
'Sometimes You Have to Walk' -- 'Morning Joe' Praises Trump on Summit

February 28th, 2019 8:55 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and David Ignatius praised President Trump's decision to walk away from the Hanoi summit with Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Scarborough calls it the "best of all circumstances."  Ignatius agreed, quoting Trump that "sometimes you just have to walk."  Also, Joyce Vance a former US Attorney appointed by President Obama says that in Michael Cohen's congressional…

Scarborough Defends Judge for Suggesting Flynn Committed 'Treason'

December 19th, 2018 8:32 AM
Yesterday, we surmised that Joe Scarborough had gone "all in" with the Democrats. Scratch that. Scarborough has now placed himself even to the left of many lefties. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough defended Judge Emmet Sullivan's outburst yesterday at Michael Flynn's sentencing hearing. This, while many liberals, like Dan Abrams, and even the young lefties over at Vox, have criticized the…

Morning Joe Panel Compares Trump to Erdogan, Slams His 'Enemies List'

July 25th, 2018 10:17 PM
During Tuesday’s edition of Morning Joe, the panel engaged in quite a bit of hyperbole when reacting to President Trump’s threat to revoke the security clearances of former Obama administration officials including former CIA Director John Brennan. Keep in mind that all of the media overreaction comes despite the fact that President Trump has only threatened to revoke the security clearances thus…

MSNBC's Richard Stengel: 'America First Is Toxic Nationalism'

July 13th, 2018 6:58 PM
Talking heads on MSNBC and CNN got themselves all bent out of shape following President Trump’s appearance at a breakfast kicking off the 2018 NATO Summit. Wednesday’s edition of MSNBC Live With Katy Tur presented no exception. Former TIME magazine editor and Kerry State Department official Richard Stengel complained about President Trump’s “America First” policy, describing it as “toxic…

Meacham: Misogyny Explains Trump's Tense Relations With May & Merkel

July 12th, 2018 4:19 PM
During Wednesday’s edition of Morning Joe, historian Jon Meacham felt he had come up with the perfect explanation for President Trump’s tense relationships with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Theresa May. Meacham asked “What’s the role of misogyny here?” He continued spouting talking points, asking “Does Merkel remind him of Hillary? Does that help explain the Theresa…

Bitter: Morning Joe Panelists Refuse to Celebrate Freed U.S. Hostages

May 10th, 2018 11:24 AM
Pettiness was the name of the game on Thursday’s Morning Joe as MSNBC panelists took turns attempting to negatively spin the release of three American hostages from North Korea.

NYT's Sudden Concern for Logan Act Fact-Checking With Kerry the Target

May 8th, 2018 6:10 PM
Former Democratic secretary of state John Kerry has been doing a little free-lance meddling with Iranian ministers on behalf of the now-kaput Iran deal, and an unhappy Trump accused Kerry on Twitter of “possible illegal Shadow Diplomacy” (i.e. violating the Logan Act). New York Times fact-checker Linda Qiu pounced: “Trump Lobs Legal Threat At Kerry. Scholars Shrug.”

Oh Please: ‘Morning Joe’ Suffers Meltdown Over ‘Frightening’ Sinclair

April 2nd, 2018 3:01 PM
At the top of Monday’s Morning Joe, the MSNBC show ripped a new promo on network affiliates owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group denouncing “false news” as a “chilling,” “frightening,” and “Pravda”-like “propaganda clip” doing President Trump’s bidding. Of course, it was without any sense of irony in how they licked the Obama administration’s boots and serve as home for the Resistance.

'You Don't Tug on Superman's Cape': MSNBC Panelists Worship Mueller

March 6th, 2018 11:51 AM
On Tuesday, the Robert Mueller devotees on MSNBC’s Morning Joe broke out the pom-poms for their champion, gleefully speculating about the various ways in which the Special Counsel could ruin ex-Trump campaign operative Sam Nunberg.

BBC's Katty Kay Denies Media's Strange Obsession With Kim Yo-jong

February 12th, 2018 12:13 PM
BBC Host Katty Kay indignantly denied the media's overwhelmingly friendly coverage of North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, calling it “insulting” to suggest that the media had fallen for the North Korean official.

Joe Scarborough Compares 'Red State' Americans To Iranian Theocrats

January 5th, 2018 12:36 PM
On Friday’s Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough and Washington Post columnist David Ignatius tried to explain the current anti-government protests in Iran by painting a broader picture of a “red state Iran” and a “blue state Iran.” Scarborough described “red state Iran” as a place that “wanted to keep the mullahs in charge,” whereas “[b]lue state Iran wanted to move Iran into the 20th century.”

Mika Questions Honesty of Franken Accusers, Wonders ‘If It Happened’

December 8th, 2017 5:55 PM
On Friday’s Morning Joe, the MSNBC show’s hosts and guests spent most of their broadcast mourning the announced resignation of Minnesota Senator Al Franken from Congress in the wake of over half a dozen allegations of sexual assault against him. In a stunning display of hypocrisy, MSNBC’s liberal morning pundits went to extraordinary lengths to cast doubt on the women who have accused Franken of…

Morning Joe Smears Trump For Highlighting FBI Corruption Reports

December 5th, 2017 5:35 PM
This week on Morning Joe, the show’s liberal panelists have been working overtime not to cover one of the most significant stories that broke this past weekend. Namely, multiple journalistic outlets have revealed significant conflicts of interest at the FBI over the past two years that could have directly impacted agents’ investigations into Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and their respective…

Morning Joe: 'Dear Leader' Trump Is 'King' Of A 'Cult'

October 6th, 2017 4:47 PM
In another shameless ‘Trump is a dictator’ segment on Friday’s Morning Joe, the panel were still reveling over the news that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly called President Trump a moron in July. Unable to contain themselves, the gang compared Trump to famously flamboyant French King Louis XIV, Kim Jong-un, Vito Corleone, a “cult figure,” and, to top it all off, a sadistic fetishist.