
Ahead of Their Debate, CBS Skips Sanders Doubling Down on Castro

February 25th, 2020 8:32 PM
Tuesday was the big night over on CBS where they would hold the final Democratic debate before the primaries South Carolina and the Super Tuesday states. And with socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) occupying the frontrunner’s podium for the first time, one would think the host network would apply a little more scrutiny. But their pre-debate newscast on CBS Evening News completely skipped…

Nets: 74 Seconds to Bernie’s Castro Love, 34 Minutes to Trump/Putin

February 24th, 2020 12:37 PM
On Monday, all three network morning shows combined could only manage a little over a minute (74 seconds) of air time to mention 2020 Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders defending deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro on Sunday’s 60 Minutes. However, after President Trump held a summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in July of 2018, the same broadcasts devoted 34 minutes to excoriating the…

Deluded CBS Cheers ‘Moderate’ 2020 Dem Surging in New Hampshire

February 10th, 2020 12:12 PM
During the 2020 Democratic primaries, CBS This Morning journalists have repeatedly spun several of the candidates as “moderates.” (With the exception of socialist Bernie Sanders. That would probably be too much of a stretch.) This happened again on Monday as Ed O’Keefe labeled liberal Senator Amy Klobuchar a “moderate.” He also touted which candidates in New Hampshire are securing the “moderate”…

Surprise: CBS Presses Warren on Whether Soleimani Was a Terrorist

January 6th, 2020 5:34 PM
Given that journalists have echoed Democratic talking points on the killing of Qasem Soleimani and touted the militant as a “revered,” “inspiring” leader, it was a breath of fresh air on Monday to see CBS This Morning’s Ed O’Keefe flat-out ask Elizabeth Warren if he was a “terrorist.” 

Nets Seize on Dems Blasting ‘Reckless’ Killing of Soleimani

January 3rd, 2020 4:53 PM
On Friday, all three network morning shows were quick to seize on Democratic talking points slamming the U.S. killing of Iranian terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani as “reckless” and even “illegal.” It all came amid media hand-wringing over the air strike in which journalists labeled the brutal murderer “iconic” and “inspirational.”

OBSESSED: CBS Spent Entire Evening News Program Pushing Impeachment

December 18th, 2019 8:42 PM
For 20 minutes and 25 seconds, the entirety of their Wednesday evening airtime, that’s how much time CBS Evening News dedicated to hawking impeachment to their viewers. The time was used to gush about Democratic speeches, mock White House spin, decry the President’s anger, chide Americans unwilling to go along, and boast about the lack of impartiality from Senate Democrats running for President.

CBS Cheers Biden Punching Down at Iowa Voter Like a 'Prizefighter'

December 5th, 2019 10:56 PM
A retired farmer and Iowa independent confronted former Vice President Joe Biden while on his so-called “no malarkey” campaign tour of the state Thursday, calling him out for his age and son’s dubious business dealings in Ukraine. The former Vice President was obviously triggered when he unloaded on the Iowan (despite being older than him), raising his voice and appearing to call the man “fat.”…

CBS, NBC Mourn for Kamala’s Failed Campaign, Skip Disgruntled Staff

December 3rd, 2019 11:34 PM
The Democratic field for the 2020 nomination continued to shrink on Tuesday after self-declared top-tier candidate Senator Kamala Harris (CA) dropped out due to a lack of funds. In response, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News ran reports mourning the loss of her campaign, with one noting that the upcoming Democratic debate would only consist of white people now. But surprisingly, an ABC report…

‘Not a Winning Issue’; CBS Surprised Voters Aren’t Talking Impeachment

November 26th, 2019 12:38 PM
Tuesday’s CBS This Morning featured political correspondent Ed O’Keefe’s latest installment of his “3 Meals in...” series which took him to southern California for meals with a wide spectrum of voters in Bakersfield, Bell, and Newport Beach. At the end of an enjoyable and informative segment, O’Keefe conceded to the surprise of the CTM crew that impeachment only come up “unless you ask,” leading…

Nets: Will ‘Moderate’ Bloomberg Harm ‘Moderates’ Biden and Buttigieg?

November 25th, 2019 11:40 AM
The three network morning shows on Monday hyped the entry of Michael Bloomberg into the 2020 race as a “moderate” who will take on other “moderates,” Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg. They also touted the ex-New York Mayor’s former Republican status. On CBS This Morning, correspondent Ed O’Keefe parroted centrist talking points: “After initially ruling out a run earlier this year, Bloomberg is…

Nets Hail: ‘Impeachment Took Center Stage’ at Dem Debate

November 21st, 2019 10:00 AM
On Thursday, it was as if all three network morning shows were reading from the same liberal script as journalists on NBC, ABC, and CBS all touted how “impeachment took center stage” during Wednesday night’s Democratic debate. In addition, all three networks eagerly seized on the Democratic contenders labeling President Trump a “criminal.”

Nets Thrilled By Dems Showing ‘United Front’ on Impeachment

October 16th, 2019 11:05 AM
On Wednesday, all three network morning shows presented an united front while praising 2020 Democratic candidates for “showing a united front against President Trump” during Tuesday night’s presidential debate. Reporters eagerly touted how all 12 contenders on stage supported impeachment and denounced Trump.

Nets Excited Joe Biden Called for Impeachment of His Opponent

October 9th, 2019 8:57 PM
Former Vice President Joe Biden got a lot of positive coverage from the liberal media on Wednesday after he called for President Trump’s impeachment while campaigning against him in New Hampshire. The major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) hoisted up Biden’s demands with a combined 4 minutes and 20 seconds of largely enthusiastic coverage.

CBS Finally Covers Warren’s Sketchy Claims on Pregnancy Firing

October 9th, 2019 3:53 PM
CBS This Morning on Wednesday finally committed journalism and covered the latest example of Elizabeth Warren being forced to confront contradictory facts about her background. This time, it’s claims that she was fired from a teaching job in 1971 because she was pregnant. After ignoring claims highlighted by The Washington Free Beacon on Monday, This Morning’s Tony Dokoupil explained, “A series…