
CBS’s Glor Questions Macron About Trump Screwing Things Up

December 11th, 2017 10:54 PM
CBS Evening News broadcasted live from Paris, France Monday ahead of a new international climate summit planned by French President Emmanuel Macron after President Trump announced he would pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord. And in a one-on-one interview with the French President, anchor Jeff Glor appeared to be fishing for him to say something disparaging of Trump. But Macron never…

Nets Freak: Trump ‘Reversing’ 70 Years of US Policy With Embassy Move

December 6th, 2017 9:58 PM
The three network newscasts seemed to be doing their best to stir the public up into a full-blown panic Wednesday evening, feverishly slamming President Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. They were clutching their pearls as they freaked out about how Trump was “reversing nearly 70 years of U.S. policy.”

Nets Demand Gun Control, ABC Pushes Fake News on Mental Health/Guns

November 6th, 2017 10:00 PM
After chastising President Trump for ‘politicizing’ lottery visas after the New York City terror attack last week, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) spent time during their Monday evening broadcasts pushing for more gun control while slamming Trump for saying the Sutherland, Texas mass shooting was a mental health issue.

Luntz Slams CBS: You ‘Focus' Where Congress Disagrees for 'Soundbites'

July 14th, 2017 10:57 AM
Republican pollster Frank Luntz scolded the media for its coverage of the GOP health care bill,and Congress in general, during a segment on CBS This Morning Friday. Luntz sat down with a group of Republican and Democratic Congressmen and women to discuss the bill, and many other issues which they agreed on or disagreed on, and how they felt about how the media covered them. CBS then played a…

Networks Cheer ‘Great’ Census News, After Downplaying Econ Weakness

September 15th, 2016 10:31 AM
When it comes to covering the economy under President Obama, the broadcast networks have a habit of covering good economic news, but glossing over or ignoring bad economic news. It turns out coverage of income and poverty data from the Census got the same treatment with all three networks covering “great news” on Sept. 13, 2016. However, a year earlier only CBS Evening News covered the data…

CBS Chides Tom Wolfe’s ‘Dangerous’ Attack on Evolution, Liberal Writer

August 30th, 2016 4:20 PM
CBS This Morning journalist Jeff Glor on Tuesday derided famous author Tom Wolfe for the “very dangerous” ideas in his new book. The writer attacks Darwinism and far-left professor Noam Chomsky in his new work, The Kingdom of Speech. It was clear that the network journalist was enamored with the articulate Wolfe, complimenting the “wry, wicked” intellectual.

Slate's Weisberg: Reagan Would Be 'Appalled' at 'Open Bigotry' in GOP

April 14th, 2016 10:37 AM
On Charlie Rose Wednesday night on PBS, guest host (and CBS anchor) Jeff Glor interviewed journalist Jacob Weisberg, who is Editor-in-Chief and contributor to the Slate Group, (which publishes Slate Magazine), on his new book about Ronald Reagan. At mid-interview, Glor asked Weisberg what Ronald Reagan would think about the current GOP party, giving the liberal journalist plenty of time to bash…

Only CBS Covers Latest on ISIS Intel Being Altered by Obama Admin.

September 10th, 2015 12:45 PM

Two weeks after offering a mere 21-second news brief on allegations that the Pentagon altered intelligence data on ISIS “to provide a more optimistic account of progress” against the terror group, Thursday’s CBS This Morning was the only network morning show to report on 50 intelligence officials confirming that their analyses were changed.


CBS Pushes Gun Control as 'Public Health Issue' Like Seat Belts

August 28th, 2015 2:11 AM
On Thursday, the CBS Evening News seized on the deadly shooting of two local news reporters in Roanoke, Virginia to promote the idea that gun control should be treated like “a public health issue” akin to seat belts, airbags, and anti-smoking campaigns. In a tease early on in the program, fill-in anchor Maurice DuBois explained that “[s]ome public health officials say gun violence, just like car…

CBS Rushes to Defend Iran Deal During Interview with Carly Fiorina

July 14th, 2015 3:10 PM
On Tuesday, CBS This Morning sounded like members of the Obama administration during an interview with Carly Fiorina as its hosts repeatedly defended the newly agreed upon Iranian nuclear deal from criticsm. Throughout the discussion with the Republican presidential candidate, co-hosts Charlie Rose, Gayle King and fill-in host Jeff Glor offered up White House talking points in support of the…

CBS: Seinfeld ‘Calling Out Millennials’ for Political Correctness

June 10th, 2015 4:54 PM
After comedian Jerry Seinfeld told ESPN radio that political correctness on college campuses was hurting comedy, Wednesday’s CBS This Morning was the only network news broadcast to report on the topic. Fill-in co-host Jeff Glor declared: “Jerry Seinfeld thinks young people today are too politically correct for his comedy....The former sitcom star is raising some controversy, calling out…

CBS This Morning Touts ‘Celebrities Trying to Capitalize’ on Pot

June 8th, 2015 10:40 AM
On Monday, CBS This Morning continued to act as an unofficial spokesman for the marijuana industry as it eagerly promoted the growing trend of celebrities investing millions into pot startups. 

Charlie Rose Lobbies Al Franken to Endorse Comedians Entering Politics

April 22nd, 2015 10:31 AM
On Wednesday, CBS This Morning hosted Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.) to discuss his opposition to the proposed Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger but co-host Charlie Rose found time to press the liberal senator to endorse the idea of more comedians running for the U.S. Senate. 

Tina Brown Punts On Clinton Foundation’s Controversial Donations

April 20th, 2015 10:27 AM
During an appearance on Monday’s CBS This Morning to promote her annual Women in the World summit, former Daily Beast editor-in-chief Tina Brown did her best to sidestep questions about the Clinton Foundation’s practice of taking money from foreign countries with abysmal women’s rights records.