
ABC, NBC Ignore Trump Fighting for American Pastor Captive in Turkey

July 27th, 2018 12:12 AM
On Thursday, President Trump tweeted out a threat og levying “large sanctions” against Turkey for their arrest of American pastor Andrew Brunson on trumped up charges of espionage related to the failed 2016 military coup. Both ABC and NBC omitted the President’s efforts from their evening broadcasts and CBS seemed shocked that he would threaten a NATO ally in that sort of way.

Nets Refuse to Declare Trump Victorious as E.U. Buckles on Trade

July 25th, 2018 9:09 PM
At a Wednesday press conference in the White House Rose Garden, President Trump and E.U. Chief Executive Jean-Claude Juncker announced that the two trade partners were moving forward on a plan to end their trade war. Juncker’s presence at the White House illustrated that it was the E.U. that caved under pressure, but the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were having none of it and…

ABC, NBC Skip CBS Scoop that Toronto Attacker Visited ISIS Websites

July 24th, 2018 8:49 PM
Tuesday afternoon, broke a big scoop concerning the Sunday night mass shooting up in Toronto, Canada that left two people dead and 13 wounded. According to the piece on their website, the attacker frequented ISIS propaganda websites and may have lived in the Middle East for some time.

ABC, NBC Silent After Hundreds of Protesters Killed in Nicaragua

July 24th, 2018 12:20 AM
For months now, the Central American country of Nicaragua has been in turmoil as anti-government protesters have been rising up and calling for President Daniel Ortega and his vice presidential wife to step down. The protests, sparked by slashes to social security, have been besieged by pro-government paramilitary forces and the national police resulting in the deaths of hundreds. As of Monday,…

CBS Worries Trump Ditching Kennedy Paint Job on New Air Force One

July 12th, 2018 11:49 PM

On Thursday, reports began surfacing that President Trump was supposedly looking at making some big changes to the new Air Force Ones due to be delivered sometime after the next presidential election. In addition to having a more comfortable bed, Trump was looking to update the paint scheme which dated to over five decades to President John F. Kennedy. Since the paint job was tied to the…

Networks Play Up Tariff ‘Fallout,’ But Ignore Good Economic News

June 26th, 2018 3:04 PM
Once again, the broadcast networks have proven they care more about economic news that makes President Donald Trump look bad, than stories that make him look good. On June 25, CNBC reported that its All-America Economic Survey found “more than half the public approving” of the president’s economic decisions for the first time and more people who said the economy was “good or excellent” than in…

ABC Skips the Death of Krauthammer, WaPo Takes a Parting Shot

June 21st, 2018 9:04 PM
It didn’t take long for condolences to come pouring in from people across the political spectrum and throughout the media. Even with such short notice, both CBS and NBC ran news briefs on their evening programs reporting his passing. But ABC was the lone broadcast network to skip Krauthammer’s passing. And The Washington Post, where he wrote for decades, published an obituary that partially…

Trump Ends Family Separations at the Border, Nets Still Not Happy

June 20th, 2018 8:54 PM
With the stroke of a pen, President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday that would officially end the policy of separating parents and children who come across the southern border illegally. It’s what many on the right and left wanted to see happen, but for the liberal media it wasn’t enough, as CBS anchor Jeff Glor demonstrated by opining about how Trump was trying to “put out a big…

CBS Investigates State AGs Cozy With Lobbyists, Gives Dems a Free Pass

June 19th, 2018 11:02 PM
Chief Congressional Correspondent Nancy Cordes presented what was pitched as a CBS News investigation into state-level attorneys general who were getting a little too cozy with corporate lobbyists. But in reality, it targeted primarily Republican AGs while giving Democratic ones what amounted to a free pass. A double standard if ever there was one.

CBS: Trump Going into Summit More of a ‘Deal-Breaker’ than Deal-Maker

June 11th, 2018 8:57 PM
Just a few hours before President Trump was scheduled to sit down with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un for a historic summit for peace and denuclearization on Monday, CBS correspondent Bianna Golodryga chided the President’s ability to negotiate in the United States’ best interest.

Nets Applaud ‘Historic’ Irish Abortion Vote as ‘Women’s Rights’ Win

May 29th, 2018 2:56 PM

Women matter, but only if they’re already born – at least according to the networks on Ireland’s recent abortion vote. On Friday, May 25th, Ireland voted to repeal the country’s Eighth Amendment that banned abortion. In many of their segments, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) framed the repeal as a win for “women’s rights” against a “highly restrictive” law.  


ABC Ignores Trump Pardoning Black Boxer Put Away on Racist Charges

May 25th, 2018 12:14 AM
On Thursday, President Trump corrected that heinous injustice by issuing a pardon for Johnson after actor Sylvester Stallone shared the story with him. That’s right, the president the liberal media love to portray as a staunch racist actually pardoned a man who was a victim of true racism. But, of course, not all of the media thought it was noteworthy during their evening broadcasts. Both ABC and…

CBS/NBC Tout Federal Judge Ruling Trump Can’t Block Twitter Accounts

May 23rd, 2018 8:42 PM
On Wednesday, a federal judge out of the Southern District of New York ruled that President Trump’s blocking of people on Twitter somehow violated the First Amendment and declared Trump’s account was a public forum. Of course, the liberal media that has condemned the President’s use of the social media platform saw it as a victory and rejoiced. Both CBS and NBC made sure to touch on it during…

ABC, NBC & Telemundo Ignore Mueller Admitting He Can’t Indict Trump

May 16th, 2018 9:09 PM
The anti-Trump Resistance appeared to have been dealt a crippling blow Wednesday evening when news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller couldn’t indict President Trump. The revelation came from Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani who said Mueller admitted to him, investigators would be following decades-old DOJ guidelines that say a sitting president cannot be indicted. This Washington-shaking news…