Peggy Noonan on Latest ObamaCare Delay: ‘Is There Still An ObamaCare

March 9th, 2014 3:08 PM
ABC’s This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos was the only Sunday show that bothered to cover the latest ObamaCare delay and with it came some interesting insight from the panel of political experts. Appearing on Sunday’s program, Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan mocked the latest delay and hilariously asked her fellow panelists if “there still a law? Is there still an ObamaCare law? It'…

ABC Cheers 'Breakthrough' Debt Deal, Ignores Rising National Debt

February 11th, 2014 8:06 PM
The ABC World News cheered Tuesday's "breakthrough" debt deal with nary a mention of the rising national debt. The House voted to raise the debt limit with no conditions, yet ABC cast the development as entirely positive. Correspondent Jeff Zeleny hailed the move as "a huge breakthrough for the dysfunction that really has held this capital hostage for nearly three years."

S.E. Cupp Rips Into Obama Adviser After ABC's Karl Says He Has the 'Fa

February 10th, 2014 9:45 AM
On “This Week” on Sunday, substitute host Jonathan Karl told Obama adviser David Plouffe that his “far more nuanced” truth might not beat the Republicans’ negative ads when it came to the new Congressional Budget Office report on Obamacare: “The ad saying 2 million fewer jobs is a lot easier than this far more nuanced argument about job lock.” Plouffe tried the lame spin that the American…

Networks Ignore GOP Response to SOTU, But Publicize GOP Congressman Th

January 29th, 2014 10:20 PM
On Wednesday evening's news casts, the networks all hyped GOP congressman Michael Grimm (N.Y.) threatening a reporter after Tuesday's State of the Union address while skipping the Republican response to the address entirely. Of Grimm's outburst, ABC's Jeff Zeleny quipped, "It was not the State of the Union response Republicans had in mind." It was the response that the networks chose to…

Advocacy: ABC Targets Congressional GOPers Who Voted Against Reopening

October 18th, 2013 5:24 PM
 ABC on Thursday night took a victory lap in its effort to blame congressional Republicans for the government shutdown. World News reporter Jeff Zeleny and other journalists at the network phoned all the House and Senate GOP members who opposed the deal to reopen the federal government. These reporters demanded to know if the lawmakers would give back the salary they earned during the 16-day…

ABC Ignores Its Own Question Assigning Shutdown Blame to Obama, Touts

October 2nd, 2013 3:38 PM
  As Barack Obama wrapped up a speech from the White House on Tuesday, reporter Jon Karl of ABC actually shouted a tough question at the President, wondering, "...If you won't negotiate, how can you get a solution? How can you bring an end to this if you won't talk to the congressional leaders?" [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Anchor George Stephanopoulos noted that "Obama ignor[ed] a…

ABC's Jeff Zeleny Finds GOP 'Cracks Emerging'-- From Rep Who Already O

October 1st, 2013 4:42 PM
  ABC reporter Jeff Zeleny on Tuesday afternoon excitedly told viewers that "cracks" are "emerging" in the Republican opposition to the government shutdown. His example of this? A GOP congressman already on record opposing a shutdown. Following live coverage of Barack Obama's speech, the journalist related, "But a couple cracks emerging, including a congressman from Virginia, a military district…

'Good Morning America' On Shutdown: World To End, Minorities Hardest H

September 29th, 2013 9:16 AM
It's a classic example of the MSM's use of sympathetic individual anecdotes to manipulate public opinion in favor of more and bigger government. Today's Good Morning America segment on the looming government shutdown, narrated by former New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny, offered the stories of just two people, both African-Americans, both of whom might be hurt by a government shutdown. And…

After Mocking 'Bizarre' Ted Cruz, ABC Finds a Man Who Will Lose Covera

September 26th, 2013 2:35 PM
ABC on Wednesday morning dismissed Ted Cruz as "bizarre." But that night on the network's World News, reporter Jeff Zeleny  featured a man who will lose his health coverage because of ObamaCare. In a noticeable break from Good Morning America's coverage, Zeleny also allowed, "The bottom line for millions: many young and healthy will likely pay more while older and sick Americans get a break and…

On Saturday GMA, Obama's 'Personality' at Press Conference Admired Whi

August 12th, 2013 6:15 PM
President Obama held a press conference Friday in which he called for stricter controls over the government’s domestic surveillance system and commented on his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. But to ABC’s Good Morning America, those developments were not the primary news. Their main takeaway was that the president showed personality. Seriously, that was the angle that…

ABC’s Zeleny Prods McCain to Attack Fellow Republicans, Praise Chuck

August 8th, 2013 6:12 PM
There’s nothing liberal media members love more than a Republican who attacks other Republicans in front of the TV cameras. That probably explains the media’s rediscovered fascination with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the 2008 GOP presidential nominee. ABC’s Jeff Zeleny interviewed McCain last Friday for the ABC News / Yahoo News online series The Fine Print, and he used the veteran senator as a…

ABC’s Jeff Zeleny Conducts Puffy, Shoe-Focused Interview With Wendy

July 4th, 2013 10:00 AM
The liberal media just can’t get enough of Texas state senator Wendy Davis, and neither can Jeff Zeleny of ABC News. Zeleny interviewed the now-famous abortion filibusterer for the ABC News/Yahoo! News Power Players blog, and the conversation was loaded with softballs and fluff. Among the softballs was Zeleny’s fascination with the pink running shoes Davis wore during her filibuster. In fact,…

Networks Ignore Rape Threats Hurled At Pro-Life Texas State Senator

July 3rd, 2013 11:01 AM
As Texas State Senator Wendy Davis continues to be fawned over by liberals for her filibuster of SB 5, Texas’ latest abortion law, the media have also given her political cover by omitting key details about the bill. It would have banned abortions at 20-weeks and forced clinics to undergo modifications to be reclassified as a surgical centers. After all, a late term abortion is surgery at that…

Networks Still Boosting Wendy Davis' 'Epic' Pro-Abortion Filibuster Al

July 1st, 2013 5:40 PM
The Big Three networks still can't get enough of Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, nearly a week after her extended filibuster against pro-life legislation on June 25, 2013. All three brought on Davis during their Sunday morning talk programs, and continued hyping the supportive response on social media that Davis received in response to her "epic eleven-hour filibuster", as NBC' s Janet…