
Post Reporter: Hillary Calling GOP Terrorists ‘Sign of Desperation'

August 31st, 2015 11:49 AM
During an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation, Washington Post reporter Ed O’Keefe argued that Hillary Clinton’s decision to compare Republicans with terrorists on the issue of women’s issues was a sign of weakness coming from her presidential campaign. O’Keefe suggested that Clinton’s comments were meant to “solidify the Democratic base and sort of remind that she's willing to be that partisan…

Post’s Gerson Blast’s Obama’s ‘Overreaching’ ‘Rhetoric' on Iran Deal

August 9th, 2015 2:01 PM
On Sunday’s Face the Nation, Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson blasted President Obama for aligning Republicans in Congress with the leadership with Iran who chant “Death to America” simply for opposing the nuclear deal.

WashPost Avoids L-Word, Touts 'Warren Wing' of the Democrats

December 12th, 2014 9:04 AM
Apparently, The Washington Post can’t use the word “liberal” without feeling slightly nauseous. Its coverage of the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill included a front-page story headllined “Democrats’ Warren wing sends message.” Reporter Paul Kane waited until the story skipped to page A-20. On the front page, it was all “populist” euphemism

WashPost Touts Dem 'Strike Team' Pushing Immigration Propaganda

December 4th, 2014 5:05 PM
In an article for The Washington Post on Thursday, congressional reporter Ed O'Keefe highlighted Democratic efforts to assemble an "Immigration Strike Team" to provide "a rapid response force to counter whatever Republicans do or say about immigration reform in the coming months."

Misleading WaPo Headline Makes It Seem as If Obama Reaching Out to GOP

November 19th, 2014 9:38 PM
The Washington Post story about President Obama meeting with lawmakers had a completely misleading headline. It sounds oh so inclusive but when you actually read the story, guess who is missing at the dinner meeting?

NYT, Wash Post Compete for Most One-Sided Coverage of Obama's Amnesty

November 14th, 2014 9:43 PM
The New York Times and Washington Post both enthusiastically greeted the announcement of President Obama's plans (conveniently announced after the election, constitutional objections aside) to bypass Congress and declare amnesty for some illegal immigrants, or as the Times cutely put it, "to enforce the nation’s laws with discretion."

NYT, WashPost Target Obama From Left Via Emotional Amnesty Anecdotes

September 8th, 2014 9:24 AM
Continuing a broader mainstream media pattern Sunday's New York Times and Washington Post hit Obama almost exclusively (and emotionally) from the left on his decision to hold off on his brand of unilateral immigration "reform" until after the 2014 election cycle.

CNN's Politics Division Drops More Than a Dozen Posts in Move to Incre

August 8th, 2014 6:45 PM
While the Cable News Network continues to suffer from low ratings, its corporate headquarters has made a number of changes in an effort to hold down costs and change its focus. The latest move came this week, when more than a dozen employees in the cable television channel's digital politics division learned that their positions will be eliminated by the end of the month. According to an…

Even After New Emails, MSNBC Panelists Still Dutifully Dismiss Benghaz

May 5th, 2014 6:11 PM
Forget about the newly released White House emails – MSNBC personalities will never admit that the Benghazi scandal is anything more than a Republican talking point. On Saturday’s Weekends with Alex Witt, fill-in host Richard Lui at least brought up the new revelations in the scandal, but he and his guests continued to treat it like a big, fat nothing burger. [Video below. MP3 audio here.]…

WashPost on Ted Cruz's Iran Bill: One Reporter Impressed, Another Refu

April 12th, 2014 11:01 PM
On Thursday, Washington Post reporter Ed O’Keefe blogged: “An incredible thing happened this week: A bill written by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) has passed Congress.” It was a bill designed to block entry into the country for Iran’s new ambassador to the United Nations, who aided the radical Iranians who held Americans hostage for 444 days in 1979 and 1980. On Saturday, the Post put the…

WashPost Notes GOP Absence from MLK Event, Uses Michael Steele to Deno

August 29th, 2013 12:49 PM
On page 2 of Thursday’s Washington Post was an article noticing “Republicans absent from March on Washington.” But reporter Ed O’Keefe turned that fact around on the GOP, noting that invitations were declined from three Bushes, two House leaders, and John McCain. O’Keefe comically quoted Rev. Leah Daughtry claiming they tried “very vigorously” to find a Republican – and didn’t mention her…

WashPost Hypes Latino Leftist 'Rock Star' in the House, Univision Anch

August 8th, 2013 11:23 AM
The Washington Post’s Ed O’Keefe awarded the “rock star” label to amnesty-advocating Rep. Luis Gutierrez on the front of Thursday’s Style section: “From California to Nevada to Florida, the congressman from Chicago is received like a rock star: People cheer when he enters the room; they pump their fists and stomp their feet. And when he’s finished speaking, they press forward to get close to…

WashPost Devotes 18 Paragraphs to Sen. Kaine's Spanish-language Speech

June 12th, 2013 6:27 PM
Virginia's junior U.S. senator, Timothy Kaine (D) became the first member of the world's greatest deliberative body to deliver a speech in Spanish. The former governor did so during debate on immigration reform on the Senate floor on Tuesday. Covering the development, Washington Post staffer Ed O'Keefe gave readers an 18-paragraph story devoted to the history-making oration in his June 12…

On Taxpayer-subsidized PBS, Liberal Reporters Lament Benghazi Won't Go

May 23rd, 2013 4:58 PM
On last Friday’s Washington Week, PBS moderator Gwen Ifill brought in a panel of four liberal journalists to dissect the three scandals that have plagued the Obama administration the past couple of weeks. Predictably, most of the panelists attempted to downplay the seriousness of the Benghazi fiasco. Midway through the Benghazi discussion, Ifill turned to The Washington Post’s Ed O’Keefe and…