Santorum Slams NYT Reporter: 'Stop Lying' - 'Quit Distorting Our Words

March 26th, 2012 8:43 AM
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum had a very testy exchange with New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny at a campaign stop in Wisconsin Sunday evening. In the midst of the encounter, Santorum angrily said, "Stop lying...Quit distorting our words...It's bulls--t!" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

NYT Goes to "Great Lengths" to Call People at Conservative Political A

February 13th, 2012 4:14 PM
New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny reported Saturday from Mitt Romney’s speech to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in D.C., “Romney’s Record as Governor Resumes Central Role in Nomination Fight,” and noted that Mitt Romney used the “conservative” label “at least 25 times during a 25-minute speech.” Funny Zeleny should mention that, considering a Friday Times report from CPAC…

Obama Decides SuperPAC No 'Threat to Our Democracy' After All, NYTimes

February 8th, 2012 9:06 AM
New York Times campaign reporters Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg found no hypocrisy in President Obama’s Monday flip-flop on the evils of "Super PAC" fund-raising in Tuesday’s front-page story, “Obama Yields In Marshaling Of ‘Super PAC.’” As of yesterday, Obama is encouraging Democrats to give to the political action committee Priorities USA, which is led by two former White House aides. After…

NYTimes Uses GOP Sniping to Label 'Greedy Titan' Mitt Romney

January 10th, 2012 2:56 PM
On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, New York Times political reporters Jeff Zeleny (pictured) and Jim Rutenberg loaded up on crude anti-business stereotypes that went beyond even what front-runner Mitt Romney's GOP rivals were saying, in Tuesday’s “On Primary Eve, Rivals Try to Put Romney on Defensive.” (This version is lightly updated from the print version in Tuesday’s newspaper.)

NYT Goes Label-Crazy on 'Conservatives' in 2012, But in 2008 Dems Were

January 5th, 2012 2:56 PM
Thursday’s lead story on the aftermath of the Iowa caucuses, “Romney Showing Financial Muscle For Next Round,” found New York Times reporters Jim Rutenberg (pictured) and Jeff Zeleny a little label-happy in Manchester, New Hampshire, using twelve variations on the “conservative” label in a 1,236-word story. By contrast, back in 2008, the Times’s Michael Powell actually called the liberal Gov…

NYT Correspondent Knocks Bachmann as 'A Little Bit Combustible and Vol

December 30th, 2011 11:45 AM
Reporting on the campaigns in Iowa on Friday's Early Show, Times political correspondent Jeff Zeleny belittled candidate Michele Bachmann as "a little bit combustible and volatile." Zeleny added that "Anyone knows what she could do," in response to CBS anchor Jeff Glor's question about the potential for a candidate to do something before the Iowa Caucus to change the GOP race. [Video below…

NYT Cheers Obama Attacks on GOP Hopefuls, Was Angered by Bush's in

December 8th, 2011 3:49 PM
Thursday’s New York Times front-page campaign story by Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg prominently featured Obama campaign advisor David Axelrod frankly discussing how the party plans to influence the GOP primary by pitting Newt Gingrich (himself a "juicy target") against Mitt Romney: “Democrats See 2-Horse Race, Adding Whip.” It’s the kind of early White House attacks the Times once disapproved…

NYTimes Again Finds 'Far Right Wing' of GOP; Yet to Locate Democratic

November 17th, 2011 7:24 AM
New York Times political reporters Jeff Zeleny (pictured) and Jim Rutenberg teamed up on Tuesday for a preview of the possible presidential head-to-head matchup Obama vs. Mitt Romney: “As the Primary Campaign Grinds On, Romney’s Team Prepares for Obama.” But they felt the need to put a metaphorical finger on the scale with a negative description of the GOP.

Daily Beast Writer: Perry Gaffe 'Human Equivalent of Shuttle Challenge

November 10th, 2011 1:44 PM
Mark McKinnon, a regular contributor to the liberal Daily Beast website, which owns Newsweek magazine, made a morbid gaffe as he commented on Texas Governor Rick Perry's stumble during the November 9 Republican presidential debate on CNBC. The New York Times on Wednesday quoted McKinnon labeling Perry's brain freeze as the "human equivalent of shuttle Challenger." Times writers Jeff Zeleny…

NYTimes Claims Poll Finds America Has Affinity for Lefty OWS Protester

October 26th, 2011 3:41 PM
“Almost half of the public” thinks the left-wing Occupy Wall Street movement accurately reflects the views of Americans, claims the New York Times in Wednesday’s off-lead, “New Poll Finds A Deep Distrust of Government – Anxiety Over Economy – Concentration of Wealth Seen as Key Issue in a Volatile Time.” Jeff Zeleny and Megan Thee-Brenan played OWS approval high, in paragraph three.

In Midst of Obamamania Media Journalists Fret Obama Victim of the ‘W

August 22nd, 2011 3:29 AM
President Barack Obama continues to benefit from a fawning media of which past Presidents could only dream, yet on Sunday’s This Week two journalists fretted he’s not getting enough credit for his accomplishments, a lack of recognition they blamed on his staff’s poor public relations efforts. Since he’s taken office, FBN’s Liz Claman asserted, “almost every sector in the S&P is up double…

NY Times' Zeleny: 'Both Sides' 'Bruised' in Debt Ceiling Deal; Only Co

August 1st, 2011 3:07 PM
In a front-page “news analysis” piece this morning, Times national political correspondent Jeff Zeleny pronounced that “After a Protracted Fight, Both Sides Emerge Bruised.” Yet Zeleny’s analysis was chock full of the typical liberal bias slant that puffs up President Obama, slams the Tea Party as “intractable” and ignores the partisanship of liberal Senate members, particularly Harry Reid (…

NY Times Reports Bachmann's 'John Wayne' Flub, Ignored Obama's Awful F

June 28th, 2011 4:08 PM
New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny was with Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann in Waterloo, Iowa, at the official launching of her presidential campaign for Tuesday’s “Bachmann Opens Campaign as Expectations Grow.” But Zeleny concluded his mostly balanced story with a reference to Bachmann’s latest in a “string of gaffes” – her mistaken claim that Western movie star John Wayne had been born in…

NY Times Headlines Romney's Jobless Joke, Ignored Obama's 'Shovel-Read

June 20th, 2011 3:34 PM
New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny followed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to Tampa and filed “Democrats Scowl at Romney Joke” for Friday's edition, treating as a weighty matter a harmless joke by the candidate to a group of unemployed people as one of a series of “occasionally remarks.” Yet the Times has remained silent as President Obama has reeled off a…