
CBS Loves Buttigieg’s ‘Moderate’ Health Care Plan: ‘Pretty Good!'

September 24th, 2019 4:47 PM
CBS This Morning journalists on Tuesday credulously promoted 2020 Democrat Pete Buttigieg’s “moderate”-sounding health care plan: “Sounds pretty good,” touted co-host Tony Dokoupil. The CBS hosts all liked the selling of the plan as “Medicare for all who want it” as opposed to Medicare for all.  “I love the phrasing,” cheered Anthony Mason. Reporter Ed O’Keefe hailed, “[Buttigieg is] hoping to…

Network Morning Shows Hype Trump Impeachment 17 Times

September 23rd, 2019 5:19 PM
On Monday, the network morning shows managed to feature some variant of the word “impeachment” a total of 17 times while reporting on President Trump’s phone call with the President of Ukraine about corruption allegations against Joe Biden’s son Hunter. In addition, ABC, NBC and CBS eagerly touted a letter from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accusing Trump of “lawlessness.”

Nets Bury Kamala Harris Laughing at ‘Retard’ Insult Against Trump

September 9th, 2019 1:28 PM

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris gleefully laughed on Friday when a voter mocked Donald Trump with what is considered a slur against handicapped people. Yet, NBC has still not covered the incident. ABC and CBS have offered scant coverage and The View hosts defended the intentions of the Democratic senator. On Friday, a man at a Harris rally asked about Trump: “What are you going…


CBS Dismisses Warren’s ‘DNA Flap’ as ‘Much Ado About Nothing'

August 19th, 2019 3:16 PM

CBS This Morning journalists on Monday attempted to downplay Elizabeth Warren’s repeated efforts to pass herself off as a Native American, calling it a “flap” and insisting that many think it’s “much ado about nothing.” Warren appeared at a Native American forum on Monday in Iowa. This is the same woman who tried to be seen as a Cherokee and who appeared in the cook book Pow Wow Chow. 


CBS Champions Biden Lashing Out at Trump, Touts El Paso Protestors

August 7th, 2019 8:41 PM
President Trump flew to Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas on Wednesday to visit with wounded and pay his respects to the people who were killed in a pair of mass shootings over the weekend. Instead of that kicking off their political overage for the night, CBS Evening News chose to champion former Vice President and Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden for tearing into the President while campaigning…

CBS Highlights Unnamed, Mystery ‘Moderates’ on Dem Debate Stage

July 30th, 2019 1:06 PM
Some of the coverage of the 2020 Democratic presidential field, even in the liberal media, has noted just how progressive the candidates are. Yet, CBS This Morning on Tuesday highlighted unnamed mystery “moderates” amongst the liberals. Reporter Ed O’Keefe began by describing the ideology of Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren: “Two like-minded liberals who we know spent time together in…

Breezy CBS Unconcerned About 2020 Dem Plan to End Private Health Care

July 29th, 2019 12:28 PM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Monday again seemed rather unconcerned by 2020 Democratic plans to end private health insurance. Reporter Ed O’Keefe offered little in the way of alarm over 150 million being thrown off their health plans, should Senator Bernie Sanders or Kamala Harris get their way. 

Networks Champion Far-Left Push for Federal Reparation Payments

June 19th, 2019 9:05 PM

House Democrats held a raucous hearing on Wednesday, where they hosted a radical leftist writer and other supposed luminaries to make the case for the federal government to pay African-Americans reparations as an apology for slavery. Despite the ridiculousness of having the people of today pay the price of something they had no hand in some 150 years ago, the liberal broadcast networks seemed…


CBS Boasts of Poll That Shows Five Dems Beating Trump in 2020

June 17th, 2019 11:24 PM
Apparently, the liberal media didn’t learn their lesson about too much trust in polls after President Trump’s major 2016 upset, because they’re still touting some (less than a year and a half out from the 2020 election) that show him down against Democrats.

ABC, CBS Boast About Biden Beating President Trump in National Poll

June 11th, 2019 9:15 PM
With almost a year and a half to go until the 2020 general election, Tuesday’s editions of ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News showed that the media didn’t learn anything from 2016. Nearly two weeks ahead of the first Democratic Party debate, both broadcast networks boasted about former Vice President Joe Biden’s 13-point national lead against President Trump.

Nets Celebrate ‘Abortion Rights’ Protests Against Pro-Life Laws

May 21st, 2019 9:18 PM
The liberal media flocked to elevate the some 400-plus pro-abortion protests held Tuesday as they continued to rail against the wave of pro-life legislation designed to protect unborn life. ABC, CBS, NBC, and Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision took time out of their evening newscasts to praise the protesters plus the 2020 Democrats who attended. CBS was the lone network to cover…

CBS Rips De Blasio 2020 Campaign: Answer to Question No One Asked

May 16th, 2019 11:15 PM
As the saying goes, “all politics is local.” That sentiment seemed to seep into CBS News’s Thursday reports on New York Mayor Bill de Blasio throwing his hat into the 2020 race. In both flagship morning and evening newscasts, anchors and reporters alike mocked the Democratic candidate. During CBS This Morning, co-host John Dickerson quipped: “Bill de Blasio is the answer to what question that isn…

Nets Cheer on Biden Calling Trump a ‘Threat to This Nation’

April 25th, 2019 9:42 PM
With a video trying to tie President Trump to white supremacists, former Vice President Joe Biden threw his hat into the 2020 ring Thursday. That video won him the praise of the liberal media as both CBS and NBC kicked off their evening news broadcasts with his announcement. Each of the Big Three networks boasted about the video while downplaying his inappropriate touching scandals.

ABC, CBS Excited By Biden Finally Announcing His 2020 Campaign

April 23rd, 2019 9:22 PM
Thursday is reportedly when we should expect former Vice President Joe Biden to formally announce his 2020 campaign for president. After fawning for Biden’s many hints for over a month, ABC and CBS were excited during their Tuesday evening broadcasts. Not so much for NBC, who brought up some of Biden’s lowest moments for liberals.