Bill Keller Resigns as NY Times Editor, Reporter Hails His 'Great Jour

June 2nd, 2011 12:27 PM
In a surprise announcement, Bill Keller is resigning as New York Times executive editor as of September 6. He will be replaced by Jill Abramson, the paper’s managing editor, Jeremy Peters reported on Thursday morning. Keller will still write for the paper: "As for Mr. Keller’s plans, he said he was still working out the details of a column he will write for the paper’s new Sunday…

NYT: Jay Carney, 'Non-Partisan' Reporter Turned Obama WH Press Secreta

March 17th, 2011 1:14 PM
Thursday’s New York Times featured a puffball profile by Jeremy Peters of Jay Carney, the recently installed White House press secretary and former reporter for Time magazine undergoing a trial by fire in the wake of international crises. Carney left Time after the election to become communications director for Vice President Biden before getting his White House promotion. The story headline…

NY Times Whines That 'Partisans Adopt Deceit As a Tactic,' Ignore Hidd

March 15th, 2011 3:10 PM
The New York Times provided decent front-page coverage of the emerging scandal that took down top executives at National Public Radio, a hidden-camera sting that caught top fundraiser Ron Schiller making prejudicial remarks against Republicans in general and the Tea Party movement in particular. The backlash resulted in the resignation of Ron Schiller as well as NPR President and chief…

NY Times Reporters Defend Paper's Coverage of Tucson Shootings, Dubiou

January 18th, 2011 7:56 AM
New York Times media reporters Jeremy Peters and Brian Stelter sounded a little defensive in Monday’s Business section story on the political blame game that immediately followed the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the killing of six others in Tucson. The confusing headline: “After Tucson, Blanket Accusations Leave Much to Interpretation.” For every action in politics today, there’s…

As Newspapers Inhale Cash From Medical Marijuana Ads, NY Times Skips U

October 5th, 2010 2:08 PM
Medical marijuana is an evergreen (pardon the pun) topic for alternative weeklies, along with the return of vinyl records. The recent loosening of federal regulations under Obama have pushed the issue into the mainstream, with one surprising side effect -- a huge boost in ad sales for alternative papers and even some mainstream dailies, as medical marijuana businesses like "Happy Buddah" and "…

The NYT's Skewed View: Liberal Newsweek 'Strives to Be Apolitical," Fa

July 2nd, 2010 9:12 AM
Two stories in Thursday's New York Times featured the paper avoiding pinning liberal labels on two media organs: the liberal newsmagazine Newsweek and the far-left political blog Daily Kos.Reporter Jeremy Peters insisted in Thursday's Business Day that the left-leaning magazine Newsweek was "apolitical," yet easily spotted a right tilt in two potential purchasers of the struggling weekly: "2…

More Washington Post Hijinks? Reporter Cancels Book Party Appearance H

June 10th, 2010 8:38 PM
It's probably safe to assume that a lot of reporters in the mainstream media lean to the left side of the ideological spectrum. And it was seen throughout the health care debate over the past year and a half - that somehow we need to raise the rhetoric beyond hyperbole like death panels, etc. One of those reporters was The Washington Post's health care reporter Ceci Connolly, who last summer…

NYT: GOP Is Ripping Itself Apart & Off-Year Elections Don't Matter (Un

November 4th, 2009 3:57 PM

Gay-Friendly Protest Coverage of NY Times in Sharp Contrast to Sour

October 12th, 2009 4:51 PM
Sunday's gay rights rally on Capitol Hill garnered a positive story on the first page of Monday's New York Times National section by reporter Jeremy Peters, "New Generation of Gay Rights Advocates March to Put Pressure on the President." Peters claimed that "tens of thousands" had gathered on the West Lawn of the Capitol Sunday to prod Barack Obama to move more aggressively to promote greater…