New York Times Columnists Battle Over Susan Rice and Benghazi

November 28th, 2012 4:24 PM
Wednesday's New York Times front page featured Susan Rice's failed attempt to assuage concerns of three Senate Republicans on her false statements about the Benghazi massacre in "Rice Concedes Error on Libya: G.O.P. Digs In." Inside was an unflattering photo of a peeved-looking Sen. John McCain. Posing Republican senator and Rice critic McCain as the bad guy, an on-line text box accompanying…

Surprise: New York Times Actually Takes Seriously Obama 2007 Video Pra

October 4th, 2012 5:03 PM
In a bit of a surprise, New York Times reporters Jeremy Peters and Jim Rutenberg filed a longish article on a recently unearthed Obama video from 2007 showing the president in a fiery, racially charged mode and praising his anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright, a video downplayed or ignored by most of the mainstream media: "Race at Issue for Obama As Right Revives '07 Talk." Less surprising…

New York Times' Peters Singles Out GOP Ads (Willie Horton, Swift Boat

September 26th, 2012 10:50 AM
New York Times media reporter Jeremy Peters singled out Republican campaign ads as uniquely "synonymous with dirty politics" in Tuesday's "Conservative ‘Super PACs’ Sharpen Their Synchronized On-Air Message." Independent political groups have long been the guerrilla warriors of presidential elections, tossing explosive advertisements into the middle of a campaign like hand grenades, with…

FOX Only Network to Cover Fast & Furious, Holder Hearings, Obama's Biz

July 19th, 2012 1:22 PM
New York Times media reporter Jeremy Peters unwittingly revealed the widespread liberal bias of the media in Thursday's report on how the Fox News Channel has really gotten under President Obama's skin: "Jokes About Fox News Creep Into Obama's Comments as the Campaign Heats Up." Few things seem to pique President Obama like Fox News.

NYT Leads Front-Page Cheers for Obama Enthusiasm at Gay Pride Rallies

June 26th, 2012 1:53 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters led Monday's front-page cheers for the new enthusiasm in the gay community surrounding Barack Obama's reelection campaign: "In Gay Pride Legions, Seeing an Obama Army." To most passers-by, the tens of thousands of people who jammed the sidewalks of Greenwich Village on Sunday were just the typical tank-top-clad revelers of a gay pride weekend.

Huh? New York Times Reporter Attacks 'Fox and Friends' for Partisan Sl

June 21st, 2012 9:20 PM
Ignoring the liberal slant of virtually every other media outlet, New York Times media reporter Jeremy Peters singled out the Fox News morning show Fox and Friends for partisan slant: "Enemies And Allies For ‘Friends.’" Peters never questioned why Republican candidates may shun liberal media outlets like NBC. When it comes to sitting for interviews Mitt Romney is not usually a willing and…

Sympathy for 'the Devil': Anna Wintour 'an Engaged Politico and Valuab

June 19th, 2012 2:52 PM
The New York Times went full Hollywood on the front of Sunday Styles. Jeremy Peters, a political-media reporter for the paper, profiled the imperious fashionista Anna Wintour as "an engaged politico and valuable asset to President Obama and his re-election effort." Wintour, the inspiration for the book and movie The Devil Wears Prada, raised her profile when she released a much-mocked fund-…

NYT's Stelter Reports Media's Support for Gay Marriage, as His Paper D

May 16th, 2012 2:32 PM
Brian Stelter's media reporting for the New York Times slants to the left, but even he seemed to acknowledge that the mainstream press is strongly supportive of gay marriage in a May 10 blog post: For years, conservative media critics have asserted that many mainstream journalists favor gay marriage and tilt their coverage of the topic accordingly. On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Thursday, Mark…

NYT's Peters Notes Gov. Nikki Haley Once Hit With 'Unfounded Blog Repo

April 11th, 2012 2:10 PM
New York Times media reporter Jeremy Peters on Tuesday defended Republican Gov Nikki Haley of South Carolina from a phony scandal story that made the rounds of the media via Twitter last week, in "A Lie Races On Twitter Before Truth Can Boot Up." Peters reminded readers that Haley had previously been hit with an "unfounded blog report of marital infidelity." So why did the Times eagerly make…

Andrew Breitbart's Legacy 'Just Stunts and Demagoguery,' Suggests NYTi

March 2nd, 2012 11:43 AM
New York Times media editor Bruce Headlam was less than gracious after the sudden death of conservative media activist Andrew Breitbart, citing in a Times webcast “his willingness to push the limits of what he saw as journalism, what a lot of other people saw as just stunts and demagoguery.” Media reporter Jeremy Peters wrote the official Times obituary Friday for Breitbart, who died suddenly…

NYT's Peters on the 'Dog-Whistle Politics,' Subliminal Crosses of the

December 28th, 2011 4:36 PM
New York Times media reporter Jeremy Peters was seeing things in Wednesday’s story on secret, “dog-whistle” religious appeals by GOP candidates past and present: “Appealing to Evangelicals, Hopefuls Pack Religion Into Ads.” “Dog-whistle politics” is a derogatory term, often employed to describe what liberals consider to be coded, subliminal racist messages “pitched” too high for the general…

Journalists Warned in NYT: Beware of Conservative Bloggers Targeting Y

August 31st, 2011 7:53 PM
New York Times media reporter Jeremy Peters issued a warning to young journalists on Wednesday’s front page, “Covering 2012, Youths on the Bus”: There are partisan bloggers out there who are out to embarrass mainstream journalists. Ironic, given that mainstream journalists have been doing just that to conservative politicians for decades. A group of five fresh-faced reporters from National…

Mr. Hard News: NY Times's Michael Shear, Bitter About Talking Weiner

June 13th, 2011 3:59 PM
Michael Shear, chief writer for the New York Times’s “Caucus” blog, sounded sarcastic and bitter, almost angry, at the opening of the paper’s last “Caucus” podcast on Thursday about having to talk about the Anthony Weiner sex scandal. Host Sam Roberts: “But you pointed out that this is a particularly inopportune time for this latest sex scandal to break in Washington. Why is that?” Michael…

NYT Gives Breitbart His Due, Admits Media Hold Him at Arm's Length

June 7th, 2011 5:53 PM
New York Times media reporters Jeremy Peters and Jennifer Preston recognized conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart (pictured below) for breaking the Weiner-gate scandal that resulted in a dramatic press conference Monday afternoon where both Brietbart and Rep. Weiner spoke. "Conservative Blogger, a Go-To Source for Political Scandal, Looks for Legitimacy" was printed in Tuesday's Metro…