NYT's Seelye Again Flubs John Edwards's Dem ID; Zeleny Calls Indictmen

June 9th, 2011 2:24 PM
Another day, another New York Times story by Katharine Seelye story on liberal Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards that completely leaves out the words "liberal" and "Democrat" -- an admiring profile of Edwards’s loyal daughter, "For Edwards’s Adult Daughter, A Recurring Role: Family Glue," which led Thursday's National section. Seelye’s initial online story on Edwards’s…

Jon Huntsman Jr., the Latest McCain-Style Moderate Republican Pushed b

April 20th, 2011 3:46 PM
Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., a moderate Republican and conservative tweaker who is leaving his post as President Obama’s ambassador to China, is considering a Republican presidential run, according to New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny, whose flattering profile of Huntsman graced Wednesday’s paper: “He’s Done Working for Obama. Now He May Challenge Him in ‘12." Three months before…

CBS Highlights Tea Party Rallies, But Also Plays Up Bad Poll Numbers

April 18th, 2011 5:56 PM
CBS's Jan Crawford spotlighted the Tea Party movement on Monday's Early Show, but also played up how it might present a "challenge" for potential Republican presidential candidates due its apparent unpopularity: "Recent polls show 47% of Americans have an unfavorable view of the movement. So candidates looking for Tea Party votes have to be careful not to alienate moderates." Midway through…

PBS's Gwen Ifill Suggests With Straight Face That Obama Might Steal 'D

April 15th, 2011 9:59 PM
PBS fans love how the show Washington Week is such a peaceful regurgitation of the conventional liberal media wisdom. But there are times in the calm that you wonder what world these liberals are living in. For example, the show's host, Gwen Ifill, seems to think it's plausible that President Obama -- the man who's made trillion-dollar-plus deficits a routine -- could take the "deficit slasher…

NYT Portrays Obama as the Pragmatic 'Centrist' and 'Level-Headed Refer

April 11th, 2011 1:37 PM
Obama the centrist? That’s the takeaway from New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny’s Sunday “news analysis,” “President Adopts a Measured Course to Recapture the Middle.” The original online headline was even more misleading: “President Obama Adopts Centrist Approach.” President Obama opened the week by calling on Democrats to embrace his re-election campaign. He closed it by praising…

On Same Day, NYT Downplays Etheridge Assault, Runs Long Report on 3-Ye

June 15th, 2010 2:28 PM
RELATED: From NB's Noel Sheppard -- "NYT Reports Whitman's 2007 'Shove', Ignores Brown Calling Her Nazi Last Week"If the folks at the New York Times had any sense of shame, they would feel foolish today. A review of the Times's June 15 print edition index and review of the related articles indicates that the paper's editors: Gave reporter Jeff Zeleny about 330 words on Page A21 to recycle a…

New White House Comm. Director: Fox News ‘Not A Traditional News Org

January 19th, 2010 12:53 PM
During a Monday video interview with the New York Times’ The Caucus blog, the new White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer, joined his predecessor Anita Dunn in declaring that Fox News Channel is not a news organization: “I have the same view of Fox that Anita had, which is that Fox is not a traditional news organization.”Responding to a question by Times reporter Jeff Zeleny about Dunn’s…

NYT's Jeff Zeleny Rides to Harry Reid's Defense Over 'Negro' Remark

January 13th, 2010 5:08 PM

NYT's Zeleny Again Involved in Obama Story Scrub

October 31st, 2009 1:50 AM
Bloggers and their readers have "joked" about the New York Times being the official house organ of the Obama White House. Maybe it's not a joke. Earlier this month (as seen at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), several bloggers caught the Times making significant changes to its initial coverage of Chicago's humiliating loss of its bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympics, and of President Obama's…

Lame Gray Lady: NYT Scrubs Major Portion of Original Obama-Olympics Ar

October 4th, 2009 10:23 AM
Those who read the New York Times's coverage of the unsuccessful results of Barack and Michelle Obama's attempt to seal the 2016 Summer Olympics bid for Chicago on Friday afternoon ('For Obama, an Unsuccessful Campaign") might want to read it again. If it doesn't seem the same, it's because it isn't. Blogger Weasel Zippers (HT Hot Air Headlines via Instapundit) caught the Times committing a…

MRC Report Card: Media Coverage of the 9/12 Protests

September 15th, 2009 2:05 PM
Big liberal protests, such as the Million Mom March (for gun control), the 2006 demonstrations in favor of illegal immigrants’ “rights,” and numerous anti-war marches all garnered heavy play and adoring coverage from the broadcast networks, cable news outlets, and big papers like the New York Times. So how did those news outlets react to Saturday’s huge protest with conservative themes? MRC’s…

NY Times Buries Massive Conservative D.C. Rally, Hails Smaller Liberal

September 14th, 2009 2:28 PM
There was a huge protest against Obama's big-government plans at the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, but one was hard-pressed to find evidence of it on the New York Times home page Sunday morning: A small headline tucked under the Political subhead. The print edition wasn't much more forthcoming. Although the Washington D.C. Fire Dept. estimated 60,000 to 70,000 people attended the 9/12 protest, and…

Organizing for Apathy: NYT Column On OFA Ignores This Week's Pathetic

August 15th, 2009 10:07 AM
In an August 14 report appearing on the front page of the paper's August 15 print edition ("Health Debate Fails to Ignite Obama’s Web"), Jeff Zeleny of the New York Times (pictured at right) gave readers a fairly accurate impression, while avoiding the word, of activism turning into apathy in Barack Obama's DNC- and White House-orchestrated Organizing for America (OFA) effort. While Zeleny's…

Another Huge Pro-Democrat Disparity in an NYT/CBS Poll

June 18th, 2009 5:39 PM
New York Times Reporters Jeff Zeleny and Dalia Sussman broke down the latest NYT/CBS News poll Thursday and found Obama's favorable ratings holding steady, but support for his actual policies in the red: "Obama Poll Sees Doubt On Budget And Health Care -- Overall Support High." Usually the Times team of Adam Nagourney and Megan Thee handle the poll stories, and usually Obama comes off looking…