
Scarborough Uses Heroes of 9/11 to Boost Biden's Afghanistan Fiasco

September 7th, 2021 9:50 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough uses the great work of the American military, invokes the spirit of 9/11, and the generosity of Americans welcoming Afghan refugees, to deflect criticism from President Biden over his Afghanistan fiasco. Scarborough says he is "really proud" of America, and offers not a word of blame for Biden.


Ignatius: Afghanistan ‘Really Difficult’ for White House Self-Esteem

August 19th, 2021 3:27 PM

Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Thursday, Washington Post columnist and associate editor David Ignatius sympathized with “shell-shocked” White House staffers for which the catastrophe in Afghanistan has “been really, really difficult.” The concern for the emotional well being of top Biden aides came amid discussion of the President’s disastrous ABC interview in which he…


Pathetic Morning Joe Hacks Hide Biden Blunders, Praise 'Strong' Joe

June 15th, 2021 2:14 PM

Despite his multiple gaffes at the G-7 summit in Cornwall, UK, Morning Joe bills President Biden as "calm" and the "strong leader" of the alliance. 

Joe Scarborough and David Ignatius

Morning Joe Hopes COVID Will Stop Trump ‘Interference’ With Govt

October 2nd, 2020 7:00 PM

Apparently shocked and saddened by Thursday night’s breaking news that President Trump tested positive for COVID-19, leftist media hosts began seeking some sort of silver lining in which to take comfort.


Scarborough: If Trump Loses, He Might Commit Treason to Pay Off Debts

September 29th, 2020 11:58 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough alleges that if President Trump loses re-election, he might sell the "crown jewels" of US intel in order to pay off his business debts. He based this on a chat with his brother-in-law Mark Brzezinski, a former Obama campaign adviser, and Biden fundraiser! 

Inside the Media's Desperate Cover-Up of 'Obamagate'

May 16th, 2020 4:00 PM
How does Watergate differ from Obamagate? Journalists led the charge to uncover the first. But now? Now journalists are leading the coverup of the second. Over there at Real Clear Investigations, J. Peder Zane has illustrated the media coverup exactly. A sample from Zane:

During Swipe at Trump Over Corona, MSNBC Bashes... Bush?

March 30th, 2020 9:26 AM
On Morning Joe, David Ignatius manages to pull off an MSM two-fer: using the coronavirus not only to swipe at President Trump, but to go back in history and jab another Republican president, George W. Bush, for his handling of 9/11. On today's Morning Joe, Ignatius of the Washington Post indulged in a classic bit of blaming-not-blaming. He first acknowledged that George W. "didn't cause 9/11."

WaPo's Ignatius: Biden Subpoena Flip-Flop a 'Positive' Next to Trump

December 30th, 2019 8:27 AM
On Morning Joe, WaPo's David Ignatius manages to turn Biden's transparent about-face for political reasons on whether he would comply with a Senate impeachment trial subpoena into a positive mark of his willingness to change positions as necessary, as compared to President Trump. 

Trump-Hater Scarborough Claims to Embrace 'Love Thy Neighbor' Politics

December 26th, 2019 3:18 PM
Self-awareness? Apparently not Joe Scarborough's strong suit. On Thursday's Morning Joe, Scarborough claimed to embrace a recent column by frequent panelist David Ignatius of The Washington Post that called for a "love thy neighbor" politics in which people "put aside" their grievances. "Truer words were never written," enthused Scarborough. That's all well and good, but not exactly the best…

Morning Joe Revels in Imagining Trump's Impeachment Pain

December 18th, 2019 10:29 AM
The Morning Joe crew revels in imagining President Trump's supposed pain over his impending impeachment. 

MSNBC: Republicans Are 'Jerks,' Ruining Legacies of Public Servants

November 15th, 2019 7:20 PM
If Democrats and their allies in the media are trying to convince the country that the current impeachment proceedings are  not a farce, MSNBC's Friday impeachment pre-game show did not help in advancing that goal. According to the assembled cast of journalists and commentators, Republicans were "jerks" who were destroying the legacies of their family members who worked for past Democrat…

NBC Panel: Dems Must ‘Dramatize’ Impeachment With Crying Witnesses

November 11th, 2019 9:14 AM
Following Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd grilling Republican Senator Rand Paul and tossing softballs to Democratic Congressman Jim Himes on Sunday, regarding impeachment, the political panel admitted that House Democrats had an uphill battle in upcoming public hearings. The worried journalists urged liberal lawmakers to “dramatize” those hearings as much as possible and hoped some of the…

Rachel Maddow: Trump 'Careening Circus of Pratfall Embarassments'

June 6th, 2019 6:12 PM
Wednesday night on The Rachel Maddow show, host Rachel Maddow continued her negative onslaught of criticism towards President Trump on his overseas visits. She began by negatively highlighting the events that took place in the meeting of President Trump and the Irish Prime Minister stating:

Mika Brzezinski Cheers ‘Fantastic’ Nancy Pelosi Driving Trump ‘Crazy'

March 12th, 2019 9:59 PM
Ever since Donald Trump was elected President, liberal Democrats have been eagerly demanding that he be impeached. However, those efforts were dealt a serious blow on Monday when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told The Washington Post that America “should not go down that path because it divides the country....and he’s just not worth it.” Instead of being disappointed, Morning Joe co-host Mika…