ABC Touts 'Slamming' of Anti-Gun Control Senator at Town Hall, But Moc

May 3rd, 2013 3:35 PM
Good Morning America's Jeff Zeleny on Friday hyped a Senator being "slammed" by pro-gun control voices at a town hall. Yet, the same network back in 2009 worried about Tea Party town halls "getting ugly." Highlighting a New Hampshire event with Republican Kelly Ayotte, Zeleny featured multiple snippets of Americans impacted by gun violence and summerized that they are "trying to understand how…

ABC Foams Over 'Racial' Gaffe By Republican Congressman: 11 References

April 1st, 2013 12:22 PM
The reporters and hosts of Good Morning America really want you to know something: Don Young is a Republican. The ABC morning show on Saturday featured 11 mentions of the Congressman's party affiliation in a span of just two minutes. Young referred to "wetbacks" in an interview last week. An ABC graphic blared, "Congressman uses racist term." Co-host Bianna Golodryga insisted that "this…

Sunday New York Times Full of 'Far Right' Labels for Congressional Rep

February 4th, 2013 3:10 PM
The headline and lead story in Sunday's New York Times warned of "far right" Republicans. Jeff Zeleny (pictured) is more balanced than most Times political reporters, but has a bad habit of "far right" labeling. The headline: "Top G.O.P. Donors Seek Greater Say In Senate Races – Bid To Cull Challenges -- Taking Aim at hopefuls Viewed as Too Far Right to Win." Zeleny included the unflattering…

NYT Public Editor Ludicrously Claims of Most Times Reporters, 'You Wou

January 25th, 2013 4:45 PM
Your media bias laugh of the day: New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan claimed "you wouldn't know who" most Times reporters voted for, on Friday's edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe. Mediaite's Noah Rothman reported the exchange between host Joe Scarborough and Sullivan. Scarborough: "Because I see guys like Jeff Zeleny, Mark Leibovich. These guys, I couldn't tell you how they vote in…

NYT's Zeleny: 'Closing Days of the Race...Like Watching '08 in Reverse

October 25th, 2012 4:25 PM
It's becoming very clear that Obama's media are starting to realize the candidate they helped get elected four years ago is in serious trouble. Count New York Times Washington Bureau correspondent Jeff Zeleny who tweeted moments ago, "In closing days of the race, Romney frames his candidacy as 'big-choice' vs. status quo of Obama. It's like watching '08 in reverse":

Ingraham and Hume Scold NYT’s Zeleny and Media for Not Pursuing Obam

October 14th, 2012 2:42 PM
With New York Times political reporter Jeff Zeleny sitting next to her on the Fox News Sunday set, radio host Laura Ingraham demanded: “I would hope that the New York Times, as they camped outside of Scooter Libby’s house, during the whole Valerie Plame thing -- are you guys camped out of the Susan Rice residence?” After reciting the administration’s dissembling, she concluded: “This is…

As Other Outlets See Romney Debate Win, NYTimes Plays It Neutral: 'Fee

October 4th, 2012 11:21 AM
The first Obama-Romney presidential debate of 2012 ran under this less-than-informative banner headline in Thursday's New York Times: "Obama and Romney, in First Debate, Spar Over Fixing the Economy." The actual headline to the story by Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg also failed to capture the sense, overwhelming even among the liberal press, that Romney had helped himself with a sharp,…

NYTimes Buries Two Controversial Obama Statements, Plays Up Romney Cam

September 21st, 2012 4:26 PM
Friday's New York Times front page featured Jeff Zeleny (pictured) and Jim Rutenberg's "Political Memo" on the "daunting" struggles of the Mitt Romney campaign: "Daunting Path Greets Romney Before Debates – He's Hoping to Change Campaign Dynamic." Again the Times focused on the political damage fostered by Mitt Romney's (accurate) statement at a fundraiser that 47 percent of Americans do not…

New York Times Blares Mildly Good Poll News for Obama on Two Consecuti

September 17th, 2012 2:38 PM
The New York Times is milking its latest poll, showing some good news for Obama, to maximum effect. Sunday's front-page featured a poll story from one of the paper's top Obama boosters, White House correspondent Jackie Calmes (pictured): "Challenged on Medicare, G.O.P. Loses Ground." Text box: "Polls Show Favor for Obama on Issue of Party Trust." Calmes writes from Orlando:

Democrats' Keynote Speaker Julian Castro Spared GOP-Style Fact-Checkin

September 5th, 2012 5:07 PM
Gov. Chris Christie's keynote address at the Republican convention didn't warrant a full story last week in the New York Times. Yet when San Antonio mayor Julian Castro delivered the keynote to the Democratic convention, Jeff Zeleny offered a full story in Wednesday's edition, giving the Democrats space from which to blast Republicans: "New Democratic Voice Challenges Republican Vision." Castro…

NYT Hits Romney's 'False Claims' of Obama Eliminating Work Requirement

August 27th, 2012 3:24 PM
Sunday's lead New York Times story by the political team of Jeff Zeleny (pictured) and Jim Rutenberg accused Romney of playing the race card with false ads on welfare reform: "Romney Adopts Harder Message For Last Stretch – Nod To White Workers – A Tropical Storm Threat Forces Party to Delay Convention by a Day." The Times accused the Romney campaign of ads "falsely charging that Mr. Obama…

Should Romney Deliver 'Powerful Counterpunch' Or 'Shift to Positive Ca

July 12th, 2012 5:10 PM
No matter what campaign tactic Mitt Romney chooses, it's the wrong one. A July 12 New York Times headline reads: "Romney Faces Calls to Deliver Counterpunch." Jeff Zeleny and Ashley Parker began their front-page "campaign memo" relaying concerns from the GOP that he is not counterattacking Obama: Mitt Romney and his team of advisers built a reputation during the Republican primaries as tough…

Scott Walker Wins Handily in Wisconsin, NYTimes Sees Loss of 'Politica

June 6th, 2012 1:12 PM
While confessing Democrats and unions were dealt a "painful blow" Tuesday night as Republican Gov. Scott Walker handily beat Democratic challenger Tom Barrett in the Wisconsin recall election, Wednesday's lead story by Monica Davey and Jeff Zeleny opened with the liberal argument that Walker was to blame for undermining the "civility" of the state's progressive politics by engaging in his…

GOP's Anti-Jeremiah Wright Strategy 'Incendiary, Racially Tinged'....B

May 17th, 2012 6:42 PM
Thursday's New York Times off-lead by Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg was intended to cause heartburn for the Mitt Romney camp: "G.O.P. ‘Super PAC’ Weighing A Hard-Line Attack on Obama." The ad strategy, which was aborted after the Times ran with it on Thursday's front page, would have emphasized Obama's controversial Chicago pastor, the racially inflammatory Jeremiah Wright. But the Times as…