politics today.Appearing on "The Rachel Maddow Show," the former Bush speechwriter, after watching the first part of the program from the Green Room "in horror," was apparently "unprepared for the sarcasm and anger" that is the show's -- and the network's! -- trademark. As a result,…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Uses Republican to Call Palin a ‘Huge Mistake

October 13th, 2008 11:40 AM
On Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith discussed the presidential campaign with former Bush speech writer David Frum and declared: "There is growing concern among some Republicans about McCain's campaign. They're calling on him to stabilize it." Later in the segment, Smith asked Frum point blank: "Was Sarah Palin a mistake?" Frum replied: "I think Sarah Palin was a huge mistake...…