Ezra Klein Balks at Rep. King's Islamic Radicalism Hearings; 'We've Ha

March 7th, 2011 6:32 PM
The Washington Post's Ezra Klein decried an upcoming congressional hearing on the threat of homegrown Islamic terrorism Monday, saying that Christians engage in violence as well but are not investigated by Congress. Klein lambasted the investigation, led by the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), as an attention-grabbing ploy to demonize the American…

Stern to WaPo: Labor Movement 'Had Socialist and Communist Tendencies

March 1st, 2011 2:06 PM
Retired Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern was recently interviewed by Journolist organizer and Washington Post staff writer Ezra "the Constitution is confusing because it was written more than a hundred years ago" Klein. In response to a question from Klein about "the animosity between unions and workplaces" (that is what Klein says he said), Stern made an interesting…

Lawrence O'Donnell: Walker Becomes Top GOP Presidential Candidate If H

February 21st, 2011 10:57 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Ann Coulter agrees! Lawrence O'Donnell on Monday made a prediction that most who hadn't heard of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker until a week ago might find astonishing. On MSNBC's "The Last Word," the host told his perilously liberal guest Ezra Klein that if Walker's budget repair plan goes through, "He would instantaneously become the greatest hero in the Republican…

WaPo’s Ezra Klein: Obamacare is ‘Best Thing’ Dems Have Done ‘I

January 7th, 2011 10:59 PM
 Appearing as a guest on Friday’s Countdown show on MSNBC, Washington Post staff writer and Newsweek columnist Ezra Klein defended Obamacare and warned Republicans against attempting to repeal the law as he contended that some provisions are popular with the public. After host Keith Olbermann asked if Democrats should "relish rejoining the fight over health care reform" because it could hurt…

The Constitution Is Not Senile

January 4th, 2011 12:01 AM
The congressional Republicans' decision to read the Constitution aloud on the floor of Congress has forced some Constitution-contemptuous liberals further out of the closet, which is an instructive development to behold. Blogger Ezra Klein of The Washington Post told MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell that the constitutional reading is "a gimmick," and "the issue of the Constitution is not that people…

Lawrence O'Donnell and Other Liberals Make a Fool of Rep. Alan Grayson

December 9th, 2010 1:57 AM
For the second night in a row, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell exposed a prominent liberal for being totally ignorant about the tax code. His victim on Wednesday's "The Last Word" was liberal media darling Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), and this time O'Donnell had some assistance from two very unlikely participants (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):

Lawrence O'Donnell Exposes Liberal Ignorance of Tax Code

December 8th, 2010 1:08 AM
Lawrence O'Donnell on Tuesday surprisingly exposed how ignorant liberals are of the tax code. In a sometimes heated discussion with prominent progressives about President Obama's new compromise tax plan, "The Last Word" host aggressively challenged the knowledge of two of his guests (video follows with transcript and commentary):

JournoList: Pinkerton Challenges WaPo To Answer Bozell Questions

August 1st, 2010 8:21 AM
On this weekend's Fox News Watch, panelist Jim Pinkerton proposed a simple way to clear up much of the murk surrounding JournoList.  Let the Washington Post respond to the 20 questions about the matter that MRC head Brent Bozell has posed to the Post's executive editor, Marcus Brauchli, in an open letter.JournoList was created by lefty blogger Ezra Klein in 2007, who continued to run it after…

Further Confirmation: Despite Claims to Contrary, Political Operatives

July 29th, 2010 12:49 PM
The Daily Caller released a new JournoList scoop today, and this one's a doozy. It confirms that reporters on the liberal media listserv did in fact collaborate with political operatives and campaign officials to spin media coverage in favor of Barack Obama.The latest piece further debunks JournoList founder Ezra Klein's claims - also taken on by this humble blogger - that the email list did not…

Brent Bozell's Open Letter to WaPo Editor Regarding JournoList Scandal

July 28th, 2010 12:50 PM
Managing Editor's Note: What follows is an open letter from NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell to Washington Post executive editor Marcus Brauchli about the controversial [now defunct] e-mail listserv JournoList, founded and operated by the Post's Ezra Klein.The JournoList scandal is getting worse every day and The Washington Post is at the center of it. Blogger Ezra Klein ran the operation and…

Bozell Column: JournoList Erodes Media Prestige

July 27th, 2010 10:17 PM
Tucker Carlson's website The Daily Caller has unearthed a treasure trove of liberal journalists talking (nastily) to themselves in a private e-mail list about how they should use their media power to remake the world in their image. The funniest thing about this expose of “JournoList” was witnessing journalists say it was unfair to leak these e-mails when reporters had an “expectation of privacy…

Surprised? Kathleen Parker 'Puckers Up' for Liberals on JournoList Exp

July 27th, 2010 12:43 PM
Kathleen Parker's campaign to become the female version of Joe Scarborough -- a pseudo-conservative bowing before liberal media people to get and/or keep a cable talk show -- was noticed by MediaBistro's Fishbowl DC blog in a post titled "WaPo's Parker Puckers Up to Ezra, Post, and Other JournoListers." Betsy Rothstein wrote: WaPo conservative columnist and soon-to-be right-wing CNN talk show…

Peter Orszag: Another Journolist Member With Government Ties? Klein Sa

July 24th, 2010 1:23 AM
NewsBusters posts Friday afternoon provided readers with a list of 65 known participants in the now-infamous Journolist (via Melissa Clouthier) and the special case of Jared Bernstein, Vice President Joe Biden's Economic Adviser (via Lachian Markey). (Aside: Does the fact that Biden has his own econ adviser explain why what the Vice President says in public about the economy is so often of sync…

JournoList Revelations Suggest Founder Ezra Klein Not Accurate in Defe

July 23rd, 2010 1:00 PM
The more details emerge about the liberal media listserv JournoList, the more it resembles the cabal of leftist message-coordination many conservatives feared. Though perhaps not the "vast left-wing media conspiracy" Fred Barnes proclaims, evidence points to concerted efforts to coordinate talking points, and now, to direct links between the Obama White House and JournoList members.Ironically,…