WashPost Reporters Mock 'Insanity' of House GOP Push to Repeal ObamaCa

May 16th, 2013 4:35 PM
The House Republican caucus is an insane asylum divorced from reality. That, essentially, was the complaint waged by Washington Post reporters David A. Fahrenthold and Ed O'Keefe in the first six paragraphs of their page A2 May 16 story, "A persistent GOP battle against health law":

WaPo Went Birther On Cruz, But They're Not Alone

May 8th, 2013 5:53 PM
Birtherism isn't all that bad to the liberal media when a rising conservative star may be the target. Just ask the Washington Post and the New York Times, two liberal papers that devoted serious attention to the question of whether Cruz might be constitutionally ineligible for the presidency. Post staffers Ed O’Keefe and Aaron Blake devoted an article to the matter in the May 7 paper's Style…

Federal Prosecutors To Holder: Let Us Pack Heat; WaPo Relegates Story

April 5th, 2013 4:32 PM
Should federal prosecutors be allowed to pack heat?  It’s a good question given the recent assassinations of a District Attorney and his assistant in Kaufman County, Texas.  While not federal prosecutors, the recent assassinations illustrate that prosecutors have become a target for violence, particularly in federal cases where drug cartels – or terrorists – may be involved. Recently, Sen.…

WashPost Likes An Unproven Conspiracy Theory...When Harry Reid Is Bash

August 3rd, 2012 8:35 AM
On July 19, The Washington Post put Sen. John McCain on the front page calling out the “fringe voices” in the GOP like Rep. Michele Bachmann for circulating a “conspiracy theory” about Huma Abedin. But on August 2, after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid unleashed a conspiracy theory to The Huffington Post without a shred of evidence, charging  that Mitt Romney avoided paying taxes for ten…

Bias by Boring Headline? WashPost Gives Snoozer of a Headline to Story

July 10th, 2012 11:51 AM
She's a seven-term Democrat representing Las Vegas in the U.S. House of Representatives and she's running in a U.S. Senate race which "observers believe could be a pickup for Democrats." But yesterday, Rep. Shelley Berkley (Nev.) received "a blow to her candidacy" when "[t]he House Ethics Committee... voted unanimously to launch a formal investigation into allegations" that the congresswoman "…

Energy IG Tells Congress the Department Was 'Ill-equipped' to Distribu

November 3rd, 2011 6:22 PM
Energy Department Inspector General Gregory Friedman testified before a congressional committee yesterday that the department was "ill-equipped to quickly distribute billions of dollars in economic stimulus funding," reported the Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe in the November 3 paper. "Friedman's testimony was meant to summarize more than 100 investigations conducted by his office into Energy's…

WashPost Celebrates End of DADT with 34-paragraph Story Largely Devoid

September 21st, 2011 10:26 AM
For the second day in a row, the Washington Post celebrated the end of the 18-year-old "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, this time with a front-page center-column story that opened with the tale of a soldier who videotaped and posted to YouTube the phone call in which he announced to his father that he was gay:

'Millions In Taxes Owed by Stimulus Recipients'; WaPo Buries Story on

May 24th, 2011 3:22 PM
"Thousands of companies and nonprofits that received funds from the Obama administration’s economic stimulus program owe hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid taxes, according to estimates in a new government report." That's how Washington Post staffer Ed O'Keefe opened his May 24 story on the matter. It's just a shame that the article was buried on page A19:  

WaPo Laments 'Class War' Rhetoric Against Government Employees

December 21st, 2010 3:52 PM
When businesses, families and individuals face tough economic times, they have to tighten the belt. Businesses lay off workers and/or trim pay and benefits while families and individuals prioritize their budgets by foregoing vacation and entertainment spending. The government sector, not so much, and the electorate are angry about it. Accordingly, governors and governors-elect throughout…

WaPo Defines It As 'Public Awareness' to Say GOP Will Release Terroris

October 15th, 2010 6:57 AM
While media liberals obsess about negative ads funded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, federal worker unions are savagely attacking the Tea Party in a forthcoming radio ad campaign. "We would love to be very bipartisan, but it's hard to be bipartisan when one side is just trying to cut your throat," said John Gage of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) in Friday's Washington…

'Created or Saved' Jobs Rubric Quietly Scrapped by White House, Story

February 1st, 2010 3:01 PM
On Saturday, the Obama administration quietly scrapped the "created or saved" rubric for measuring the president's success in job creation. Covering the story, the Washington Post today also quietly noted the news, placing the story --entitled "Stimulus created 600,000 jobs at the end of 2009, White House says" -- on page A15. The Post's Ed O'Keefe wrote the 18-paragraph story (emphasis mine):

WaPo Buries Faulty GAO Data Story on Page A22; No Mention of Fake Cong

November 20th, 2009 3:08 PM
In what could easily be labeled the understatement of the week and probably of the entire month of November, the Washington Post today headlined a page A22 story today "GAO warns stimulus jobs data could contain inaccuracies."The print story is accompanied by a screenshot of Recovery.gov, which the caption beneath it notes "is the government's stimulus-tracking Web site." Of course, the biggest…

Obama-fired Inspector General Files Lawsuit, WaPo Shuffles Coverage to

July 21st, 2009 6:00 PM
Just six months into his presidency, President Barack Obama's administration is the target of a federal lawsuit, and that by a civil servant who alleges he was dismissed from his post in violation of the requirements of a law that Barack Obama himself once sponsored in the Senate.Yet despite all this, the July 21 Washington Post print edition failed to carry the story, directing readers with this…