WaPo's Ignatius Predicts Obama to Take on Israel's Netanyahu in 2nd Te

January 1st, 2012 3:41 PM
Appearing as a panel member on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show on Sunday, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius predicted that President Obama would be more aggressive in taking on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a second term, as he cited the  belief by Obama's people that the President "has had success" in Middle East policy so far. (Video below) Ignatius seemed to go…

WaPo's 'Best of 2011' Book List Loaded with WaPo, NY Times Writers

December 11th, 2011 8:58 AM
The Sunday Washington Post  issued a set of "Best of 2011" lists, and in the Arts section listing of the 100 most notable books (50 in fiction, 50 in nonfiction), the Post fulfilled its annual tradition of promoting its own staffers. In the fiction category was Bloodmoney by Post columnist David Ignatius. On the nonfiction list were Playing With Fire by Pamela Constable, The Triple Agent by…

Fineman Says ObamaCare Was President's Biggest Mistake - Ignatius Agre

September 4th, 2011 11:52 AM
Wouldn't it be fascinating if media members that helped this President pass ObamaCare against America's wishes came to the conclusion this was his biggest mistake? On Sunday's "The Chris Matthews Show," the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman and the Washington Post's David Ignatius both told a somewhat startled host that Obama spending so much of his time and political capital on passing…

Ignatius: Bush Didn't Go To Ground Zero Thursday Because It Would Have

May 8th, 2011 9:35 PM
For days, Bush hating media members have concocted a variety of mostly nefarious theories why former President George W. Bush opted not to join Barack Obama at Ground Zero Thursday. The Washington Post's David Ignatius on this weekend's "Chris Matthews Show" claimed, "The reason that Bush didn’t go is the photograph of the two of them together would have locked the reelection of Barack Obama…

WaPo Columnist: 'Is Darrell Issa the New Joe McCarthy

January 6th, 2011 7:04 AM
Washington Post columnist David Ignatius (a foreign editor and business editor of the Post in the 1990s) asked a bizarre question on the badly-named 'PostPartisan" blog: "Is Darrell Issa the new Joe McCarthy?" Clearly, the Post knows that when a liberal blurs you with McCarthy, they mean you are a life-wrecking, fact-mangling monster fueled by demons like ambition and alcohol. The headline is…

Andrea Mitchell Names Tea Party Person of the Year, Two Others Pick As

December 12th, 2010 2:55 PM
NBC's Andrea Mitchell this weekend named the Tea Party as her Person of the Year. Two others on the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" disgustingly chose WikiLeaks' Julian Assange (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews: Sarah Palin Brags About Lack of Knowledge, Doesn't Rea

October 17th, 2010 2:46 PM
Chris Matthews on Friday said Sarah Palin brags about her lack of knowledge and doesn't read the paper. In a discussion about Tea Party candidates on the syndicated program bearing his name, Matthews echoed the typical liberal media elite nonsense about such people all being illiterate idiots (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Dan Rather Smacks Down Entire Matthews Panel Over Media Hyping Koran B

September 12th, 2010 11:34 PM
Dan Rather this weekend smacked down the entire panel of the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" over the press hyping Pastor Terry Jones's threats to burn Korans on the ninth anniversary of 9/11."Media in general bear some responsibility here by running so hard with this story so early and putting such comments as you just said not only on the air, but high on the air, giving it play," Rather said.…

Chris Matthews Panel Sees Name ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ as ‘Net Pl

September 12th, 2010 11:33 AM
On Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews Show, after host Matthews asked if electing a President whose middle name was "Hussein" had "opened a door to better relations with the Arab and Islamic world. Or has it opened a door to more xenophobic American negativity?" the panel mostly agreed that Obama’s election was more of a "net plus" for America’s relations with the world's Muslim population. The…

Bozell Column: The Media and the Mega-Mosque

August 17th, 2010 9:18 PM
It was deceptive. At a White House dinner with Muslims celebrating Ramadan, Barack Obama finally weighed in on the Ground Zero mosque controversy. Incredibly, he lectured Americans about the religious freedom of Muslims “that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan.”Those were prepared remarks, a clear and very deliberate effort…

MSNBC: Obama 'Did the Right Thing' With 'Non-Controversial' Mosque Rem

August 16th, 2010 7:40 PM
On Monday's Morning Joe, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski went out of their way to defend President Obama's Friday statement defending the planned mosque near Ground Zero in New York City. Brzezinski cooed that the President "did the right thing by saying what he said." Scarborough labeled the remark "non-controversial," and later stated the controversy over the mosque was a "wedge…

Amanpour’s Panel Hails Obama’s ‘Courage,’ ‘Leadership’ and

August 15th, 2010 2:24 PM
President Barack Obama’s endorsement Friday night of building a mosque near Ground Zero has driven the establishment press corps to find nobility in pursuing conviction even in the face of public opposition, not something MSM journalists admired about the previous President, while suddenly becoming very concerned about protecting private property rights – all while hailing Obama’s “great global…

Washington Post's David Ignatius Joins Liberal Call for Value-Added Ta

April 29th, 2010 1:32 PM
David Ignatius, an op-ed columnist for the Washington Post, thinks a value-added tax (VAT) may be just the ticket to get the United States out of its deficit mess. That's what he argued in a column on April 29: "President Obama could champion the cause of deficit reduction. He could insist that the new bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform that began work…

Chris Matthews and Panel Make Excuses For Obama's Lack of Press Confer

April 4th, 2010 8:09 PM
It's been more than nine months since President Obama has held a prime time press conference, and you would think those that cover him would be outraged by it.Well, think again, for that's certainly not what came out of a panel discussion about this issue during this weekend's syndicated "The Chris Matthews Show."Quite the contrary, rather than criticize the Commander-in-Chief for refusing to…