
Bibi Smash! Netanyahu Pushes Back on CBS Anchor Critical of Israel

May 15th, 2018 11:38 PM
In addition to siding with violent Palestinian border assaulters during Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, the network had anchor Jeff Glor sit down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu where he tried to grill the leader on his county’s military response. But despite Glor’s best efforts, Netanyahu schooled him on what it was like to be a country surrounded by enemies that want to see you…

Disgusting: Nets Mourn With Palestinians Over ‘Catastrophe’ of Israel

May 15th, 2018 9:28 PM
For two days now, the liberal media’s anti-Israel smears have grown wilder and arguably begun to border on something more. The Tuesday evening broadcasts of the major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were no exception as they mourned with the Palestinians on the day they call the “catastrophe,” or the anniversary of Israel’s creation.

CBS: Palestinians ‘Dancing With Death,’ Blame Israel for Their Plight

May 15th, 2018 1:00 AM
With very little attention given to the fact that the terrorist organization Hamas, which runs Gaza, was directing its people to storm the security fence that lines the Israeli border, CBS anchor Jeff Glor and Foreign correspondent Holly Williams lament the deaths and painted Israel as the oppressive villain killing civilians in a “dance with death” at the border. CBS Evening News effectively…

CBS EN Fails to ID Dem Gov in Medicaid Budget Battle That Could 'Kill'

May 11th, 2018 3:00 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, in a report on Louisiana's budget battle which the piece suggested could "kill people" with cuts to Medicaid, correspondent David Begnaud seemed to think it was only important to identify the party affiliation of the Republican state legislators involved, even though the governor whom he also spoke with, John Bel Edwards, is a Democrat.

ABC, NBC Ignore U.S. and Iraqi Forces Capturing 5 Top ISIS Leaders

May 11th, 2018 12:17 AM
There was a lot of winning for the United States this week between the release of three American hostages from North Korea, unemployment at 3.9 percent, and on Thursday news broke that the U.S. had captured five of ISIS’s top leaders. But depending on which of the major network news outlets you watch, you may not have heard about the captured leaders. CBS Evening News was the only member of the…

ABC, CNN Fail to Correct Claims Cop Kicked Suspect in the Head

May 9th, 2018 10:43 PM
Late last week, ABC, CBS and CNN gave attention to cell phone video in Miami which seemed to show a police officer kicking a car theft suspect in the head after he had surrendered. Now that more video has been released which reveals that the incident was not nearly as bad as it appeared because the officer was just pretending to kick him, only the CBS Evening News has taken the time to update…

ABC, Univision Fail to Report AG Accused of Beating Girlfriends Is Dem

May 9th, 2018 12:43 AM
It took former Democratic New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman three hours to resign Monday night after accusations arose alleging he would violently strike his girlfriends without their consent. But throughout ABC World News Tonight’s two minutes and 21 seconds report on the situation, there was not a single mention of the fact that he was an elected Democrat. In contrast, both CBS and…

Nets Freak After ‘Reneging’ Iran Deal: Obama ‘Anguished’, Allies Worry

May 8th, 2018 9:44 PM
President Trump fulfilled his campaign promise to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal Tuesday, much to the screeching of the liberal media and world leaders. All three of the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) began their evening news broadcasts in a tailspin, appalled by the President defying our allies, shattering our credibility as a country, and possibly leading us into a war. They…

ABC Spends 2x the Time Questioning Melania’s Marriage Than Initiative

May 8th, 2018 12:26 AM
First Lady Melania Trump held a White House gathering in the Rose Garden on Monday to launch her new ‘Be Best’ campaign focused on the well-being of children, the opioid crisis, and the positive usage of social media. Of course, the liberal media can’t let a good opportunity to bash the President go to waste. Instead of focusing on the First Lady’s initiative, ABC spent twice the time in their…

CNN, MSNBC Barely Touch Murdered Cops, But Do Tout Meek Mill Release

April 27th, 2018 8:30 AM
Over the past couple of days, as FNC and the broadcast networks have informed viewers of two separate attacks on police officers that have left two dead, MSNBC has completely ignored the tragic events while CNN has buried its coverage early in the morning. By contrast, MSNBC spent more than 15 minutes across four different shows celebrating the release of rapper Meek Mill, and CNN also gave the…

Nets Spent 28 Minutes on Royal Baby, Still Silent on Dying Toddler

April 24th, 2018 5:37 PM
If the networks can spend nearly a half hour on the birth of one baby, why can’t they spare one second for a dying toddler? Duchess of Cambridge Catherine (Kate) Middleton gave birth to her third child with Prince William on April 23. News programming on ABC, CBS and NBC devoted more than 28 minutes to the joyous news. That’s wonderful. What wasn’t so wonderful was that the very same programs…

CEO Dimon Upbeat on Economy, But CBS Still Hits Him from Left

April 23rd, 2018 11:12 AM
The Federal Reserve and the Conference Board both issued positive progress reports about the U.S. economy last week. Neither got a peep from the broadcast networks on those days. In fact, on April 18 and 19, the evening news broadcasts on ABC, CBS and NBC included just one economic story — and it wasn’t about either of those positive economic updates

ABC, NBC Refuse to Highlight Democratic Opposition to DNC Lawsuit

April 20th, 2018 8:50 PM
On the Friday broadcast network evening newscasts, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News played the role of faithful PR representatives for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), giving legitimacy and life to a DNC lawsuit seeking to somehow avenge their 2016 election losses and lay blame on, among others, the Russian government. 

ABC, NBC Skip Cuba’s Sham Election Handing Off Control to Dictator

April 18th, 2018 9:32 PM
The communist government of Cuba held their sham election for a new leader on Wednesday after President Raul Castro stepped down to make way for Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel to take the reins. The news of the transition broke early that morning, but both ABC and NBC appeared too lazy to even give it a simple brief on their morning and evening broadcasts. CBS and Spanish-language networks…