Heilemann: Hillary's Facing a 'Disproportionately Hostile' Press

April 25th, 2015 7:36 AM
Apparently the media’s overt sympathy for Democratic candidates is so taken for granted that anything less than glowing adoration and cooperation is viewed as hostile. That’s at least one explanation for John Heilemann’s odd evaluation of Hillary Clinton’s campaign launch. According to Heilemann of Bloomberg Politics, Hillary is fighting a two front war. "She’s running against herself And she’s…

Mika: 'I Want to Believe' That Hillary's Like Elizabeth Warren

April 17th, 2015 8:04 AM
Instead of leaping in celebration at the Hillary rollout on Morning Joe, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski lamented the fact she was forced to settle for a pale imitation of the left’s true savior, Senator Elizabeth Warren.     Brzezinski, a devout Warren fan-girl with the shirt to prove it, took issue with Hillary Clinton’s philosophical plagiarism of her hero’s ideas, "I just feel like she's, it's a…

Scarborough: 'More and More' Insiders Say Hillary Might Not Run

March 17th, 2015 8:15 AM
Imagine you're David Brock, James Carville or Lanny Davis.  Stop: no!  Can't do that to our Newsbusters readers. Let's just picture someone in the Hillary camp—even Herself. He/she's settled in front of the tube this morning, Grande, two-pump Vanilla, Non-Fat, Extra Hot Latte in hand, and tuned to fave show: Morning Joe. Suddenly, from an array of people, you hear these phrases: "in jail for…

More on 'Myth' of 'No-Go Zones': Recognized Even Before the '05 Riots

January 22nd, 2015 5:28 PM
Earlier today (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I posted on the establishment press's apparent determination to punish anyone who dares to mention the existence — in their view, the "myth" — of "no-go zones" in France and other European countries. The tactic seems to be working. The Washington Post's Erik Wemple, who criticized CNN for allowing guests to use the term and failing to challenge them…

WaPo's Ignatius: Obama 'Perhaps the Least Political' Modern President

November 9th, 2014 10:12 PM
On Thursday, the first paragraph of a column by the Washington Post's David Ignatius on what he thinks President Barack Obama's foreign policy might be for the next two years contained what may qualify as the "Notable Quotable" of the year. The first sentence was a pretty impressive failure at perception: "President Obama looked almost relieved after Tuesday’s election blowout." Look, David,…

WaPo's Ignatius: 'A Lot of Truth' To WSJ Condemnation of Obama's Fiddl

June 12th, 2014 9:29 AM
Q. How do you know that Barack Obama's feckless foreign policy poses a serious threat to the security of the free world?  A. When a leading foreign policy voice of the Washington Post agrees with a leading foreign policy voice of the Wall Street Journal that such is the case. It happened on today's Morning Joe, when WaPo's highly-respected David Ignatius agreed with a WSJ op-ed by Daniel…

WashPost’s David Ignatius Cheers On Obama ‘Trying To Understand

March 30th, 2014 2:36 PM
Appearing on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, The Washington Post’s David Ignatius did his best to shill for President Obama following the president’s interview with CBS anchorman Scott Pelley. Speaking with moderator Bob Schieffer on Sunday, Ignatius opined, “It's crucial for statesmen to try to see the world as their adversaries see it” while urging President Obama to see the world…

WashPost Columnist and Former Editor David Ignatius Wants to Hunt the

October 20th, 2013 9:39 AM
Several Washington Post journalist/operatives are also teaching in the Karen Tumulty School of Unselfishly Un-electing The Tea Party. In Sunday’s paper, columnist David Ignatius (formerly a Post foreign editor and assistant managing editor for business news) penned a piece titled “Disarming the RINO Hunters.” “Many Republicans have been muttering over the past few weeks of political…

NBC Ambushes Rep. Steve King With Four People Attacking His Immigratio

August 11th, 2013 7:50 PM
NBC's Meet the Press did something Sunday that should insult people on both sides of the aisle. The show's producers invited Congressman Steve King (R-Ia.) on to have host David Gregory, so-called Republican strategist Ana Navarro, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, and former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson (D) attack him for his immigration views (videos follow with transcript…

'Morning Joe' Panel Does Hillary Two-Step: Defend Her, Call Critics Se

July 1st, 2013 7:03 PM
On Saturday, reporter Jonathan Martin wrote an interesting piece in the New York Times about Republican efforts to paint Hillary Clinton as “old news” for her potential 2016 run. Martin pondered the “striking” notion that Democrats “could run an older candidate” while Republicans “could nominate a youthful standard-bearer” in the next presidential election. Of course, to the liberal panel on…

After Dismissing Benghazi as 'Fox News's Super-Story,' WaPo's Ignatius

May 6th, 2013 12:24 PM
Appearing on NBC's Chris Matthews Show on Sunday, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius initially dismissed the Benghazi terrorist attack as being "Fox News's super-story," with left-wing host Matthews agreeing: "This is a big Fox story." Fellow Post columnist Kathleen Parker called out Ignatius: "I know Fox has been covering it, but, you know, that doesn't mean it's wrong." Ignatius…

Matthews on Friday's Jobs Report: Will Democrats and Hillary Clinton H

May 5th, 2013 6:07 PM
It really is amazing how excited liberal media members can get when the economy produces 165,000 jobs and a 7.5 percent unemployment rate under a Democratic president. So enthralled was Chris Matthews that he actually asked guests on the syndicated program bearing his name Sunday if this will give Democrats including Hillary Clinton "bragging rights" in 2016 (video follows with transcript and…

WaPo's David Ignatius Implores Obama To Do Immigration Reform Without

February 10th, 2013 12:45 PM
As NewsBusters reported, CBS News political director John Dickerson a few days before Barack Obama's second inaugural advised the President to destroy the Republican Party. On the syndicated Chris Matthews Show Sunday, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius went in a completely different direction imploring Obama to "get out of the zero sum game Washington where to do something good on…

Washington Post’s Ignatius Hails Obama’s Nimble Contraception Poli

February 12th, 2012 3:26 PM
“I was struck looking at this,” Washington Post columnist and former foreign editor David Ignatius expressed on ABC’s This Week in admiring how Barack Obama on Friday adjusted the contraception mandate, hailing “the ability to do a do-over quickly” since the administration was not “done deaf” and “they did make changes and this is now a policy that you can defend.” Unaddressed, how it’s just…