
Fox News's Kurtz Slams Media's Pro-Abortion Coverage

July 3rd, 2022 5:24 PM

On Sunday’s Media Buzz on the Fox News Channel, host Howard Kurtz opened his show by ripping into the media’s hyper partisan coverage of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Kurtz compared the media’s freak outs to their reaction after the Supreme Court legalized same sex marriage, as well as the orignial ruling in Roe v. Wade in 1973. 


Fox's Kurtz Slams Media for Blaming Buffalo Shooting on Tucker Carlson

May 22nd, 2022 4:04 PM

On Sunday’s MediaBuzz on the Fox News Channel, host Howard Kurtz opened the show on a tear, ripping into the leftist media and Democrat politicians for blaming the Buffalo shooting on Fox News and Tucker Carlson. 


Psaki Sits for Exit Interview with Kurtz on Hiding Biden, MSNBC Gig

May 10th, 2022 9:13 AM

Sunday on the Fox News Channel’s MediaBuzz, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki joined host Howard Kurtz for an exit interview that, along with the news of the day (abortion and Ukraine), touched on media access to President Biden, rumors about her move to MSNBC, and Twitter being a liberal echo-chamber.


Juan Williams Lies on Hunter Laptop: 'Nobody Said It Wasn't True'

March 20th, 2022 3:44 PM

At the end of Fox News Sunday, fill-in host Trace Gallagher set up a "quick back-and-forth" on the New York Times quietly admitting the emails on Hunter Biden's laptop were real. Juan Williams preposterously said "nobody said it wasn't true." Fox News has been playing 2020 clips of Biden on 60 Minutes saying it was a "smear campaign" and a "hoax" in a debate with…


An Actual Psaki Show? CNN, MSNBC Jockeying to Poach WH Press Secretary

February 28th, 2022 12:01 PM

According to Puck News’s Dylan Byers on Wednesday, a real Psaki Show could soon become a reality as CNN and MSNBC have been jockeying to hire the current White House press secretary as a full-time host (and not as a commentator, like she did from 2017 to 2020 at CNN). Byers — formerly of and the CNN Media team — wrote that, “earlier this month,” Psaki had respective lunch meetings…


Rubio Blasts ‘Shocking’ Media Refusal to Cover Durham Bombshell

February 15th, 2022 1:22 PM

Appearing on Fox News Channel’s Special Report With Bret Baier Monday evening, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio hammered the leftist media over it’s “shocking” refusal to cover the latest John Durham investigation bombshell that the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign spied on both Donald Trump’s campaign and presidency. The lawmaker noted that the development had the…


Bret Baier Expertly Defuses 'Just Silly' Criticism Fox Gets from CNN

December 20th, 2021 3:32 PM

After filling in on Fox News Sunday following former anchor Chris Wallace’s exit from the show last week, Fox News Channel anchor Bret Baier appeared on the network’s MediaBuzz with anchor Howard Kurtz and took down CNN and their “just silly” criticism against their network that was designed to generate “clicks” and play for ratings.


After Obsessing Over Steele Dossier, Nets Don’t Report Its Destruction

November 9th, 2021 11:30 AM

The media obsession over the Steele dossier and the ensuing investigation over it dominated their coverage of the first few years of the Trump administration. The ABC, CBS, NBC evening news programs alone devoted an astonishing 2,634 minutes to it. So how much time have the broadcast evening news shows spent on the Danchenko indictment from November 4 through November 8? Zero seconds. 


Fox News Rips Apart Lib Media Narrative Youngkin Ran Racist Campaign

November 8th, 2021 2:29 PM

On Sunday, Fox News Channel MediaBuzz anchor Howard Kurtz kicked off the program by tearing apart the liberal media’s narrative that Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin was appealing to racists with his campaign. And it wasn’t just him, Kurtz leaned on a panel representing separate ideologies who agreed that the narrative was a lie.


Mollie Hemingway on Fox: No One Trusts the Liberal Media on Elections

October 18th, 2021 11:23 AM

While Brian Stelter complained on Sunday morning about Mollie Hemingway's new book Rigged on CNN and how it was getting play on Fox News, Hemlngway was interviewed in two segments on Fox's Mediabuzz. She laid out how the media claimed the 2016 election was rigged and then the 2020 election was somehow the fairest ever administered. 


Their Ladies: Nets Omit Couric Censoring RBG to Protect Her from Libs

October 13th, 2021 11:19 PM

Former NBC/CBS/ABC (via Yahoo!) news star Katie Couric’s salacious memoir was again making headlines for all the wrong reasons on Wednesday. But instead of making sexually disparaging comments about her female coworkers, this time Couric admitted she had decided to censor potentially controversial comments from Late-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg where she chastised kneeling athletes and said…


Fox News: Media 'Minimized' Cuomo's Accusers, Now Playing 'Catch-Up'

August 9th, 2021 8:39 PM

Back in March, former staffer Charlotte Bennett blamed the media “absolutely” for making Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) feel so “untouchable” that he thought he could get away with victimizing her. On Sunday, Fox News media reporter and host of MediaBuzz, Howard Kurtz called out the media for acting like political operatives and minimizing the allegations early on as they now “play…


Protecting Their Own? Nets Censor Chris Cuomo Advising Brother

August 4th, 2021 8:22 PM

The liberal broadcast networks were dragged kicking and screaming when Governor Andrew Cuomo’s (D-NY) sexual misconduct scandals got too big and serious to ignore earlier this year. But now that the investigative report from New York Attorney General Letitia James was out, ABC, CBS, and NBC have omitted how CNN “journalist” and brother to the Governor, Chris Cuomo was exposed as having been a…


FNC Calls Out Media’s Doting Praise of Biden on Russia for Nothing

June 13th, 2021 2:55 PM

With President Biden in Europe for his first overseas diplomatic mission to the G7 summit, the liberal media have been tripping over themselves to put out doting the reports that glorify the pointless and empty spectacle and overtures. Touching on this fact Sunday, Fox News Channel’s MediaBuzz highlighted a recent Time magazine cover that touted Biden for standing up to…