Gerri Willis

Gerri Willis: 'Thank ObamaCare' for 'Soaring' Federal Healthcare Costs
January 27th, 2016 1:19 PM
With less than a week left until the January 31 ObamaCare 2016 sign up deadline, costs are climbing and enrollment is down.
“You can thank Obamacare” for the 13 percent increase in federal healthcare costs in 2015, despite lower-than-predicted enrollment, according to Fox Business personal finance reporter, Gerri Willis.

NB's Tim Graham Blasts Cartoonish Left-Wing N.Y. Daily News Covers
December 9th, 2015 8:23 PM
"I would call this newspaper sophomoric but it's an insult to sophomores," quipped NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham, reacting to the latest New York Daily News cover which depicts Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as having beheaded the Statue of Liberty.
"They are just in such high dudgeon... they're much more against Donald Trump than they are against [San Bernardino…

Fox's Shep Smith Hopes Cuba Relations Thaw Doesn't 'Ruin the Place'
December 18th, 2014 2:03 PM
Those who rail at Fox News for allegedly being a haven of unbridled, uninterrupted conservatism usually and conveniently fail to remember that Shepard Smith is there.
Smith's take yesterday on the potential pitfalls of a thaw in U.S.-Cuba relations, particularly on the commercial front, was nothing short of astonishing. His primary fear, expressed in an interview with Gerri Willis of the Fox…
CNN Pushes for Amtrak Funding with Senate Assistant Majority Leader's
August 21st, 2008 5:02 PM
So if a government program has been failing for decades, should you A) Privatize it, B) Get rid of it altogether, or C) Throw millions of dollars at it and hope that Americas somehow feel compelled to reenact scenes from "Some Like it Hot." The answer is C if you were watching CNN this morning. "American Morning" pointed out that high gas prices were the reason ridership on Amtrak was up…
CNN Analyst: Tax Cuts a Product of the 'Silly Season
July 21st, 2008 4:17 PM
Calling for tax cuts to stimulate the economy is just a call from the presidential election’s "silly season" and those who do (McCain) are "going to say anything to get elected" according to CNN financial analyst Gerri Willis. Appearing on July 21 edition of "The View,"Willis discussed many of the current economic troubles from high oil prices to the mortgage crisis. [audio available here]…
Countrywide’s Mozilo Gives Up $37.5 Million; 'American Morning' Stil
January 28th, 2008 5:07 PM
In a class-warfare driven media, where the "haves" are often pitted against "have-nots," you would think an outgoing CEO giving up $37.5 million in pay would be celebrated. Not quite. CNN's "American Morning" didn't think it was quite good enough when Countrywide Financial's Angelo Mozilo forfeited $37.5 million in severance pay because he said he felt it was the "right thing to do." "It's…