For CNN's Gerri Willis, It's a Tough Struggle

June 29th, 2008 12:49 PM
Gerri Willis co-hosts CNN's daily "Issue Number One," a program devoted to the economy.  For her, it appears almost every day is a struggle.

Last Thursday, she spoke of "high gas prices, one of the many cost(s) Americans struggles with in this economy."  She took a break from the struggle on Wednesday, when a CNN anchor filled in for her and co-host Ali Velshi.  

The previous day, however, her question to's Poppy Harlow was: "So what do you have to say to folks out there who are struggling to pay those (energy) bills?"  Willis also employed another of her favorite words, tough.  "There are," she noted, "all kinds of programs across the country to make sure that doesn't happen, but times are so tough."  Later on the show, she observed: "These tough economic times can be especially hard on retirees."

On Monday, Gerri experienced multiple struggles.  One was "And students struggle to make ends meet. We'll show you where they're turning to for hope."  In the other, "Faced with rising gas prices and lower donations, the Red Cross itself is struggling to make ends meet."  Of course, she had to fit "tough" in again: "But the organization hasn't been immune to the tough economy."  After the video on the story, Willis commented: "Tough times all around."  Just in case dull-witted viewers weren't picking up on the theme, Gerri followed up on the struggling student story with another "Tough times" remark.

On Friday, June 20, she introduced a story with: "Families across the country are struggling with rising gas prices and subsequently higher food prices."

The other day a realtor told me that the economy in general and the housing market in particular are not as bad as portrayed in the media.  I should have asked her if she watched CNN's Gerri Willis.  For Gerri, the struggle continues.