Breitbart Offers $100k For JournoList Archives, Libs Cry 'Digital McCa

June 30th, 2010 1:09 PM
Andrew Breitbart has found a simple remedy to at least some of the problems that ail contemporary journalism: cold, hard cash. Yesterday he offered $100,000 to anyone who will supply him with the full archive of JournoList, the email listserve that brought down Dave Weigel."$100,000 is not a lot to spend on the Holy Grail of media bias when there is a country to save, " Breitbart wrote yesterday…

Media Find Recruiting Pool in Liberal Blogosphere

June 6th, 2010 12:46 PM
The amateur liberal blogosphere is dead, according to a prominent lefty blogger. Chris Bowers made his proclamation Thursday, on the heels of the New York Times's acquisition of FiveThirtyEight, a prominent liberal polling site run by Nate Silver.Silver, pictured right, was the latest in a string of moves from the liberal blogosphere to traditional media outlets. The Washington Post has, with…

WaPo Drifts Further Leftward in Pursuit of Blog Strategy

May 5th, 2010 12:47 PM
The Washington Post is making the transition from a powerhouse liberal newspaper to a network of powerhouse liberal blogs. While the paper's Old Guard is worried that the move will tarnish the Post's supposed reputation for political neutrality, it should be seen more as a embrace of the agenda the Post has evinced for years."Traditionalists," wrote Politico today, "worry that the Post is…

Detroit Free Press Columnist Not Interested in Reality-Based Commentar

March 23rd, 2010 11:23 PM
Rochelle Riley of the Detroit Free Press recently penned a column so wrought with falsehoods that it is difficult to navigate the ensuing minefield of absurdity.  But navigate we shall... Riley sets out with a fully sarcastic, yet hearty, thank you to John Boehner, alleging that his fiery speech to the House had contributed to the Democrat's healthcare victory."Boehner and many of his supporters…

Washington Post Hires Washington Independent's Weigel to Cover Conserv

March 23rd, 2010 11:39 AM
With the midterm election season heating up, particularly in the wake of the passage of ObamaCare, the Washington Post is expanding its blogging outfit. Less than a year after I wrote about the Post hiring flaming liberal Ezra "not everything the Nazis touched was bad" Klein, the paper has hired another blogger who has been critical of the Right, and his beat will be, you guessed it, covering…

WaPo’s Klein Insists ObamaCare-Abortion Debate 'About Class and Not

March 21st, 2010 8:43 PM
The Washington Post's Ezra Klein has some doubts about those who oppose abortion on moral, religious or ethical grounds. Apparently to him, it's just an anti-class issue in which the poor are locked out of abortion. Klein appeared on MSNBC's March 21 special coverage of the House's debate about health care reform which was prelude to the body's final vote on the legislation. According to Klein,…

On MSNBC, WaPo's Ezra Klein Praises 'Consistent Innovation' of Skippin

March 14th, 2010 11:24 PM
While conservatives like Mark Levin went to the radio barricades to protest the unconstitutionality of House Rules Committee chair Louise Slaughter just passing over the need for a House vote on the Senate health care bill, the networks stayed quiet last week. It did come up on Thursday night's Countdown on MSNBC. Lawrence O'Donnell called it the "self-executing rule." I can practically hear…

WaPo's Ezra Klein Kisses Up to Keith, Agrees Limbaugh Is a 'Loathsome

February 25th, 2010 7:33 AM
Ezra Klein is the utility infielder of the Washington Post, popping up all over the paper offering his liberal opinions. Today, it's a viewer's guide to the health care summit. He's also a regular Olbermann and Maddow guest, as you can tell from this Keith-copying kissup Twitter belch: Rush Limbaugh is really a loathsome racist.Klein linked to Hendrik Hertzberg of The New Yorker attacking…

WaPo’s Klein: Lieberman Willing to Cause 'Deaths of Hundreds of Thou

December 14th, 2009 1:40 AM
Whatever happened to just opposing policy for the sake of it being bad policy, as is the case of many people's view of the current health care reform proposals making their way through Congress? That reason is just not good enough for some, particularly Washington Post blogger and food critic Ezra Klein. In a post on The Washington Post's Web site dated Dec. 14, Klein viciously attacked Sen. Joe…

The Washington Post Hires Ultraliberal Blogger Ezra Klein

April 30th, 2009 11:42 AM
It seems that the Washington Post will soon be welcoming ultra-liberal hack blogger Ezra Klein to their online operations. Klein has often been the subject of stories by NewsBusters. This is what the Politico reported on the Post's acquisition of Klein (h/t OTB):The American Prospect's Ezra Klein, one of the top bloggers on politics and policy, is heading to the Washington Post.Rumors about Klein…

Prominent Liberal Blogger’s Vulgar Attack on Tim Russert

January 16th, 2008 7:55 PM
What's wrong with this picture: a young, prominent, liberal blogger gets a respectable and highly-coveted position with a leading, leftwing magazine, and for some reason, can't shake himself from the vulgarity and vitriol prevalent in his past writing? Such appears to be the case for Ezra Klein, a virtual rising star in the liberal blogosphere, who despite being on the staff of The American…