
CBS Suggests Better Background Checks Won’t Help, But Promotes Gun Ban

February 19th, 2018 8:55 PM
After the church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas last year, a bipartisan group of lawmakers came together to craft legislation with the goal of making sure the federal background check system was up to date since the shooter should have been barred from buying a gun but authorities didn’t add him. And since the Parkland, Florida shooting, the bill has picked up steam. But on Monday’s CBS…

Nets Push Fake News Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill to Buy Guns

February 15th, 2018 9:04 PM
Fresh off their disinformation campaign in the immediate aftermath of the Parkland, Florida school shooting in which they falsely claimed there had been 18 school shootings this year, the three major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) moved on to another fake news topic they wanted to push on the American people: President Trump and the GOP made it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns…

NBC Downplays Purpose of NoKo Cheer Squad, CBS Points Out Dark Truth

February 12th, 2018 9:13 PM
After NBC took to Twitter over the weekend to tout how it was “so satisfying to watch” the North Korean cheerleading squad (before deleting it), Monday’s NBC Nightly News danced around and largely voided the reason the squad was there and what their actual purpose was. In contrast, CBS Evening News highlighted the outrage against the group and the dark reason they were performing.

Networks Censored 75 Percent of Dow Record Highs Since Start of 2017

February 6th, 2018 12:22 PM
While the early February market pullback has spooked some investors and already gained plenty of media attention, it illustrated all too well the broadcast networks’ tendency to cover bad economic news more than good. The networks skipped the vast majority of records as the market climbed throughout 2017 and the beginning of 2018.

Single Day Stock Drop Gets 33 Percent More Coverage than Dow 25K, 26K

February 5th, 2018 1:19 PM
When the Dow Jones Industrial Average “nosedived” by nearly 666 points on Feb. 2, it got plenty of network attention. In fact, it got more coverage than the two huge Dow milestones that preceded it — combined. Although that one-day selloff was a 2.5 percent drop which followed huge gains, the networks emphasized the “worst week for stocks in two years.” ABC World News Tonight with David Muir,…

ABC, CBS Highlight Senator Menendez Not Getting Retried for Corruption

January 31st, 2018 11:33 PM
The corruption saga of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez (N.J.) appeared to have come to an end after federal prosecutors announced on Wednesday that they would not be seeking a retrial following the mistrial back in November. And while the major three network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) sparsely covered the case during their morning and evening newscasts as the trial was proceeding, their…

CBS Spotlights Dems Boycotting, Protesting Trump’s State of the Union

January 30th, 2018 8:45 PM
With President Trump’s first official State of the Union address just a few hours away, CBS Evening News dedicated an entire report (two minutes and seven seconds) on Tuesday to the liberal Democrats who were trying to counter the President’s message. “More than a dozen Democrats are boycotting the President's speech. Many others will protest in a different way,” noted anchor Jeff Glor as he was…

CBS Highlights Police Officer Killed on Duty in Detroit

January 30th, 2018 4:58 PM
Over the weekend, a Detroit police officer, Glenn Doss Jr., passed away after being shot while doing his duty late last week, leaving behind his girlfriend, their nine-month-old baby, and his father who is also a police officer. Among the broadcast networks, the CBS Evening News was alone in giving attention to the story as they initially ran a full two-minute report on Friday after he was…

[UPDATED' ABC, NBC Ignore Hillary Clinton Covering for Sex Harasser

January 26th, 2018 9:33 PM
On Friday, the CBS Evening News was the only one of the three broadcast network evening newscasts that informed viewers of revelations that Hillary Clinton in 2008 allowed an advisor, Burns Strider, accused of sexual harassment to remain a part of her campaign -- thus demonstrating another example of hypocrisy by the former Democratic candidate.  

CBS/NBC Downplay GOP Victory in Shutdown, ABC Guilts Democrats

January 22nd, 2018 9:21 PM
Congressional Republicans and President Trump declared victory on Monday over the Democrats in the government shutdown, as the Resistance could hold out no longer and voted on the continuing resolution to fund the government. In exchange, they received a promise to negotiate and vote on DACA in the next few weeks. The three major network news outlets were notably disappointed and frustrated that…

NBC Ignores Apple's 20K New Jobs, CBS Censors the Role of Tax Cuts

January 17th, 2018 8:51 PM
The GOP tax cuts scored yet another win on Wednesday when tech giant Apple cited the cuts as a driving factor for their newly announced plans to build a new campus, create 20,000 new jobs, and invest $350 billion in the U.S. economy among other exciting announcements. But despite the great news, NBC Nightly News and Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo failed to cover the story at…

ABC Ignores Walmart Raising Wages to $11/Hour Citing GOP Tax Cuts

January 11th, 2018 9:18 PM
Walmart employees received some much-welcomed news on Thursday: Their hourly wage went from nine dollars an hour to eleven and on top of that, many were receiving $1,000 bonuses. The company also cited the GOP tax cuts as the reason behind the move. But instead of reporting on the great news for many workers, ABC’s World News Tonight spent two minutes and 26 seconds hyping the new movie about…

CBS Buys Into Oprah 2020 Mania, Leads Evening Broadcast With Hype

January 8th, 2018 9:35 PM
On Monday night, CBS News seemed eager to start their 2020 presidential campaign coverage as they led CBS Evening News with a segment hyping a theoretical campaign run by Oprah Winfrey. “‘We welcome the challenge. Whether it's Oprah Winfrey or anybody else.’ That was the reaction from the White House today after a widely discussed speech at the Golden Globes last night,” touted anchor Jeff Glor.…

CBS Celebrates Jones' Campaign Efforts, Predicts ‘GOP On the Ropes’

December 14th, 2017 12:27 AM
In the wake of Democrat Doug Jones winning the Alabama Senate race the previous night, many in the liberal media were celebrating Wednesday as analysts predicted dire days for the GOP in the near future. The same was true for CBS Evening News where they spent the first 7 minutes and 36 seconds (over three different segments) touting the result and hyping Democratic divination of future elections.