
Fox News Calls Out the Lib Media’s Double Standard on Anti-Semitism

May 30th, 2021 1:58 PM

As NewsBusters had documented in recent weeks, the liberal media were refusing to cover the rash of anti-Semitic attacks as Palestinian extremists were hunting Jews on American streets in liberal cities. Well, during Sunday’s edition of MediaBuzz on Fox News Channel, the media show called out the liberal media for the double standard in their outrage at anti-Semitism, such as ignoring…


FNC’s Kurtz Gives Viewers Crash Course on Lib Media Bias Post-Trump

April 14th, 2021 8:55 PM

It’s become obvious to most people paying attention over the past four to five years that the liberal media had become activists consumed by their hatred of President Trump; it’s a fact that’s indisputable. And ever since Joe Biden became President, the liberal media had shifted their focus towards beating down all Republicans and gaslighting their viewers into thinking they’re the enemy. Well…


Gutfeld Mocks Media's Trump 'Hangover:' 'He's a 'Drug for the Media'

April 11th, 2021 9:38 PM

FNC host Greg Gutfeld savaged the media for their sick obsession with President Trump while guest on MediaBuzz, today.


CNN’s Stelter Ignores Cuomo Scandals, Fox’s Kurtz Rips Into Lib Media

March 7th, 2021 2:08 PM

As so-called Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter ignored New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s unfolding nursing home and sexual harassment scandals on CNN Sunday, Howard Kurtz wasted no time jumping right into it for Fox News Channel’s MediaBuzz. He was later joined by Federalist editor Mollie Hemingway as they formed a tag-team duo against the liberal media spin machine and…


MediaBuzz Calls Out Unfunny Late-Night Hacks Refusing to Mock Biden

March 1st, 2021 1:51 PM

On FNC’s MediaBuzz Sunday morning, host Howard Kurtz and media analyst Steve Krakauer slammed leftist late-night “comedians” for refusing to mock President Biden, despite spending the last four years endlessly lambasting Donald Trump. At one point, Kurtz even quipped that the Saturday Night Live cast member tapped to play Biden in skits should get a stimulus check for being…


‘Spinning Once Again’: Fox News Calls Out Media’s Revolving Door

November 24th, 2020 10:50 PM

With President-elect Biden stocking up on staff to fill his cabinet, we’re already starting to see the revolving door between politics and the liberal media begin to turn again. Fox News Channel media analyst and host of Media Buzz, Howard Kurtz was on the case Tuesday night as he pointed out the men and women of The Swamp who were leaving the CNN and MSNBC payrolls to go work for…

Shellacked: Stelter Gets Owned, Loses to FNC in Ratings by 106 Percent

September 22nd, 2020 9:52 PM

No, that’s not a typo in the headline. According to Nielsen Media Research, CNN’s Reliable Sources and host Brian Stelter were absolutely pulverized Sunday in the ratings fight by FNC’s MediaBuzz with Howard Kurtz, losing by 106 percent in total viewers. On Sunday, Stelter’s Fox hatefest garnered 852,000 total viewers and 168,000 in the 25-54 group. In contrast, Kurtz’s show…


Fox Media Panelist Foresees Legal Trouble for NYT Over Abused Editor

July 19th, 2020 1:20 PM

In a truly scathing public resignation letter posted Tuesday, former New York Times editor Bari Weiss laid bare the “unlawful discrimination, hostile work environment, and constructive discharge” she was subjected to at the so-called “paper of record” because of her moderate opinion. Well, on Sunday’s MediaBuzz, Fox News contributor and Town Hall editor Guy Benson suspected…


‘Inmates Are Running the Asylum’: Chris Wallace Unloads on NYT, Media

June 14th, 2020 4:29 PM

Brought on to discuss “the emerging crisis in journalism and constant clashes over dissenting views at major news organizations,” during Sunday’s MediaBuzz on Fox News Channel, Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace unloaded on The New York Times for their fiasco regarding Senator Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) recent op-ed, as well as the media writ-large for acting as anti-…


Fox Guest: '99.9 Percent' of Cop Protests 'Have Been Peaceful'

June 1st, 2020 6:50 AM

On Sunday's MediaBuzz on Fox News Channel, talk show host Richard Butler came on to discuss how the black man is not safe in America. But then he said something ridiculous: "99.9% of these protests have been peaceful." This came on the same day as everyone else discussed the troubling spread of looting and rioting to cities across America.


CBS/NBC Scoff at Trump v. Twitter, Skip Fact-Checker's Hatred of Trump

May 27th, 2020 9:23 PM
While Twitter targeted President Trump with fact-checks, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News scoffed at his understandably angry reaction on Wednesday. While they were amused by him fuming at his favorite social media platform, neither of them cared to report how Twitter’s in-house fact-checker was an anti-Trump activist who had leveled many false accusations against the President,…

Ex-NBC Journalist Recounts Her Own Sexual Harassment at Network

May 12th, 2020 9:53 AM
NBC does not have the best history when it comes to the #MeToo movement or dealing with sexual harassment in general. The network of Matt Lauer, the network that buried the Harvey Weinstein story has another potential problem. The latest salvo in that conflict arrived on Sunday, when former NBC News reporter Emily Miller stated that the network “just fires the bad guys” when caught treating a…

Fox Media Panel Slams HuffPost for 'Irresponsible' Anti-Trump Coverage

May 10th, 2020 5:49 PM
During Sunday’s MediaBuzz on Fox News, a bipartisan media panel excoriated the “left-wing Huffington Post” for publishing a “ridiculous” anti-Trump article titled: “Donald Trump doesn't care if you die from coronavirus.” And after noting that the article “simply said, ‘Well, he has trouble expressing empathy,’” Anchor Howard Kurtz knocked them for suffering from a “classic case of Trump Trauma.”

Fox’s Kurtz Hammers Media Double Standard on Biden Allegations

April 15th, 2020 11:48 AM
On Fox News’s Special Report Tuesday evening, MediaBuzz anchor Howard Kurtz hammered the blatant media double standard when it came to covering sexual assault allegations against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden. While many outlets have still refused to cover the Biden controversy, Kurtz pointed out how eager major newspapers and networks were to jump on unsubstantiated claims against…