Bill Maher: Republicans Are Paranoid, Greedy Racists

May 7th, 2011 9:57 AM
It certainly was no surprise after what happened in Pakistan last Sunday that HBO's Bill Maher was going to spend much of his "Real Time" program fawning over Barack Obama. Having done precisely that for approaching an hour, Maher ended Friday's show by calling members of the GOP paranoid, greedy racists (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Ed Schultz Daintily Tip-Toes Around Mark Levin's Threat of Litigation

January 18th, 2011 5:43 PM
A gift suggestion for liberal radio host and MSNBC action hero Ed Schultz's next birthday -- a copy of John F. Kennedy's "Profiles in Courage," preferrably illustrated. Maybe some of its narrative will rub off. Schultz was unintentionally hilarious on his radio show Friday in describing conservative radio host and author Mark Levin's vow to sue "anybody who accuses me of inciting mass murder…

Variety Columnist Accuses FNC of Racial Motivations, Provides Zero Quo

August 10th, 2010 11:39 AM
Variety Magazine TV critic Brian Lowry - formerly a reporter for NPR and the Los Angeles Times - surely was not a member of JournoList. But he sure writes like he was. Lowry took a page directly out of the Spencer Ackerman Guide to Dubious Racism Accusations in his most recent column, claiming the Fox News Channel caters to racial fear and resentment to sell its brand.Lowry provided no examples…

Meet the Conservative Intellectual Elite: Kathleen Parker, David Frum

June 17th, 2010 11:19 PM
There's one big problem with the presentation of “The Party, In Exile," Pamela Paul's snobby but interesting front-page Sunday New York Times Styles section piece on a D.C. garden party featuring so-called conservatism in exile. As KarolNYC noted on her Twitter feed  -- it doesn't feature many actual conservatives. The caption under John Cuneo's illustration made the disparity clear: “Insiders On…

Still at It: David Frum Takes Shot at the Club for Growth

June 13th, 2010 2:29 PM
It's called "Left, Right and Center," which claims to be a "civilized yet provocative antidote to the screaming talking heads that dominate political debate." But there's not a whole lot of truth in advertising for KCRW Santa Monica's radio program, which is also podcasted on the Internet. The show normally features Robert Scheer, editor of the left-wing investigative Web site and a…

Frum's Review of Rush Book Ignored New Liberal Quotes, For and Against

May 26th, 2010 4:04 PM
David Frum has responded on his own site Frum Forum to the NewsBusters post on his nasty Limbaugh book review in The Washington Post. For starters, he claimed that he focused on Limbaugh's ornate digs because this is "really the only news" in the Zev Chafets book. To claim there’s no news in here is to admit you skimmed it. I wish Frum had plopped in the Post this snippet from pages 139 and 140…

WaPo Ombudsman: David Frum's Hostile Limbaugh Book Review Should Have

May 26th, 2010 1:28 PM
Washington Post ombudsman Andrew Alexander responded online to yesterday’s NewsBusters post on Frum’s Tuesday Style section review of the new book Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One. Alexander wondered "Was Frum too biased to review book on Rush Limbaugh?" He suggested the problem wasn’t Frum’s anti-Limbaugh bias, but that the Post should have disclosed something to readers about Frum’s record of…

A Bad Joke: WaPo Assigns Limbaugh Book Review to Rush-Hating David Fru

May 25th, 2010 8:35 AM
The Washington Post knows how to thrust two middle fingers in Rush Limbaugh's face. They decided to put a book review of the new Zev Chavets book on Limbaugh on the front page of Tuesday's Style section, reviewed by....David Frum, the Republican establishment's leading Rush-hater. This is a little like assigning a Bill Clinton book review to Jim Clyburn, so he can call him a racist again for 1,…

CNN's Kurtz: Do Conservative Commentators Want a Successful Terrorist

May 9th, 2010 1:50 PM
Howard Kurtz on Sunday actually asked if right-wing pundits are hoping for another successful terrorist attack against our nation in order to harm President Obama politically?Potentially even worse, this disgraceful question was posed to a far-left leaning blogger who certainly was going to say "Yes."Discussing the media's coverage of the Times Square car bomb attempt with his guests on CNN's "…

NY Times Suggests Modern Conservative Movement Lacks Intellectual Soph

April 28th, 2010 4:39 PM
So what happens when you put the likes of David Frum, Bruce Bartlett and now apparently Jim Manzi - pseudo-conservatives with a penchant for criticizing Republicans and other conservatives all in the same place? You have the makings of a New York Times hit piece on conservatism. In the April 27 issue of the Times, a story in its Style section of all places by Patricia Cohen, singled out and…

Mediaite Attempts to Elevate Pseudo-Con David Frum to Biblical Status

April 2nd, 2010 3:04 PM
Is it possible to be so wrapped up in a media culture that one could minimize a sacred religious holiday in a shoddy attempt to write a clever headline? Mediaite's Tommy Christopher and his editors seemed to have pulled this feat off. Christopher, who has had a much-publicized run-in with Andrew Breitbart, has a new hero, former American Enterprise Institute scholar David Frum. Christopher…

David Frum: Joe Klein's Kind of Conservative

March 26th, 2010 2:49 PM
Time's Joe Klein took to his magazine's Swampland blog yesterday evening to defend former AEI scholar David Frum.In doing so, Klein [pictured in file photo at right] contrasted Frum with "extreme" conservatives who were "pretty close to Jonestown" by "drinking their own kool-aid." Not only is the former Bush speechwriter a friend whose thinking he respects "even when we disagree," Klein argued…

NYT's Nagourney Runs With Anti-Limbaugh Frum to Show 'Drawbacks' of GO

March 23rd, 2010 3:31 PM
In Tuesday's front-page "political memo" in the New York Times, "For G.O.P., United Stand Has Drawbacks, Too," chief political reporter Adam Nagourney, like much of the mainstream media, used Republican critic David Frum to represent the responsible "conservative" wing of the party to bash lack of Republican support for Obama-style health care reform. Frum has blamed talk radio and Fox News for…

ABC Highlights Frum’s Charge Fox News and Selfish Limbaugh to Blame

March 23rd, 2010 2:42 AM
Looking at the state of both parties after President Obama’s health bill win in the House, ABC’s Terry Moran elevated the view of “prominent conservative” David Frum, author a year ago of Newsweek’s “Why Rush is Wrong” cover story, who blamed Rush Limbaugh and Fox News for what he’s dubbed the GOP’s “Waterloo.” On Nightline, Moran contended “anger, stoking it, expressing it, riding it...was the…